PipieUpdate for now
Hey guys Pipie here. I am not active due to school and I caught covid along the way. For the past few weeks I wanted to finish the SBR guides but they take way too long to make and it is hard to read in the end.
I will eventually post the rest in the future, but mainly 13-40 as 6-12 are too big of a pool and i feel are not necessary for guides.
Imma leave this poll for now to see what people think about the celebration so far. Read Note
I got LR Buutenks and LR Gogeta. Best celebration.
It's an alright event, but not a celebration
Trash celebration, no new events, so boring
Vote Ended
PipieSBR Stage 5
Unfortunately QooAPP doesn't allow me to post all 5 SBR guides at once so I have to break it down.
This is part 3 of the SBR 1-5 Walkthrough I have made since the past 3 days. I have worked on this for a long time by myself and I am very exhausted.
Note: This guide is merely to help players understand which units are good to bring for these stages, NOT BUILDING SQUADS. There are a load of combinations to build and I am simply too tired to make them. However for SBR 11-40, I will include Squad builds because they are way more difficult.
Anyways I have listed the 5 categories
Leader = leader of the team
God = OP units
S = Good units
A = Units that are replaceable
Gimmick = Units you could consider.
Let's get started
SBR5 SUP PHY Read Note
PipieSBR 3-4 Guide/Unit Analysis
Unfortunately QooAPP doesn't allow me to post all 5 SBR guides at once so I have to break it down.
This is part 2 of the SBR 1-5 Walkthrough I have made since the past 3 days. I have worked on this for a long time by myself and I am very exhausted.
Note: This guide is merely to help players understand which units are good to bring for these stages, NOT BUILDING SQUADS. There are a load of combinations to build and I am simply too tired to make them. However for SBR 11-40, I will include Squad builds because they are way more difficult.
Anyways I have listed the 5 categories
Leader = leader of the team
God = OP units
S = Good units
A = Units that are replaceable
Gimmick = Units you could consider.
Let's get started
SBR 3 SUP AGL Read Note
PipieSBR Stage 1 and 2 Recommended Units
Unfortunately QooAPP doesn't allow me to post all 5 SBR guides at once so I have to break it down.
This is part 1 of the SBR 1-5 Walkthrough I have made since the past 3 days. I have worked on this for a long time by myself and I am very exhausted.
Note: This guide is merely to help players understand which units are good to bring for these stages, NOT BUILDING SQUADS. There are a load of combinations to build and I am simply too tired to make them. However for SBR 11-40, I will include Squad builds because they are way more difficult.
Anyways I have listed the 5 categories
Leader = leader of the team
God = OP units
S = Good units
A = Units that are replaceable
Gimmick = Units you could consider.
Let's get started
SBR 1 SUP TEQ Read Note
PipieUltimate Guide For SBR and ESBR
Status: Incomplete
Current: SBR 6-10 (0%)
Next: SBR 11-15
The Majority of the people voted to cover every stage. I will post a total of 10 guides and then post every link to this note. For now I will try to cover SBR 1-5 and then update the note when I finish it.
SBR 1-5
1 and 2 https://notes.qoo-app.com/en/note/6583752
3 and 4 https://notes.qoo-app.com/en/note/658375
5 https://notes.qoo-app.com/en/note/658417 Read Note
PipieNew Units Review and Upcoming Plan 8/12
Hey guys, so because of the new Super Battle Road stages, I think it is time I start making guides for the new Stages however I am going to leave this poll to see what else should be covered. Read Note
How big should my Super Battle Road guide be? Cover all of SBR and include Extreme Super Battle Road?
PipieHey Guys I am back, here is analysis on the units from past 2 weeks
All information is retrieved from the Dokkan Battle Wiki
Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I finished my summer school courses which was a b**ch to deal with.
I am very behind so I won't be covering Jiren or Toppo because they have been released long time ago.
I will be touching on the recent Majin Buu Saga units, EZA Super Android/Rasengan Buu, and the WT units.
Here is the tierlist that I think fits the units overall
I will go from bottom to top so scroll inbetween each tier. Read Note
PipieQuick Announcement
Hey guys Pipie here. I know I have been way behind. I haven't done the Jiren banner unit reviews or analyzing the FTP LR PB Goku EZA with the 1000 Day login Goku EZA.
To be honest I haven't been active on QooApp for 2 weeks. Meaning I haven't been deleting trade posts, or updating the news, or pinning giveaways and I want to apologize for that.
I am thinking of leaving as mod as my current situation dealing with school and other things became very stressful.
I have only been mod for 2 months and to be honest I did have a fun time making my previous guides. But it takes time and I recently don't have the motivation to focus on making them.
I am leaving this poll to see if it is worth to stay or quit because if I felt like I was a bad mod I will definitely quit. Read Note
The studio that worked hard to capture the true intent that the manga wanted to portray and translate that into a beautiful and meaningful animation. I will always watch Koe No Katachi no matter how old I will get because it will always recapture my heart. #PrayForKyoaniRead Note
Recently Dokkan Battle released a new AGL Krillin and I can't be the only feeling sad for him. Read Note
PipieAn analysis on the recent USS units and upcoming EZAs
NOTE: Ratings I give to LRs vs TUR units vs Free units are going to be in different spectrums.
LRs are obviously much better than TUR units, and TUR units are usually better than Free units but their ratings might not reflect this fact.
Sorry for not posting earlier about this. I was dealing with school. That being said Im here to analyze the following units. Read Note
PipiePB TEQ LR Goku finally gets an EZA. Prep Guide
Note: This guide is for players who are able to complete late game content, such as EZAreas and Battle Simulator. Prepping for LR Goku EZA is hard.
Dokkan Battle JP is reaching it's 2000 day since launch and they are preparing a special event to appreciate the history we have for this game. For this occasion, they have chosen to give the first prime battle unit, TEQ LR GOKU, an eza. What are the details on his passive and leaderskill? We don't know yet. But we do know it's coming around early to mid July. Base on sources from the Dokkan Battle Wiki. Read Note
PipieGive some love to Dante DMC
A good person who has been giving away accounts, Dante DMC unfortunately had a close friend of his pass away.
I want you guys to go to his post and show him some love. The most we can do is support our friend as a community. https://notes.qoo-app.com/en/note/550773Read NoteDante DMC
im gonna add a few more days.
a close friend just passed away this night,
I dont feel good..
PipieWhat to do if you got scammed.
I can't believe I am making this post. After moderating, I do see some problems with trades. Especially scams.
Let me list things to know.
1. Watch your language. I don't care if you like to cuss. Don't ever cuss. I don't care if you are black. Don't say the n word. I think that's pretty fair.
If this is not followed. I will remove your comment and put you on my list of users I need to be aware of.
I don't care if you trade in Discord or Instagram, but using our platform to advertise your trade is AGAINST OUR TERMS OF SERVICE.
It is, however, strictly prohibited to perform the activities listed below. Users’ accounts will be terminated or deleted if they are subject to any of the below.
8. Activities that use our Services for unauthorized sales, marketing, advertisement, soliciting or other commercial purposes, including but not limited to account exchange and virtual item exchange (except for those approved users); use our Services for the purpose of sexual conduct or obscene acts; use our Services for the purpose of meeting a person for sexual encounters; use our Services for the purpose of harassments or libelous attacks against other users; or use our Services for purposes other than the Services’ true intent.
Note: We decided to allow giveaways. Although it is considered an advertisement. It isn't technically trading so we encourage giveaways. However if you are doing a giveaway while advertising your social media. I will not pin it.
3. I am a moderator not JESUS CHRIST. I cannot guarantee the results you want to see such as banning a user because they scammed. Even if they are banned, they can still make a new account anyways. Like we can't just ban their IP address. That's not up to me.
4. This is my Discord: Pipie123 #1441 If you have any ISSUES. Don't ever post about it. Please contact me on Discord and provide me evidence for the crime. I cannot condone people who post about scammers because it's gonna make people mad and it's gonna cause some trouble.
Read Note
Who likes to summon for UI Goku? Well in around 1 day it will hit the server Read Note
PipieJune Lucky Summon Poll
Hey Guys I am trying to do something we can discuss/vote on each weak.
This week I want to see what batch of units that you "summoned" would be your choice. Obviously these are fake because I PhotoShopped them.
First choose which multi summon you like the most and comment why you want this multi summon.
I am testing to see if people want to participate
Read Note
PipieUpcoming AGL Rose EZA Guide
In a day we will be fighting the Rose EZA and it's actually a tough eza base on my experience from global. Read Note
PipieGiveaways and Trade Servers
After moderating this past week I just want to make a few announcements.
To anyone that wants to do giveaways.
Make your post on notes and I will pin it.
I want to let everyone see your post so I will get it pinned for 3 days. However if you are sharing Instagram or other social medias. I WILL NOT PIN IT
You guys are doing a nice thing and I hope to see more in the future.
I want to thank Claire_RE, ZamasuWithATopHat,
Pazzo Scatenato, Silas Antah, and Leon HeS who has been giving accounts away recently.
Read Note
PipieStarting Friday Im getting serious.
Hey to all traders on Dokkan Battle.
I understand you guys are ignoring my first pin and that's okay. Starting Friday I am going to be deleting posts that contains anything related to trading.
Obviously Giveaways are FINE, infact giveaways are ways to make the server more lively. If traders become giveawayers, I will adore you and your actions.
But if begging also happens then I will have to delete those... As much as I hate people have a rough start. All I can say is that you have it way easier than the OG dokkan battle players. These days you can make an op account just by playing the game. If you need guides I will make them.
Look just go amongst yourselves and create a discord server/find a Facebook Group/Any Other Forum to trade. I know trading is a huge thing in this community, but there are scams that happen. There are people who would call other people scammers. There are people who call people who call them scammers the actual scammers. Like are you guys trying to make me jump off a ship?
I can gurantee you there are servers outside of QooApp that handles these stuff. We are not a platform that is involved with trading. Please leave if you only post trades or anything. We don't want to have you waste your time to make posts, only to have it deleted in minutes.
If anyone violates by promoting trading, selling, begging. I will have to keep your username and ID in a spreadsheet.
Thank you for reading,
Read Note
PipieIn 3 Days these units will get
NOTICE: Every Dokkan Battle related Information is taken from the Dokkan Battle Wiki. Check them out if you want information!!!
Another thing. I noticed I cut out the stats so next time i wont do that. Just know their stats are complete garbage even if they get rainbowed. Rip free units
So do you remember those units that you can buy with gemstones that Dokkan ignored for years? Yeah I don't remember them as well. These units were collecting in my dust for so long, random people started making box forts...
Read Note
Hey guys so as you know im the mod in charge of this game server. I just want to let you know that after a brief discussion we cannot allow trading to occur on this platform anymore.
I know I know how frustrating it sounds. Trading is common and people reroll all the time. Sometimes people don't play dokkan battle so they trade for a 7ds, Treasure Cruise, and DBL account. I get it....
At first I wanted to create a discord server for everyone to join and trade, however due to legality issues, I didn't want to get sued nor do I want QooApp feel the wrath of RMT lawsuits.
I advise you guys to move to different forums and this is a warning. If the problem still lingers I will have to talk with people again about this.
Im sorry for making this post. We have to get gears shifting
Links to other posts
WHAT HAPPENED IF YOU GOT SCAMMED https://notes.qoo-app.com/en/note/552003Read NotePipieWhat to do if you got scammed.
I can't believe I am making this post. After moderating, I do see some problems with trades. Especially scams.
Let me list things to know.
1. Watch your language. I don't care if you like to cuss. Don't ever cuss. I don't care if you are black. Don't say the n word. I think that's pretty fair.
If this is not followed. I will remove your comment and put you on my list of users I need to be aware of.
I don't care if you trade in Discord or Instagram, but using our platform to advertise your trade is AGAINST OUR TERMS OF SERVICE.
It is, however, strictly prohibited to perform the activities listed below. Users’ accounts will be terminated or deleted if they are subject to any of the below.
8. Activities that use our Services for unauthorized sales, marketing, advertisement, soliciting or other commercial purposes, including but not limited to account exchange and virtual item exchange (except for those approved users); use our Services for the purpose of sexual conduct or obscene acts; use our Services for the purpose of meeting a person for sexual encounters; use our Services for the purpose of harassments or libelous attacks against other users; or use our Services for purposes other than the Services’ true intent.
Note: We decided to allow giveaways. Although it is considered an advertisement. It isn't technically trading so we encourage giveaways. However if you are doing a giveaway while advertising your social media. I will not pin it.
3. I am a moderator not JESUS CHRIST. I cannot guarantee the results you want to see such as banning a user because they scammed. Even if they are banned, they can still make a new account anyways. Like we can't just ban their IP address. That's not up to me.
4. This is my Discord: Pipie123 #1441 If you have any ISSUES. Don't ever post about it. Please contact me on Discord and provide me evidence for the crime. I cannot condone people who post about scammers because it's gonna make people mad and it's gonna cause some trouble.
PipieMy personal Universe 6 TL
If you manage to pull the new Kefla then this is my tierlist.
The issue with Universe 6 is that there are not alot of units so you can't make a good team without units like LR Kale and Caulifla or the Peppy Gal Kale and PG Caulifla.
S: We have Str Kefla, LR K and C, PG Kale, and PG Caulifla.
Kefla is obviously for leaderskill. She hits hard, stacks attack, can tank decently.
LR K and C: No need to question. Dokkan Players regarded her as one of the most op units. Does tons of dmg, Launches up to FOUR Super Attack, Stack Defense, Dodges. Like at this point she is a free win.
UR K and C: You can put her as the LR form. Obviously very strong so if you have a dupe. KEEP HER.
PG Kale: Can stack att and def. Can super attack up to 3 times. If she is with Caulifla she can guard. She is a monster in Legendary Goku event.
PG Caulifla: Can stack att and def. Can super attack up to 3 times if she has Kale in rotation. INSANE DODGE mechanic. 100% dodge if she faces USS or Pure Saiyans enemy. OP as well.
Vados is a good support unit who can dodge. She can give allies up to 80% att and def. She has bad links...
Cabba can change orbs to Str and gain 20% att and def per str orb. He also give str units a good 50% stat boost and 3 ki. I want to note the reason why he is at A tier is because he has good links with most units. The STR HIT is more likely a B to C tier unit because Hit has bad links
Hit: Can stun, can hit hard, can lower attack and massively lower defense. He is also the other unit that gives U6 stats on his leaderskill. The main problem is is that he relies on stuns and he has ZERO Defense boost.
World Tournament Caulifla: She can stack attack and defense. She has 50% chance to invade. She can launch up to 3 super attacks if she has Kale on the rotation.
The problem is she is only drops from WT summons and PG Caulifla is a better unit.
WT Kale: A support unit that can stack attack and defense. She gives 2 categories 20% att and 10% def. Up to 40%att and 20% def. She gains 120%def and can launch up to 3 Super attacks if Caulifla in rotation.
Like Caulifla. She is easily replaced and hard to find.
B tier:
Chompa: Decent support Bad att boost bad links
Pooh and robot: Decent boosts. Hp Restriction on guard
Frost: Can stun, Decent boosts.
C tier:
Decent Free support units.
That wraps up U6 Tierlist. Any questions please ask. Read Note
PipieUpcoming Kefla and others 2/2
Let's get back from where I left off.
Read Note
PipieUpcoming Kefla and others 1/2
As you may know in 1 day and 2 hours. Dokkan is going to release 2 new units, 2 new dokkan awakenings, and 2 new ezas. Lets talk about them.
Read Note
Hey guys I am currently the runner up for the mod of this timeline. I would appreciate if I can help anyone with teambuilding. I want to see how active this community is. Thank You!
Read Note
PipieDB gude #5 Evolving units
Dokkan battle has a rather grindy system when it comes to evolving units.
If you have an SSR then it will need to be a UR before it could be a TUR (Which is the evolved version of the unit).
1. Level up your units
On the main menu click the second button at the bottom. It would lead to this screen.
Read Note
PipieDB Guide #4 Events and Units
Note this is a short guide.
Doing Story Events are important because of two things.
You can gain a ton of exp to level up ranks and you can get free units that are surprisingly very good.
First you need to select Events from the menu and then you can see the first tab, which is story events. Read Note
PipieDokkan Battle Guide #3 Summons
It is important to understand what summons you want to do and what to avoid. The huge difference between JP and Global is that Global banners are usually cheaper while JP has way more units and content. I think Global is at least 4 months behind in terms of content. Anyways I recommend reading the Dokkan Battle Wiki. I have been using this Wiki for years to see the new units, while checking out their Tier List to get an idea of what is good and what is bad.
The important thing is that the Wiki provides what the upcoming summons are, along with what units are available to summon for.
Here are banners you want to go for and banners you want to avoid. Read Note
PipieDokkan Guide #2 Optimal Team
As I mentioned, there are team building is rather complicated due to how demanding it needs from certain units. For now ill show what you need to look for and what you need to avoid.
I do have a JP account, but I can't explain my points.
Here is an example of an Optimal Team
Read Note
PipieDokkan Battle Starter Guide #1
Expectations for Dokkan Battle.
If you are starting Dokkan Battle, there are things you need to be willing to do to invest into this game properly. #1 Patience
Having patience is probably the most unique quality Dokkan wants out of you. The game doesnt treat thrir players differently since day 1 of release. You have to be willing to grind lv by lv in order to create better teams, unlock new content, and even beat certain levels. #2 Team Building
Understanding the game and the mechanics would allow you to have an easier time with the game. The difficulty of the game is insane because sometimes you can hold the most op units, but then these units won't synergize correctly. For example you could have units that specializes in a story arc comp, such as Majin Buu Saga, but then you have units that belong in the World Tournament arc or even in the recent Universe Survival arc. Because of this issue, the problem with this game is that you need to grab at least 20 or even 30 ssrs to be able to create more than a few decent teams. #3 Difficulty
There are so many difficult content that you need to spend years in order to attempt them. Super Battle Road, Legendary Goku Event, Battle Simulator, etc. It is absurd how hard the content is because it is basically, " If you don't have certain units, you can't beat it." As a player that played Dokkan Battle Global since launch date, there are stages I couldnt complete because I dont have certain units... If you are willing to deal with the fact you can't beat everything within a month, then wait for the summon banners that hold units you need to complete these stages.
For now this is finished. I will write a guide regarding summons.
Read Note