Dante' Cotton's Notebook(29)
Dante' Cotton
Took one look at this during their live broadcast and decided it wasn't my style of rpg. I think the artwork is very good quality though.
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Dante' Cotton
pre-download is available on JP playstore for android. Already downloaded and ready to try! Title screen looks a LOT like the FF7 military truck transport scene! This might be good, though haven't decided which job I want to start as yet.
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Dante' Cotton
I have a few spots open in my guild, Lions, if anyone is interested just reply to this with your account name and apply in the game. If your account is under lv 30 just let me know here and I can make an exception for you.
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Dante' Cotton
According to Naver Cafe there is big update on the way with things including the artifacts system (Epic7)for equipping on characters, new Awakening statuses for characters, Tower crawler for collecting unique prizes, Guild Wars, raid bosses for co-op, and more PVP things as well they're also upgrading the combat system to some degree so it looks like they're doing a lot to improve the overall impression of the game which I am very happy to see the effects of in the future. I'm excited!![[開心]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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Dante' Cotton
If there are any English-speaking players I have a guild I just made called Lions. My in-game name is Yahda lv 30 min account rank.
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Dante' Cotton
Currently pre-download and will be playable at 19:00 hrs UTC time or 7pm on 1/28/19 EST. Can't wait. my only regret is not being able to carry over my Japanese account data because gatcha crystals are very expensive in th is game. My best advice is to wait for rate up or exclusive character banners. JP version gives 20 free premium crystals per day and 10x gatcha costs 1,000 crystals so you do the math the. This version will be multi language. VAs in English and Japanese only though.
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Dante' Cotton
They finally posted game will open around noon JST so about 30 min from now.
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Dante' Cotton
It's a predownload. The game will probably be open in the next 6 hrs. If you got in early they are going to delete accounts.
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Dante' Cotton
according to a Twitter post from the developers it looks like the game is not going to come out until January of 2019. I'm not sure why they were showcasing all these Christmas costumes for characters in the game if the game is not even coming out this month in December. Seems like a waste to me. Oh well I guess I'm still looking forward to it.
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Dante' Cotton
Anyone know if there is a way to use all the extra music tracks we keep getting from repeat skip ticket missions? I have 100 sitting in my mailbox that I can't even use because of full inventory. They should let you feed dupes to main copies like other games.
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Dante' Cotton
My second 4*, Tsuruhime Yachiyo. She has a debuffer/buffer skillset with a little healing on the side.
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Dante' Cotton
I don't believe the 6% drop rates for 4* in this game. I've been trying for 6 hours now and haven't gotten a single 4*.
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Dante' Cotton
On Express VPN. They give 5 free tutorial gacha. Anyone know what the max star rarity is in this game? All I got were 2*
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Dante' Cotton
There is going to be a JP version of the game soon. I just reserved JP ver. on 予約TopTen.
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Dante' Cotton
Can't login. I keep getting this after the game says I've successfully logged in. Something about a router check.
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Dante' Cotton
How do you even get it to work? I downloaded the apk but it won't download the additional data in order to start the game. I even tried using a VPN but it doesn't work. Can anyone help?
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Dante' Cotton
Battle Points (BP) are recovered at a rate of 1 every 15 minutes. Full BP is recovered after 75 minutes.
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Dante' Cotton
this website has good information about the game. go to this website and use Google Translate if you don't read Japanese.
https://gamewith.jp/ordinal-strata/ Read Note
https://gamewith.jp/ordinal-strata/ Read Note
Dante' Cotton
feel free to post friend IDs here so other people in the game can friend you.
ID: 00d76bcc Read Note
ID: 00d76bcc Read Note
Dante' Cotton
This game requires a VPN connected to Japan to login to the game. After login you may turn off the VPN.
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