anime turned the novel into shit show, and a shit game
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less advanced factoryio game, remember to use schematics! they help alot in optimizing your factory and save space
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always thought it was some sort of weird icecream man, turn out its judt a pixelated abime girl flip over
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shit ass game, ads ads ads everything has an ad button sticking up its ass
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anyone still play this game? is it still continue? last update was november, so its pretty recent for an indie like game, or game at this scale, just got back and found a bunch of new stuff compare to build 1.0
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ah i remember playing this back in the days, its not minecraft 2d, its rather terraria but minecraft texture pack. even tho i said that, theres nothing in common with either booth game, cause its rlly boring, theres hardly anything to do 10minutes into the game except digging and waiting for the crafting to complete(yes some recipe require you to wait), theres no hostile in single player, getting hungry just slow you down, basically wait and wait and wait boring ass, grind for better gear so you can pvp, which is 99% dead except for one server with a 12 yr old and his minecraft friend
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Didnt i played this before i think i have, game feels really dead or empty, kind of abyssmal to find other players, unless you count the afk ones or the bot that act like people stand around doing nothing
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So apparently i cant play this, but japan version can
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-Oh so you are an anime fan too great! What anime do you watch?
-one piece of fairy tale: reincarnated as dr. Stone
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Weird i cant access arknights, keep saying initializing fail at the menu
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No youdo not do this, stop publishing your fking game all over the place, and put ads in it, vavle aaid youant put ads inhe game, why is there still ads in the game
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Finally English, been waiting, this is a pretty cool looking game, im usually fine with japanese game, but i cant understand japanese and theres so many numbers ingame, i dont want to miss out the stats n stuffs
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Bruh i want to alk to the person who think giving this game almost all 5 stars was a good idea, did you developed this game your self or something?
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At first im intersted, but it get boring real fast
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A dissapointment lmao, i rather stick to the old nino kuni 2 on pc which is 10 times better, the game feels generic
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Tbh didnt expect much in a warship game, but 2 words: offline gaming, this game is offline, for its graphics and content, good shit
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Wait is this game rlly going to stop working? I mean its kinda good tbh, until about lv 40 50 where it gets pretty annoying to level your stuffs up since xp and money are so long to grind. Problem with the game is the pacing, it feel rlly slow and repetitive, tho it was rlly enjoyable. There is also an H version of the game, and its actually the main game you should be playing anyway
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Go play dead by day light or friday the 13rd or something idk, just dont touch this, major spoiler for the anime
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Hhhmpp idk man, this game look kinda sus, i hope it doesnt "fall" under the new "guys", anyway is it shutting down?
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Idle rpg , its one of those game where you could have play it normally, but you get rlly lazy at one point, just put it on auto quest while doing something else, until you dont even bother touchinghe game anymore
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Eyyy its princess flare, where is the healer?
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The character customize is cool, other than that its pretty lame for a rogue game wanabe
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Well by the time this game had global, i probably had memorized every buttons and skills that im totally fine playing the jp version
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This look like that one pc game that almost got Goty award
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I dont understand why people dont use this as cross online class program, its just efficient, thoseother meeting program are kinda shit
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