Zeno 4Kai's Notebook(433)
Zeno 4Kai
Teen-Gojo Summons!!!
Got him literally on my last multi!! man I'm hoping i can pull the others with tickets, because I'm definitely saving for Sukuna and Red Domain Gojo. 7 multis altogether to get this gojo. I also finally got enough medals for Mahito so now i can do tower again!
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Zeno 4Kai
This game.....
My luck has been trash on the hollow purple gojo banner and momo banner so I hope they will release mahito soon so I can get through tower more easily. I feel like I should save these SSR crystals for when the Hidden Inventory Characters come out, I really am tempted to give them to yuta.
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Zeno 4Kai
Account Update!! Wizard King Lumiere Summons!!
Im back and I did a couple multis and got 3 new characters basically 3 apart from each other!! I pulled the light Finral, the new Vanessa, and I got Lumiueres grimore twice. I just need the New Rhya and Fuegoleon and my box is complete again.
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Zeno 4Kai
My Name is Malik Floyd
Thank you everyone who is liked my gaming experience over the years and showed me different ways to complete events and challenges the games have given us over the years. I'm glad to be apart of the community of QooApp and I'll continue to post stuff on here for years to come. Update!!!
I'm finally going to school for Bachelors Degree in Graphic Arts and Web-Design to further my artistic experience and knowledge and I'm so ready to start drawing art for others again once I get a broder understanding of the digital arts so stay toned!!
My favorite art I made when I was in Middle school-High School, It drew each character over the years after finishing the show, I'm definitely doing another since I've watched many many more anime over the years now that im 26. Read Note
I'm finally going to school for Bachelors Degree in Graphic Arts and Web-Design to further my artistic experience and knowledge and I'm so ready to start drawing art for others again once I get a broder understanding of the digital arts so stay toned!!
My favorite art I made when I was in Middle school-High School, It drew each character over the years after finishing the show, I'm definitely doing another since I've watched many many more anime over the years now that im 26. Read Note

Zeno 4Kai
Happy 400 Note!! Dorothy Summons!!
I'm glad to be apart of this community even though its not stable, all we need is a more active dev team to the jp side of the game and we can be more active on the game. Im glad they have been giving alot of rewards but the way they keep changing stuff, like putting stuff in different icons or changing rewards on already established events because that makes your players not loyal to the game when you don't keep things the same when it was ok in the first place, and i hope they add the ability to exchange skill sets orbs so we can give our characters max skill levels. Im glad I got Dorothy but man why did they have to go and make Finral a paid banner, knowing jp's side of the game is barely holding onto its player base.
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