Mr. Qoo의 노트(128)
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
노트 열어보기
《幻塔》新手必知3大世界BOSS介紹 小初新也能戰勝花王、狗和龍蝦! - QooApp : Anime Game Platform
輕科幻開放世界跨平台遊戲《幻塔》自8月11日全球同步推出已滿一週,期間玩家討論度不斷。在上一篇 QooApp 編輯針對剛入坑的新手們提供遊戲前期指引,這次則將介紹《幻塔》新手期必知的世界 BOSS,以及打 BOSS 的小 tips 喔!
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
推薦☆ 一起至艾達星冒險吧!
要了解《幻塔》,看這篇準沒錯 還幫你準備好了 QooApp 限定的虛寶~ 노트 열어보기 輕科幻開放世界 MMORPG《幻塔》首週試玩心得 新手首抽、自選 SSR 指引介紹 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 由艾玩天地所代理的輕科幻開放世界MMORPG《幻塔》日前已在8月11日在全球同步推出,遊戲的自由度相當高,所以可能有些玩家一進入遊戲會不知道該做什麼,這邊 QooApp 的編輯也給剛入坑或新手玩家們一些指引,以及編輯個人首週的遊戲體驗心得。 노트 열어보기 輕科幻開放世界 MMORPG《幻塔》首週試玩心得 新手首抽、自選 SSR 指引介紹 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 由艾玩天地所代理的輕科幻開放世界MMORPG《幻塔》日前已在8月11日在全球同步推出,遊戲的自由度相當高,所以可能有些玩家一進入遊戲會不知道該做什麼,這邊 QooApp 的編輯也給剛入坑或新手玩家們一些指引,以及編輯個人首週的遊戲體驗心得。
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
別錯過!《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》最強人權卡登場
可以趁這次 Pick up 抽 SSR 的「北部玄駒」啦
獲得人權卡後一定會對日後有很大幫助~ 노트 열어보기 不抽小北枉為訓練員?《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》新特選轉蛋介紹 最強人權速卡登場 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 超人氣養成遊戲《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》繁中版在8月1日更新了訓練員們最期待的「特選 Pretty Derby轉蛋」與「特選 支援卡片轉蛋」,相信有不少訓練員已經耳聞這次轉蛋的重要性,QooApp 編輯也提醒大家「All-in一定有風險,All-in 小北有賺有賠,All-in前可詳閱本篇說明」
獲得人權卡後一定會對日後有很大幫助~ 노트 열어보기 不抽小北枉為訓練員?《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》新特選轉蛋介紹 最強人權速卡登場 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 超人氣養成遊戲《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》繁中版在8月1日更新了訓練員們最期待的「特選 Pretty Derby轉蛋」與「特選 支援卡片轉蛋」,相信有不少訓練員已經耳聞這次轉蛋的重要性,QooApp 編輯也提醒大家「All-in一定有風險,All-in 小北有賺有賠,All-in前可詳閱本篇說明」
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
這裡有 #雷電模擬器 實測,趕快來體驗更便捷的遊戲方式吧~ 노트 열어보기 雷電模擬器9實測:效能及穩定性大幅提升的手遊體驗 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 最新更新的雷電模擬器9,將作業系統升級至 Android 9版本,提供更優秀的效能和穩定性。新版本比起雷電模擬器4.0支援更多款遊戲,並能夠以更快的速度啟動,並擁有穩定的運行時間,為有多開遊戲需求的玩家提供最棒的安心感。 노트 열어보기 雷電模擬器9實測:效能及穩定性大幅提升的手遊體驗 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 最新更新的雷電模擬器9,將作業系統升級至 Android 9版本,提供更優秀的效能和穩定性。新版本比起雷電模擬器4.0支援更多款遊戲,並能夠以更快的速度啟動,並擁有穩定的運行時間,為有多開遊戲需求的玩家提供最棒的安心感。
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
[Finished] 20 questions for this year too ~ You Like, I answer!
Follow the steps below! You press the #Like button and I will answer, answers already updated on July 22 and 29 (GMT+7)
You are welcome to ask questions in the #comments as well, I will pick some good ones to answer!
노트 열어보기
You are welcome to ask questions in the #comments as well, I will pick some good ones to answer!
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》首抽、培育系統介紹 노트 열어보기 《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》是一款真正用愛灌溉的遊戲!給新手訓練員的首抽、培育系統介紹 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 由日本Cygames開發、小萌科技代理的超人氣養成遊戲《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》繁體中文版已正式推出,QooApp編輯也針對新手訓練師整理了遊戲系統介紹與遊戲指引參考,希望可以幫助你的賽馬娘不會輸在起跑點! 노트 열어보기 《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》是一款真正用愛灌溉的遊戲!給新手訓練員的首抽、培育系統介紹 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 由日本Cygames開發、小萌科技代理的超人氣養成遊戲《賽馬娘Pretty Derby》繁體中文版已正式推出,QooApp編輯也針對新手訓練師整理了遊戲系統介紹與遊戲指引參考,希望可以幫助你的賽馬娘不會輸在起跑點!
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
有興趣的玩家6月21日就可以下載來玩囉! 노트 열어보기 台灣原創IP《王領英雄》CBT心得評測 多元玩法、豐富系統有新意 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 台灣自製原創手遊《王領英雄》於6月9日至6月13日舉行了「菁英封測」活動,QooApp 編輯也為玩家們帶來簡短的菁英封測試玩心得,在遊戲推出前能大致了解遊戲特色和玩法。 노트 열어보기 台灣原創IP《王領英雄》CBT心得評測 多元玩法、豐富系統有新意 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 台灣自製原創手遊《王領英雄》於6月9日至6月13日舉行了「菁英封測」活動,QooApp 編輯也為玩家們帶來簡短的菁英封測試玩心得,在遊戲推出前能大致了解遊戲特色和玩法。
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
2nd Round Community Moderator Recruitment!
Hello, my otaQoo friends! We are going to recruit community moderators again!
Let's build a friendly environment to enjoy otaku culture in QooApp and get REWARDED on a regular basis!
We are now looking for 5 community moderators for QooApp! As a moderator, you will monitor the community and create a user-friendly environment for the fellow otaQoos!
Application Duration:
6/6/2022 ~ 30/6/2022 (or when we have 5 suitable applicants)
Our preferences:
To maintain the community more efficiently, we prefer users who speak/understand one of the languages besides English as below:
1. Thai
2. French
3. Indonesian
🔰General Requirements🔰
*Have enthusiasm for QooApp, follow the QooApp Community guidelines and the admins’ management.
*Have enough time (more than 2 hours per week) to manage the community section.
🔍Moderator Responsibilities🔍
*Report inappropriate contents (e.g. sexual, violence, spam and all those that violate QooApp TOS)
*Answer users’ questions (Optional)
*Guide new users to use the app properly (Optional)
Please fill in your application here:
* If applicants are accepted as moderators, they will need to join a discord server and report their jobs every month.
⚠️ Q&A ⚠️
Q: What rewards do moderators get?
A: They will receive a “Community Moderator” badge. They are awarded QooApp gacha tickets every month (50 or above). We will also have moderators-limited events from time to time! Better quality of work means more valuable rewards!
Q: Any evaluation?
A: We will be reviewing all moderators’ work every month. If we find out a mod is slacking off or receive valid reports against the mod, we will take it into account and consider terminating that mod.
⚠️ Attention⚠️
1. QooApp will immediately review an application once received and contact the selected applicants in 14 days upon application. Please consider yourselves not accepted if you have not got a reply within 14 days.
2. Moderators need to be objective with all content and users. QooApp will terminate any moderator if they misuse their rights.
3. QooApp has the right to terminate any moderator if s/he no longer meets the requirement.
4. QooApp reserves the right to final decision.
노트 열어보기
Let's build a friendly environment to enjoy otaku culture in QooApp and get REWARDED on a regular basis!
We are now looking for 5 community moderators for QooApp! As a moderator, you will monitor the community and create a user-friendly environment for the fellow otaQoos!
Application Duration:
6/6/2022 ~ 30/6/2022 (or when we have 5 suitable applicants)
Our preferences:
To maintain the community more efficiently, we prefer users who speak/understand one of the languages besides English as below:
1. Thai
2. French
3. Indonesian
🔰General Requirements🔰
*Have enthusiasm for QooApp, follow the QooApp Community guidelines and the admins’ management.
*Have enough time (more than 2 hours per week) to manage the community section.
🔍Moderator Responsibilities🔍
*Report inappropriate contents (e.g. sexual, violence, spam and all those that violate QooApp TOS)
*Answer users’ questions (Optional)
*Guide new users to use the app properly (Optional)
Please fill in your application here:
* If applicants are accepted as moderators, they will need to join a discord server and report their jobs every month.
⚠️ Q&A ⚠️
Q: What rewards do moderators get?
A: They will receive a “Community Moderator” badge. They are awarded QooApp gacha tickets every month (50 or above). We will also have moderators-limited events from time to time! Better quality of work means more valuable rewards!
Q: Any evaluation?
A: We will be reviewing all moderators’ work every month. If we find out a mod is slacking off or receive valid reports against the mod, we will take it into account and consider terminating that mod.
⚠️ Attention⚠️
1. QooApp will immediately review an application once received and contact the selected applicants in 14 days upon application. Please consider yourselves not accepted if you have not got a reply within 14 days.
2. Moderators need to be objective with all content and users. QooApp will terminate any moderator if they misuse their rights.
3. QooApp has the right to terminate any moderator if s/he no longer meets the requirement.
4. QooApp reserves the right to final decision.
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
🔥 Resultados de la competencia Bote del Dragón🔥
En este concurso:
El bote de dragón de Elly avanzó 526.5 metros
El bote de dragón de Gilbert avanzó 338.5 metros
¡Felicidades a Elly por la victoria!
노트 열어보기
El bote de dragón de Elly avanzó 526.5 metros
El bote de dragón de Gilbert avanzó 338.5 metros
¡Felicidades a Elly por la victoria!
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
🔥 Result Announcements 🔥
In This Contest:
Elly’s dragon boat advanced 1472.5 meters
Gilbert’s dragon boat advanced 1088 meters
Congrats Elly for the victory!
노트 열어보기
Elly’s dragon boat advanced 1472.5 meters
Gilbert’s dragon boat advanced 1088 meters
Congrats Elly for the victory!
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
🔥 結果揭曉 🔥
Elly 的龍舟共前進 2999.5 米
Gilbert 的龍舟共前進 1448 米
本人的觀光船共前進 258 米
恭喜 Elly 贏得了比賽勝利!
#端午線上龍舟賽 #端午立Q蛋2022
노트 열어보기
Elly 的龍舟共前進 2999.5 米
Gilbert 的龍舟共前進 1448 米
本人的觀光船共前進 258 米
恭喜 Elly 贏得了比賽勝利!
#端午線上龍舟賽 #端午立Q蛋2022
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
Yo solo estoy viendo el concurso con una buena comida
Un nuevo marco de avatar está disponible. ¡Ve a la personalización para ponértelo!
(No estoy en el concurso del bote del dragón, así que no esperen nada más que mi agradecimiento por darle me gusta a esta nota)
⬇⬇⬇ Cuéntanos tu experiencia con el Festival ⬇⬇⬇
노트 열어보기
(No estoy en el concurso del bote del dragón, así que no esperen nada más que mi agradecimiento por darle me gusta a esta nota)
⬇⬇⬇ Cuéntanos tu experiencia con el Festival ⬇⬇⬇
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
Match watching with a nice rice dumpling
A new avatar frame is available. Go to customization to put it on!
(I am not in the dragon boat contest, so don’t expect any goodies apart from my appreciation for liking this note)
⬇⬇⬇ Tell us about your experience with the Dragon Boat Festival ⬇⬇⬇
노트 열어보기
(I am not in the dragon boat contest, so don’t expect any goodies apart from my appreciation for liking this note)
⬇⬇⬇ Tell us about your experience with the Dragon Boat Festival ⬇⬇⬇
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
這裡有一篇熱騰騰的遊戲評測!裡面還要抽遊戲送你,路過滑過不要錯過! 노트 열어보기 懸疑愛情文字冒險《葬花》100%完成心得 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 文字冒險遊戲《葬花》的故事基礎,是來自於中學課本常見的 陶淵明《桃花源記》。如今由中國獨立遊戲開發團隊 零創遊戲 重新打造,以不同對立主題重新創作,配合20萬字文本帶來的分支劇情玩法,讓玩家「聞之欣然規往。」 노트 열어보기 懸疑愛情文字冒險《葬花》100%完成心得 - QooApp : Anime Game Platform 文字冒險遊戲《葬花》的故事基礎,是來自於中學課本常見的 陶淵明《桃花源記》。如今由中國獨立遊戲開發團隊 零創遊戲 重新打造,以不同對立主題重新創作,配合20萬字文本帶來的分支劇情玩法,讓玩家「聞之欣然規往。」
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
恭喜獲得這位Q蛋獲得「10,680 張轉蛋券」:
Elly 留言:
Elly 注意到很多人弄錯規則,沒有寫筆記
但為感謝大家踴躍參與,不論是寫筆記或給 Mr.Qoo 留言,Elly 給各位都發了獎勵~
노트 열어보기
恭喜獲得這位Q蛋獲得「10,680 張轉蛋券」:
Elly 留言:
Elly 注意到很多人弄錯規則,沒有寫筆記
但為感謝大家踴躍參與,不論是寫筆記或給 Mr.Qoo 留言,Elly 給各位都發了獎勵~
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
參加本期話題(#2022新年快樂 ),Mr.Qoo 親自抽1人,加碼送一生不愁吃穿的 10,680 轉蛋券(相當於每月30天,40個月連續登入QooApp)。
#我要領40個月年終 노트 열어보기
參加本期話題(#2022新年快樂 ),Mr.Qoo 親自抽1人,加碼送一生不愁吃穿的 10,680 轉蛋券(相當於每月30天,40個月連續登入QooApp)。
#我要領40個月年終 노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
[Career] Spanish Community Translator (Freelance)
QooApp is a professional platform specialising in Anime, Comics and Games (ACG) culture. We aim to unite ACG fans around the globe and help them as thoroughly as we can.
We are looking for professional, experienced candidates to become members of our growing global team.
■ Game Translation: English - Spanish translation;
■ Copywriting: Writing and updating Spanish description for mobile games;
■ Trend Discovery: Looking for trends of otaku culture on social media.
▍As a Spanish Community Translator for QooApp, YOU SHOULD:
■ Describe yourself as a hardcore gamer & anime fan;
■ Native fluency of LATAM Spanish and advanced English proficiency. Both reading and writing (C1 or above).
■ Have the ability to work on your own initiative;
■ Have basic knowledge of operating social media platforms.
■ Assertiveness and can-do attitude.
■ Good knowledge of google suite.
▍Nice to haves
■ Previous experience in localizations.
■ Intermediate level in Chinese or Japanese
▍Our Offer
■ Salary: To be negotiable depending experience
■ Working hours: Anytime between 10:00 am - 08:00 pm PST, at least 12-15 hours of attendance a week.
■ A gateway to learn about the ACG industry and enter the industry in the future
■ An opportunity to acquire various technical skills, such as marketing and operation
■ Possible extension of responsibilities to include operations and marketing in the future.
■ A fun, open minded work culture
Please fill in your application here:
*Only candidates who meet the basic eligibility requirements will be contacted for the next step to do a small test that will be reviewed by our team and go to.
-------Descripción en español -------
QooApp es una plataforma profesional especializada en la cultura del anime, los cómics y los juegos (ACG). Nuestro objetivo es unir a los aficionados al ACG de todo el mundo y ayudarles de la forma más completa posible.
Buscamos candidatos profesionales y con experiencia para formar parte de nuestro creciente equipo global.
■ Traducción y localización: Traducción inglés - español;
■ Redacción de textos: Redacción y actualización de la descripción en español de los juegos para móviles;
■ Descubrimiento de tendencias: Buscar tendencias de la cultura otaku en las redes sociales.
▍Como traductor de la comunidad en español para QooApp, DEBES:
■ Describirte como un hardcore gamer & anime fan;
■ Tener ominio nativo del español de LATAM y dominio avanzado del inglés. Tanto en lectura como en escritura (C1 o superior).
■ Tener la capacidad de trabajar por iniciativa propia;
■ Tener conocimientos básicos de manejo de plataformas de redes sociales.
■ Asertividad y actitud de poder hacer.
■ Buen conocimiento de la suite de google.
▍Tener en cuenta
■ Experiencia previa en localización.
■ Nivel intermedio de chino o japonés.
▍Nuestra oferta
■ Salario: A negociar en función de la experiencia
■ Horario de trabajo: En cualquier momento entre las 10:00 am - 08:00 pm PST, al menos 12-15 horas de asistencia a la semana.
■ Una puerta de entrada para aprender sobre la industria de ACG y entrar en la industria en el futuro
■ Una oportunidad para adquirir diversos conocimientos técnicos, como marketing y funcionamiento
■ Posible ampliación de las responsabilidades para incluir operaciones y marketing en el futuro.
■ Una cultura de trabajo divertida y de mentalidad abierta.
Por favor, rellene su solicitud aquí:
*Sólo los candidatos que cumplan con los requisitos básicos de elegibilidad pasaràn al siguiente paso y serán contactados para hacer una pequeña prueba.
노트 열어보기
We are looking for professional, experienced candidates to become members of our growing global team.
■ Game Translation: English - Spanish translation;
■ Copywriting: Writing and updating Spanish description for mobile games;
■ Trend Discovery: Looking for trends of otaku culture on social media.
▍As a Spanish Community Translator for QooApp, YOU SHOULD:
■ Describe yourself as a hardcore gamer & anime fan;
■ Native fluency of LATAM Spanish and advanced English proficiency. Both reading and writing (C1 or above).
■ Have the ability to work on your own initiative;
■ Have basic knowledge of operating social media platforms.
■ Assertiveness and can-do attitude.
■ Good knowledge of google suite.
▍Nice to haves
■ Previous experience in localizations.
■ Intermediate level in Chinese or Japanese
▍Our Offer
■ Salary: To be negotiable depending experience
■ Working hours: Anytime between 10:00 am - 08:00 pm PST, at least 12-15 hours of attendance a week.
■ A gateway to learn about the ACG industry and enter the industry in the future
■ An opportunity to acquire various technical skills, such as marketing and operation
■ Possible extension of responsibilities to include operations and marketing in the future.
■ A fun, open minded work culture
Please fill in your application here:
*Only candidates who meet the basic eligibility requirements will be contacted for the next step to do a small test that will be reviewed by our team and go to.
-------Descripción en español -------
QooApp es una plataforma profesional especializada en la cultura del anime, los cómics y los juegos (ACG). Nuestro objetivo es unir a los aficionados al ACG de todo el mundo y ayudarles de la forma más completa posible.
Buscamos candidatos profesionales y con experiencia para formar parte de nuestro creciente equipo global.
■ Traducción y localización: Traducción inglés - español;
■ Redacción de textos: Redacción y actualización de la descripción en español de los juegos para móviles;
■ Descubrimiento de tendencias: Buscar tendencias de la cultura otaku en las redes sociales.
▍Como traductor de la comunidad en español para QooApp, DEBES:
■ Describirte como un hardcore gamer & anime fan;
■ Tener ominio nativo del español de LATAM y dominio avanzado del inglés. Tanto en lectura como en escritura (C1 o superior).
■ Tener la capacidad de trabajar por iniciativa propia;
■ Tener conocimientos básicos de manejo de plataformas de redes sociales.
■ Asertividad y actitud de poder hacer.
■ Buen conocimiento de la suite de google.
▍Tener en cuenta
■ Experiencia previa en localización.
■ Nivel intermedio de chino o japonés.
▍Nuestra oferta
■ Salario: A negociar en función de la experiencia
■ Horario de trabajo: En cualquier momento entre las 10:00 am - 08:00 pm PST, al menos 12-15 horas de asistencia a la semana.
■ Una puerta de entrada para aprender sobre la industria de ACG y entrar en la industria en el futuro
■ Una oportunidad para adquirir diversos conocimientos técnicos, como marketing y funcionamiento
■ Posible ampliación de las responsabilidades para incluir operaciones y marketing en el futuro.
■ Una cultura de trabajo divertida y de mentalidad abierta.
Por favor, rellene su solicitud aquí:
*Sólo los candidatos que cumplan con los requisitos básicos de elegibilidad pasaràn al siguiente paso y serán contactados para hacer una pequeña prueba.
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
#QooMaids #Mr.QooNewOutfit
Thank you everyone for choosing my new outfit.
This costume is great, so I’m going to let you download and use it as desktop wallpaper!
I want you to share a picture of me on your desktop! 노트 열어보기
Thank you everyone for choosing my new outfit.
This costume is great, so I’m going to let you download and use it as desktop wallpaper!
I want you to share a picture of me on your desktop! 노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
Update: The Gacha Tickets are sent to all eligible otaQoos! Enjoy your rolls and I hope you collect all SSRs!
Hello, my OtaQoo friends! It has been a wonderful birthday party so far, hasn’t it?
Now, I’m going to challenge you with your QooAge! 노트 열어보기
Hello, my OtaQoo friends! It has been a wonderful birthday party so far, hasn’t it?
Now, I’m going to challenge you with your QooAge! 노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
Birthday Congratulations to Me! [From now until Aug 31]
Update: The Gacha Tickets are sent to the participants' accounts, enjoy your rolls!
Hello, my otaQoo friends!
This month is my birthday, and I want to invite all of you to show your inner creativity!
Make any kind of creation of me and share it with your friends on SNS with #MrQooHBD.
I’d love to see how creative you are !
Don’t worry if you’re not good at drawing/writing/DIY, any form of birthday congratulation is nice too!
For those of you who participate in this event, I’m giving you 25x Gacha tickets in return!
[Date: From now until Aug 31 23:59 (GMT+8)]
[*Gacha tickets will be sent out after the event has finished*]
노트 열어보기
Hello, my otaQoo friends!
This month is my birthday, and I want to invite all of you to show your inner creativity!
Make any kind of creation of me and share it with your friends on SNS with #MrQooHBD.
I’d love to see how creative you are !
Don’t worry if you’re not good at drawing/writing/DIY, any form of birthday congratulation is nice too!
For those of you who participate in this event, I’m giving you 25x Gacha tickets in return!
[Date: From now until Aug 31 23:59 (GMT+8)]
[*Gacha tickets will be sent out after the event has finished*]
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
Answers Are All Here!
All the answers are revealed! Check them out below. 노트 열어보기
All the answers are revealed! Check them out below. 노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
[Finished] Birthday Q&A!
Thanks to all of the otaQoos' efforts, we accumulated so many likes! This is the best birthday gift!
🥳Google Play gift card - JPY$1,000🥳
Due to the last prize recipient not responding, we have rerolled another otaQoo for the gift card. Congratulations to @dikuza !
Please see the instruction via "Account"→"Notifications"→"SYSTEM".
🥳10,683 likes, 10,683x Gacha tickets🥳
Congratulations to @ELT꧁ 亥MᐱDᐱRᐱ, the Gacha tickets are sent out, enjoy your rolls!
Now, let's enjoy the party!
Join Mrikuza !
Please see the instruction via "Account"→"Notifications"→"SYSTEM".
🥳10,683 likes, 10,683x Gacha tickets🥳
Congratulations to @ELT꧁ 亥MᐱDᐱRᐱ, the Gacha tickets are sent out, enjoy your rolls!
Now, let's enjoy the party!
Join Mr. Qoo's birthday party here
✍️ Check the answers here ✍️ 노트 열어보기
Thanks to all of the otaQoos' efforts, we accumulated so many likes! This is the best birthday gift!
🥳Google Play gift card - JPY$1,000🥳
Due to the last prize recipient not responding, we have rerolled another otaQoo for the gift card. Congratulations to @dikuza !
Please see the instruction via "Account"→"Notifications"→"SYSTEM".
🥳10,683 likes, 10,683x Gacha tickets🥳
Congratulations to @ELT꧁ 亥MᐱDᐱRᐱ, the Gacha tickets are sent out, enjoy your rolls!
Now, let's enjoy the party!
Join Mrikuza !
Please see the instruction via "Account"→"Notifications"→"SYSTEM".
🥳10,683 likes, 10,683x Gacha tickets🥳
Congratulations to @ELT꧁ 亥MᐱDᐱRᐱ, the Gacha tickets are sent out, enjoy your rolls!
Now, let's enjoy the party!
Join Mr. Qoo's birthday party here
✍️ Check the answers here ✍️ 노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
Mr.Qoo 生日主會場
⭐⭐⭐ 以下為筆記原文 ⭐⭐⭐
根據 #本篇筆記 按讚數,回答下圖問題,每天17:00更新,8月5日 18:00 截止。
大家也可 #留言提問 其他問題,會抽選一些回答哦~
노트 열어보기
Mr.Qoo 生日主會場
⭐⭐⭐ 以下為筆記原文 ⭐⭐⭐
根據 #本篇筆記 按讚數,回答下圖問題,每天17:00更新,8月5日 18:00 截止。
大家也可 #留言提問 其他問題,會抽選一些回答哦~
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
[IMPORTANT] R18/R15 Content Regulations
Hello Gamers!
Thanks to many of you contributing to the QooApp community with more and more interesting posts and discussions. I really appreciate it!
However, we’ve noticed that with the increasing number of posts, erotic (R18) contents have kept showing up in the home feed or game timeline, which are strictly forbidden according to QooApp’s Terms of Service.
Our community moderators and administrators will remove any posts with erotic pictures, videos and texts as soon as they are found.
For those who intentionally violate our regulations after several warnings will result in permanent ban from posting notes, cards, comments and reviews.
We also have the “NSFW” tag for posts with sexy (R15) contents. Users are supposed to add the “NSFW” tag (see below) to remind others that the post has sexy/sensitive contents which might cause discomfort. Please note that posts with sexy contents but didn’t attach the “NSFW” tag would be removed by our community moderators and administrators too. 노트 열어보기
Thanks to many of you contributing to the QooApp community with more and more interesting posts and discussions. I really appreciate it!
However, we’ve noticed that with the increasing number of posts, erotic (R18) contents have kept showing up in the home feed or game timeline, which are strictly forbidden according to QooApp’s Terms of Service.
Our community moderators and administrators will remove any posts with erotic pictures, videos and texts as soon as they are found.
For those who intentionally violate our regulations after several warnings will result in permanent ban from posting notes, cards, comments and reviews.
We also have the “NSFW” tag for posts with sexy (R15) contents. Users are supposed to add the “NSFW” tag (see below) to remind others that the post has sexy/sensitive contents which might cause discomfort. Please note that posts with sexy contents but didn’t attach the “NSFW” tag would be removed by our community moderators and administrators too. 노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
[IMPORTANTE] Por favor detener ventas no autorizadas de cuentas.
Hemos recibido reportes que algunos OtaQoo han sido estafados al intercambiar cuentas con otros usuarios. Recuerda que QooApp no permite que ninguna persona no autorizada utilice nuestros servicios para todo tipo de fines comerciales, como ventas, marketing y publicidad (incluidas, entre otras, actividades como intercambio de cuentas, intercambio de artículos, etc.) ya sea que involucre dinero real o no.
QooApp NO es responsable de ningún problema relacionado con actividades no autorizadas. Esto se ha mencionado claramente en nuestros Términos de servicio, los cuales aceptas al comenzar a usar nuestro servicio.
Si pierdes tu cuenta de algún juego durante el intercambio de cuentas con otros usuarios, se te recomienda que te comuniques con el servicio de atención al cliente del juego lo antes posible. Si sufres una pérdida monetaria, te recomendamos que lo informes a la policía local. Con mucho gusto proporcionaremos la información necesaria si se requiere en los procedimientos legales.
No dudes en reportar cualquier contenido inapropiado. También puedes presentar una queja al Mr. Qoo a
QooApp es un mundo para ti y para mí.
¡Hagámoslo seguro y hagámoslo genial!
Consulta nuestros Términos de servicio aquí: 노트 열어보기
Hemos recibido reportes que algunos OtaQoo han sido estafados al intercambiar cuentas con otros usuarios. Recuerda que QooApp no permite que ninguna persona no autorizada utilice nuestros servicios para todo tipo de fines comerciales, como ventas, marketing y publicidad (incluidas, entre otras, actividades como intercambio de cuentas, intercambio de artículos, etc.) ya sea que involucre dinero real o no.
QooApp NO es responsable de ningún problema relacionado con actividades no autorizadas. Esto se ha mencionado claramente en nuestros Términos de servicio, los cuales aceptas al comenzar a usar nuestro servicio.
Si pierdes tu cuenta de algún juego durante el intercambio de cuentas con otros usuarios, se te recomienda que te comuniques con el servicio de atención al cliente del juego lo antes posible. Si sufres una pérdida monetaria, te recomendamos que lo informes a la policía local. Con mucho gusto proporcionaremos la información necesaria si se requiere en los procedimientos legales.
No dudes en reportar cualquier contenido inapropiado. También puedes presentar una queja al Mr. Qoo a
QooApp es un mundo para ti y para mí.
¡Hagámoslo seguro y hagámoslo genial!
Consulta nuestros Términos de servicio aquí: 노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
Here we are at the final stage of the Top Anime Character series event!
Do you really know your favorite anime characters well? Let’s find out!
Elly has prepared a difficult quiz for you to see how familiar you are with the top anime characters.
I’m not going to lie, it will be challenging!
Read the instructions below and then take the quiz right now!
FIVE questions for each attempt. You can play as many times as you want!
Please answer each question. I dare you to do it by yourself without any kind of help!
The result will show up after you log in to your QooApp account once you finish the questions. Let’s see how familiar you are with the characters!
▍Event Rewards
Every otaQoo who joins the event and completes all quiz steps (including logging in and checking the result) will receive QooApp Gacha Ticket*30.
QooApp will draw 3 lucky otaQoos from those who completed all quiz steps (including logging in and checking the result) and give them one “Nendoroid Hatsune Miku Stage SEKAI Ver.” figure toy as a prize.
노트 열어보기
Do you really know your favorite anime characters well? Let’s find out!
Elly has prepared a difficult quiz for you to see how familiar you are with the top anime characters.
I’m not going to lie, it will be challenging!
Read the instructions below and then take the quiz right now!
FIVE questions for each attempt. You can play as many times as you want!
Please answer each question. I dare you to do it by yourself without any kind of help!
The result will show up after you log in to your QooApp account once you finish the questions. Let’s see how familiar you are with the characters!
▍Event Rewards
Every otaQoo who joins the event and completes all quiz steps (including logging in and checking the result) will receive QooApp Gacha Ticket*30.
QooApp will draw 3 lucky otaQoos from those who completed all quiz steps (including logging in and checking the result) and give them one “Nendoroid Hatsune Miku Stage SEKAI Ver.” figure toy as a prize.
노트 열어보기
Mr. Qoo
Official QooApp
Together We Can Change the Otaku World!
2020 has been a rough year. Whether you thrive in the 3D world or submerge yourself in the 2D world, this year has proved that we must work together to see it through.
Because of this, we would like to use this chance to answer your requests and introduce the all new “Otaku Change Maker”. The Otaku Change Maker is an online petition feature that many of you have requested over the years, with this new feature we hope to spread your voices, no matter where you are in the world, to game developers and publishers through the power of unity.
Together we can change the world! 노트 열어보기
2020 has been a rough year. Whether you thrive in the 3D world or submerge yourself in the 2D world, this year has proved that we must work together to see it through.
Because of this, we would like to use this chance to answer your requests and introduce the all new “Otaku Change Maker”. The Otaku Change Maker is an online petition feature that many of you have requested over the years, with this new feature we hope to spread your voices, no matter where you are in the world, to game developers and publishers through the power of unity.
Together we can change the world! 노트 열어보기