xiemon xie's Notebook(71)
xiemon xie
nice interaction with the characters, or their interaction beetwen other character.
fashionable character/costume design. because skin is number one for me <( ̄︶ ̄)>
unique gameplay (like pgr, in the battle we do gacha and puzzle at the same time) Read Note
nice interaction with the characters, or their interaction beetwen other character.
fashionable character/costume design. because skin is number one for me <( ̄︶ ̄)>
unique gameplay (like pgr, in the battle we do gacha and puzzle at the same time) Read Note
xiemon xie
omo yae, she so preety
✿ |
#pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95261874
i need her Read Note

i need her Read Note

xiemon xie
Cyka Blyat???
Ignore the dialogue, I hear that kid said that, so I talked to her. Kid, are you okay? ………or, was me hear it wrong… right?
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xiemon xie
I deleted all my games in this phone for this. i don't know but my potato phone can install this.
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xiemon xie
Why I can't install this version? But I can install the traditional chinese ver??? what happened? ![[白眼]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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xiemon xie
Detective Fu hua
劇場版名探偵フカ〜迷迭香の花詞〜 | ぐんそー #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/84593302
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xiemon xie
Fu hua
nghh she is just too cool + beautiful ![[色色]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
崩壊3rd 符华(フカ) 7 +제레 | 아뮤츠(Amyucheu) #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83935114
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崩壊3rd 符华(フカ) 7 +제레 | 아뮤츠(Amyucheu) #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83935114
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xiemon xie
Fu Hua
I hope they'll make this costume for sage fu hua
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77886399 Read Note
I hope they'll make this costume for sage fu hua
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/77886399 Read Note

xiemon xie
i never play this game. but i like the fandom... start with "dead weight" things, and then I love this game
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xiemon xie
PC is Smooth, I guess
This is just my personal exp…coz I must download them twice before! Like connection problem, or the extracting problem. 99.9%… then error suddenly and then I re-dl from 0%... they just don't let me dl without problem.
so this is feels new for me awww
no error extraction or dl thingy is feels good
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This is just my personal exp…coz I must download them twice before! Like connection problem, or the extracting problem. 99.9%… then error suddenly and then I re-dl from 0%... they just don't let me dl without problem.
so this is feels new for me awww
no error extraction or dl thingy is feels good

xiemon xie
maaf aku noob
akhir2 ni aku nemu orang bilang "akhirnya si A pulang juga" "B pulaang" yah macam itu lah di game gacha gitu.
emang mereka habis dari mana kok pulang? pergi ke mana??? kayaknya mereka nunggu banget... maksudnya "pulang" di sini apaa??
penasaran banget dan agak mengganggu. Thx :) Read Note
emang mereka habis dari mana kok pulang? pergi ke mana??? kayaknya mereka nunggu banget... maksudnya "pulang" di sini apaa??
penasaran banget dan agak mengganggu. Thx :) Read Note