Asiameme's Notebook(142)
Legend of Heroes Trilogy Gagharv Tierlist (imo)
Been in love of this game since it first had its global launch. It is a very enjoyable side gacha game with little to no stress factor, as long as you progress an a constant pace. Even if only playing in your free time is more than enough to enjoy what it has to offer. Here is my personal Tier list of the available characters so far. It is all based on my own opinion and on how frequent I have used the characters in my teams. Have a good day and happy new year!
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Good way to end 2024
I play lots of gacha games throughout the years and there are times I get lucky or unlucky. Qooapp has a gacha game of sorts where it gets new pictures to collect every once and a while. For the first time I got 5 SSRs in one multi. It may not be much of a big deal, but this is what people would refer to as a god pull. Hoping to get this kind of luck someday for my gacha games. Hope you all have amazing luck in your game pulls as well, and lastly Happy New Year!
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Having 6 members in a team is super fun!
After beating Hard modes of both main stories, just do a few extreme stages and you will unlock the adventurer skill to have one more party member. So instead of 5 you can now have a total of 6 members in a team. this applies to other forms of content, except for arena I believe.
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Anyone else playing this game?
I low key enjoy the game as it closely resembles the days when I had the time to sit down and play JRPGs without the worries of wasting time. It has the gacha mechanics, but its features are quite of the early 2000s to 2010 mobile games.
So far I am able to collect these characters. Half of my SSRs are from fake outs which I am shocked and impressed at the same time.
Resource grinding is a hassle, but I am enjoying what the game has to offer thus far.
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I low key enjoy the game as it closely resembles the days when I had the time to sit down and play JRPGs without the worries of wasting time. It has the gacha mechanics, but its features are quite of the early 2000s to 2010 mobile games.
So far I am able to collect these characters. Half of my SSRs are from fake outs which I am shocked and impressed at the same time.
Resource grinding is a hassle, but I am enjoying what the game has to offer thus far.
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Cowgirls Yee-Haw! <3
The crossover event of FF7:Rebirth is finally here in FF7:Evercrisis. The event showcases the first demo for the rebirth game in a simplier version with the CGI animations directly from the demo.
In the event gacha we have a new skin for Tifa and Red XIII, BUT if you are interested just go check it out yourselves. As for right now, I'm just here to brag nonsense regarding my team called Cowgirls
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In the event gacha we have a new skin for Tifa and Red XIII, BUT if you are interested just go check it out yourselves. As for right now, I'm just here to brag nonsense regarding my team called Cowgirls
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ToG x 7DS
Another amazing collab between Tower of God and Seven Deadly Sins universe. The three new cast, yet familiar face: Meliodas, Elizabeth and Escanor join the battlefield and are now available to join your party.
So far they do look awesome and their kit are unique and fun to play around with. All units are of the blue element, but this just allows them to work well together.
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So far they do look awesome and their kit are unique and fun to play around with. All units are of the blue element, but this just allows them to work well together.
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Ranking Waifu ToG Edition
Hello everyone! It is the weekend as of this post, and so I thought to just have some fun and rank the top 10 waifus of the Tower if God mobile game. I will just base my rankings on design and waifu PeRsoNaLiTieS
Without further adieu, let's get the waifu tierlist starting!
Honorable Mentions: Read Note
Without further adieu, let's get the waifu tierlist starting!
Honorable Mentions: Read Note
Scarlet is so edgy back in the day... smash
The new year event is out with a new story revolving around another member of the Goddess Squad. OG Scarlet gets a pick in the next flashback showcasing her days back in the melee squad with her sister, Rose,and other members of similar feats.
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This event is a solid 10/10
I mostly skipped through the main story not because it is bad or boring, for a matter a fact, my life's really merging all sorts of stress and it's already the end of the year Fml lol
BUT WAIT! New event? New story? New character? I'm free for 24 hours you say? Well then, forget everything else and invest all my time and energy to this new and mysterious plot? Check!
I played through the event story and from the prologue itself caught my full attention. I loved and hated B rated horror flicks for they scared me as a child, but entertained me to the core later on in life. The story was a typical horror story but it progressed through the plot so well that it was a fun and immersive experience. The voice acting and the art definitely brought the event to life as if watching a horror movie unfold from start to finish. It was such an amazing experience!
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BUT WAIT! New event? New story? New character? I'm free for 24 hours you say? Well then, forget everything else and invest all my time and energy to this new and mysterious plot? Check!
I played through the event story and from the prologue itself caught my full attention. I loved and hated B rated horror flicks for they scared me as a child, but entertained me to the core later on in life. The story was a typical horror story but it progressed through the plot so well that it was a fun and immersive experience. The voice acting and the art definitely brought the event to life as if watching a horror movie unfold from start to finish. It was such an amazing experience!
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I'm kinda mindblown rn..
I've played a number and variety of mobile games and some of them I've played for more than a year (in terms of the game being in my phone). Though, I've played Nikke for a year and a month now and I have spent a total of hours equivalent to A WHOLE MONTH I always thought I didn't spend too much time in the game, but I guess I'm wrong haha! xD
Anyhow, what game do you have in your phone that you have played the longest? How many hours have you invested in that? Go ahead and comment below
#gaming #gacha #gamer
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I've played a number and variety of mobile games and some of them I've played for more than a year (in terms of the game being in my phone). Though, I've played Nikke for a year and a month now and I have spent a total of hours equivalent to A WHOLE MONTH I always thought I didn't spend too much time in the game, but I guess I'm wrong haha! xD
Anyhow, what game do you have in your phone that you have played the longest? How many hours have you invested in that? Go ahead and comment below
#gaming #gacha #gamer
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Tried to test out the new nikke, Tove, but...
Tove is a survivalist and is part of the Unlimited squad. Her kit is unique as she is an AR weapon user, but she increases ammo cap and attack effectively for SG nikkes. I tested the shooting range version of Tove with some shotgun teams. These are the results.
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Welcome Goddess Squad!
The 1st anniversary is finally here! The day many players have been eager to witness is underway!
The event introduces to us the original Goddess Squad waaaay before any rapture modifications and traumatic coping mechanisms. The raw and authentic versions are here for us to see! Say hello to... THE GODDESS SQUAD
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The event introduces to us the original Goddess Squad waaaay before any rapture modifications and traumatic coping mechanisms. The raw and authentic versions are here for us to see! Say hello to... THE GODDESS SQUAD
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Tia is finally here!!!
Tia is now available to pull in the gacha, and so far pairing her with Naga is fun and is actually quite good which focuses on shield and cover activations that boosts your team damage to enemies and their cores, as well as some decent heals to keep your low health nikkes in check.
Naga having a 40 sec burst does not appear to be an issue since her first skill reduces the burst cooldown low enough, and with the help of someone like Liter to add to that cooldown, Tia will be ready to burst once more with no problems whatsoever.
Anyhow, the weekends are coming up and I would love to test Tia and Naga out more efficiently and improve their overall power as well. So far the best team comp would be Modernia,Tia,Scarlet,Naga and Liter. Other replacements for burst III can be Summer Anis and Privaty/Noir and Sugar/2B and A2. As for burst I, Dorothy or Summer Mary looks promising.
Anyhow, ladies and gentlemen, I shall leave you with the burst animation of our dessert loving nikke, Tia. Read Note
Naga having a 40 sec burst does not appear to be an issue since her first skill reduces the burst cooldown low enough, and with the help of someone like Liter to add to that cooldown, Tia will be ready to burst once more with no problems whatsoever.
Anyhow, the weekends are coming up and I would love to test Tia and Naga out more efficiently and improve their overall power as well. So far the best team comp would be Modernia,Tia,Scarlet,Naga and Liter. Other replacements for burst III can be Summer Anis and Privaty/Noir and Sugar/2B and A2. As for burst I, Dorothy or Summer Mary looks promising.
Anyhow, ladies and gentlemen, I shall leave you with the burst animation of our dessert loving nikke, Tia. Read Note
Naga or Tia? Why not both?!?
In the event you get to choose either to spend time with Naga or Tia, and in the finale you get to give your chosen the item of their desire.
I went with Tia the entire time, but you can replay the story in the outpost and choose the other storyline of the girl you haven't chosen. Read Note
I went with Tia the entire time, but you can replay the story in the outpost and choose the other storyline of the girl you haven't chosen. Read Note
Naga be hitting different 🫠
The new event is finally out and the first out of the duo is ready for the taking, Naga.
Her skills invovle recovering Cover HP and increasing attack of all allies. Her burst even allows her to do pierce damage, and as a shotgun user that is the first of her kind.
My main goal is to get Tia, but as a whole you need both Naga and Tia to unlock their full potential in battle.
You know why Naga hits different? Let me show you.
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Her skills invovle recovering Cover HP and increasing attack of all allies. Her burst even allows her to do pierce damage, and as a shotgun user that is the first of her kind.
My main goal is to get Tia, but as a whole you need both Naga and Tia to unlock their full potential in battle.
You know why Naga hits different? Let me show you.
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Anybody ready for school? Cus I am! LOL
New nikke characters who are students doing their final exams before graduating to be full pledge rapture destroyers. They all look really good!
Mariana, the teacher, is available in the gacha. Then there's the MASSIVE surpise! Naga and Tia will soon be available and THEY ARE MUST PULLS! Their skills are META breaking. This is the best bait Nikke has pulled off thus far!
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New nikke characters who are students doing their final exams before graduating to be full pledge rapture destroyers. They all look really good!
Mariana, the teacher, is available in the gacha. Then there's the MASSIVE surpise! Naga and Tia will soon be available and THEY ARE MUST PULLS! Their skills are META breaking. This is the best bait Nikke has pulled off thus far!
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Tifa the debuffer champion! 😍
Tifa Lockhart, one of the first FF waifus of many teenage boys (and girls) in the later 90s and till thid day. The fact that FF7 had a movie, reboot, remake, and re-imagine of its entire timeline, the latest edition which is FF7 ever crisis brings out a new light to the franchise.. but for now, let us focus on Tifa and how she is the best debuffer so far in the game (imo)
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