White Is Nice's Notebook(4)
White Is Nice
Revuestarlight review
#GAME_OF_MAY Although the game might have been pretty bad in terms of rates in the past, It has been getting a lot better within the recent weeks, With starter player friendly gachas and step ups that include guaranteed 4* stage girls, As well as a lot more campaigns. PVP has also been vastly improved since most OP cards now have counters for them, As well as cards being OP not matter as much anymore, If you've tried this game before and has been sick of it because of it's rates, You should try it out again! If not, Go check the game out for more info on it and consider playing it!
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White Is Nice
7 years from now
7 years from now is a interactive story, So if you're expecting something like a visual novel or a game, You'll be dissapointed. The gameplay is mostly just walking around and reading dialogue, As well as the graphics and sound not exactly being amazing. However, If you manage to get past all that, You'll find yourself with a very immersive, plot that although seems pretty boring at first, Turns out to be something much bigger as chapters introduces plot twists upon plot twists, A story with layers of complexity and emotional impact as you ask yourself psychological questions about time travel and saving lives. Overall, If you like story-based games, You should definitely try 7 years from now out. Read Note
7 years from now is a interactive story, So if you're expecting something like a visual novel or a game, You'll be dissapointed. The gameplay is mostly just walking around and reading dialogue, As well as the graphics and sound not exactly being amazing. However, If you manage to get past all that, You'll find yourself with a very immersive, plot that although seems pretty boring at first, Turns out to be something much bigger as chapters introduces plot twists upon plot twists, A story with layers of complexity and emotional impact as you ask yourself psychological questions about time travel and saving lives. Overall, If you like story-based games, You should definitely try 7 years from now out. Read Note
White Is Nice
Bang Dream!
#GAME_OF_MARCH BanG Dream Girls Band Party is a fun and entertaining game. It not only has a lot of original songs, 5 main bands (6 + an upcoming one if you're playing on the JP server), It also has a ton of cover songs, A lot of them being either anime openings/endings or vocaloid songs. The live2D models also look really great, Combined with the great voice acting from the VAs, Gives the game a lot of life to it. To top it off, It also has band stories for each band, As well as event stories for each event in-game, As well as card stories, And comics that are available to read in-game! The game is also very generous with login rewards, And also has a pretty great pull rate. Overall, This game is worth trying out.
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