IceFairyFan Nikarei's Notebook(18)
IceFairyFan Nikarei
False F2P Progress Ads n Brags
Anyone saying you can LB3 Pilgrim F2P are kinda lying through their teeth if not insanely lucky. Looking at you Discord. Here's a day 1 player, $1 spent progress looks like.
This is how actual (almost) F2P BRAGGING is. Stop lying about F2P while LB3-ing dozens of Nikkes pls.
Stats :
216 days played
181k power.
Hard Ch. 9-11
Tower 146, E121, M130, T123, P132
Missing Nikkes : Noah, Harran, Yuni, Crow, Soda, Biscuit, Blanc, Noir, Rosanna, Miranda, Milk, Anne Xmas, Rupee Xmas, Mary, Cocoa, Viper, Makima, Power
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This is how actual (almost) F2P BRAGGING is. Stop lying about F2P while LB3-ing dozens of Nikkes pls.
Stats :
216 days played
181k power.
Hard Ch. 9-11
Tower 146, E121, M130, T123, P132
Missing Nikkes : Noah, Harran, Yuni, Crow, Soda, Biscuit, Blanc, Noir, Rosanna, Miranda, Milk, Anne Xmas, Rupee Xmas, Mary, Cocoa, Viper, Makima, Power
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IceFairyFan Nikarei
Future Censors Will Be AI Made
Thanks NotKusoyaro for the information.
Thanks for the time guys, you'll hear no more from me.
Guess that's it. I'm quitting by principle. I'm not paying for them to remove the OG Artists and leaving Kim Hying Tae alone. No wonder the game jank as* ****. If they AI the art from now, they would also AI the code without even fixing them up beforehand.
Great way to shot down my suspension of disbelief. Do not trust the developers anymore. Read Note
Thanks for the time guys, you'll hear no more from me.
Guess that's it. I'm quitting by principle. I'm not paying for them to remove the OG Artists and leaving Kim Hying Tae alone. No wonder the game jank as* ****. If they AI the art from now, they would also AI the code without even fixing them up beforehand.
Great way to shot down my suspension of disbelief. Do not trust the developers anymore. Read Note

IceFairyFan Nikarei
Nihilister 90 Days Grind
Unless youre speeding it up with 6000 gems for 45 days, Nihilister will be unlocked in 90 days. Ignore the ads, this is why people were angry.
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IceFairyFan Nikarei
Patch Note Missing 30 March 23
Maintenance Bugs 30th March 2023.
!!WARNING!! at No. 4, ToS and PP change.
Edit 1 : Nihilister found.
Edit 2 : Contradiction of No. 4
1. Arenas are inaccessible due to Server Crash
1.a. This affects Liberation Missions
1.b. Some SP Arena rewards that require minimum 1 battle to claim might not be claimable until bug fix or compensation.
2. Liberation Issues
2.a. Liberation Missions requiring arena battles for now are unclearable, making speeding up Liberation ridiculously expensive
2.b. Many people report Nihilister option not yet found, need confirmation from 20-31 clearers. I cannot confirm it as of today as my Guilty is at 620pts, not a good time to switch liberation.
2.b.i. To access Nihilister needs to cleared 20-31 first> Access Elevator > Go to Liberation Change Menu > Seipe Left or Right > Heretic Scouting
3. Miscellaneous
3.a. Patch Notes missing and lags
3.b. Some Spare Bodies still hasn't appeared in Dolla's Body Label Shop. (Dolla, Alice, and Novel)
!!WARNING!! Terms of Services and Privacy Policy changes :
4. Not bugs but Terms of Services and Privacy Policy
4.a. Section 1, 19, 21, 22 of ToS contains Waivers. SIGN AT YOUR OWN RISK.
4.b. Privacy Policy states your account will be forwarded due to legal obligation. SIGN AT YOUR OWN RISK.
4.c.i. There is a contradiction whether this is opt in or opt out feature. If this is true I hope it's opt in. The settings in Account Management doesn't gave me free 100 gems yet. As long as I don't press this it seems it does not link to LI Pass. Problem was I couldn't access the game without ToS or PP agreement so there's the contradiction. Read Note
!!WARNING!! at No. 4, ToS and PP change.
Edit 1 : Nihilister found.
Edit 2 : Contradiction of No. 4
1. Arenas are inaccessible due to Server Crash
1.a. This affects Liberation Missions
1.b. Some SP Arena rewards that require minimum 1 battle to claim might not be claimable until bug fix or compensation.
2. Liberation Issues
2.a. Liberation Missions requiring arena battles for now are unclearable, making speeding up Liberation ridiculously expensive
2.b. Many people report Nihilister option not yet found, need confirmation from 20-31 clearers. I cannot confirm it as of today as my Guilty is at 620pts, not a good time to switch liberation.
2.b.i. To access Nihilister needs to cleared 20-31 first> Access Elevator > Go to Liberation Change Menu > Seipe Left or Right > Heretic Scouting
3. Miscellaneous
3.a. Patch Notes missing and lags
3.b. Some Spare Bodies still hasn't appeared in Dolla's Body Label Shop. (Dolla, Alice, and Novel)
!!WARNING!! Terms of Services and Privacy Policy changes :
4. Not bugs but Terms of Services and Privacy Policy
4.a. Section 1, 19, 21, 22 of ToS contains Waivers. SIGN AT YOUR OWN RISK.
4.b. Privacy Policy states your account will be forwarded due to legal obligation. SIGN AT YOUR OWN RISK.
4.c.i. There is a contradiction whether this is opt in or opt out feature. If this is true I hope it's opt in. The settings in Account Management doesn't gave me free 100 gems yet. As long as I don't press this it seems it does not link to LI Pass. Problem was I couldn't access the game without ToS or PP agreement so there's the contradiction. Read Note

IceFairyFan Nikarei
132d Finished Game. Verdict.
139k power, 215 Sync Lv, 196 Commander Levels, 132 days, 7 T10 Overloaded Gears, and nothing to share.
I have won but at what cost. Even my Guild is dead.
Unrewarding, because the devs dont give a fine compensation about every mistake they intentionally made.
Underwhelming, the best part are the Boss Fights and thats the least of the game content. Even Guild Raid is just too rare.
Unapologetic, one mistake, you're bricked. If you dont reroll, there's no farmable no limit breaker, no gems.
Unrelenting, most update ends up being cash shop centric. Even the good ones like difficulty nerfs and Christmas and CSM Collab circles back to the shop. I dont have any Gacha Collab chars.
Undeserving, uses all psychological manipulation in the Diablo Immoral Playbook to suck cash.
Uninviting, it doesnt have a failsafe for new players to catch up. Post Modernia Banner players are bricked due to the power gap is insanely high between players and Nikkes alike.
Unhelpful, even Liberation Nikkes are an arbitrary chore to unlock for 2 months unpaid and unlimitbreakable due to how stingy guild coin works. Just play Azur Lane and farm their 7 days unlockable PR Ships. I still dont have Quency, Sin, nor Guilty as of 16th March 2023 because of few forgotten days.
I don't care about the last story piece, not worth it. We had known it from the start.
To top it all? IF I bought 5 monthly cards (1650 paid gems and 13200 freen't gems) back to back as long as I played this, it's not enough to buy the beginner one time SSR Guarantee gacha (2000 charge gems). Read Note
I have won but at what cost. Even my Guild is dead.
Unrewarding, because the devs dont give a fine compensation about every mistake they intentionally made.
Underwhelming, the best part are the Boss Fights and thats the least of the game content. Even Guild Raid is just too rare.
Unapologetic, one mistake, you're bricked. If you dont reroll, there's no farmable no limit breaker, no gems.
Unrelenting, most update ends up being cash shop centric. Even the good ones like difficulty nerfs and Christmas and CSM Collab circles back to the shop. I dont have any Gacha Collab chars.
Undeserving, uses all psychological manipulation in the Diablo Immoral Playbook to suck cash.
Uninviting, it doesnt have a failsafe for new players to catch up. Post Modernia Banner players are bricked due to the power gap is insanely high between players and Nikkes alike.
Unhelpful, even Liberation Nikkes are an arbitrary chore to unlock for 2 months unpaid and unlimitbreakable due to how stingy guild coin works. Just play Azur Lane and farm their 7 days unlockable PR Ships. I still dont have Quency, Sin, nor Guilty as of 16th March 2023 because of few forgotten days.
I don't care about the last story piece, not worth it. We had known it from the start.
To top it all? IF I bought 5 monthly cards (1650 paid gems and 13200 freen't gems) back to back as long as I played this, it's not enough to buy the beginner one time SSR Guarantee gacha (2000 charge gems). Read Note

IceFairyFan Nikarei
Do they not play their game?
Who in the right mind is satisfied with the gacha? Also costume too expensive isnt a default option?
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IceFairyFan Nikarei
Why is this not a Day 1 thing?
Outpost Level is increased beyond level 100 in future update. Just right after Whale Honeymoon Spending phase ends. They are even abusive to whales by devaluing resources during its most needed period which is literally first 5 months of the game being too hard even for whales... on top of having tutorials being too hard.
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IceFairyFan Nikarei
So... the TUTORIAL's too hard?
I'm not blaming the players. This is just the main reason of why no other games made a power debuff system.
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IceFairyFan Nikarei
F2Pn't 112 Days Break 160 Wall
Stats, $1 spent, stuck in 160 wall for 60 days :
Highly Above Average Luck (Top ~20%; without whales, Top ~15%)
LB3 : Drake, Poli, Maiden, Exia, Epinel
30 SSR, 13 desirable dupes, 1 SSR Selector, 1 Silver Mileage x200 used for cause, USED at VERY, VERY LAST OF PROGRESSION. (Average as for now 10 desirable dupes)
Wasted another 200 Silver Mileage for Liter Copy, not LB3.
654 Regular Gachas total, 500 Social Gacha (Average Luck 34 SSRs, 24 wishlisted, 10 random)
Est. 15 SSR Molds, 8 Manufacturer Molds, 1 Pilgrim Mold, 8 SR Molds (Average 15 SSRs, random)
Almost all Gacha Body Label Coins x190,000 spent on SSR Mold in BlackNet Shop.
Pilgrims : Rapunzel, Isabel, Modernia, Scarlet LB1 (average 1 Pilgrim per 200 draws and failed Pilgrim Mold, extremely above average luck)
1 Overloaded Gear, 5 not yet Overloaded, 3/9 Custom Module used.
Current Power 118,700, before LB3 Synced 101,700, when starting 160 wall 66,000 at 25th December 2022.
Resources spent : 131M Credits, 655M Battle Datas, 151k Core Dusts.
Bonds : Drake 30, Maiden 27, Poli 21, Exia - Liter - Epinel - Dolla 20, Scarlet 14, Modernia - Maxwell - Centi - Alice - Yulha - Neve - Rapunzel - Isabel - Ludmilla - Privaty - Admi Brid - Helm - Pepper - Frima - Julia - Rapi - Anis 10
Last Chapter 19-11, Hard 4-10
Towers 113, E95/M95/T85/P45
As currently writing (according to TimaeuSS Power Level Poll February 11th, 29% players broke the wall or past 100k power) Read Note
Highly Above Average Luck (Top ~20%; without whales, Top ~15%)
LB3 : Drake, Poli, Maiden, Exia, Epinel
30 SSR, 13 desirable dupes, 1 SSR Selector, 1 Silver Mileage x200 used for cause, USED at VERY, VERY LAST OF PROGRESSION. (Average as for now 10 desirable dupes)
Wasted another 200 Silver Mileage for Liter Copy, not LB3.
654 Regular Gachas total, 500 Social Gacha (Average Luck 34 SSRs, 24 wishlisted, 10 random)
Est. 15 SSR Molds, 8 Manufacturer Molds, 1 Pilgrim Mold, 8 SR Molds (Average 15 SSRs, random)
Almost all Gacha Body Label Coins x190,000 spent on SSR Mold in BlackNet Shop.
Pilgrims : Rapunzel, Isabel, Modernia, Scarlet LB1 (average 1 Pilgrim per 200 draws and failed Pilgrim Mold, extremely above average luck)
1 Overloaded Gear, 5 not yet Overloaded, 3/9 Custom Module used.
Current Power 118,700, before LB3 Synced 101,700, when starting 160 wall 66,000 at 25th December 2022.
Resources spent : 131M Credits, 655M Battle Datas, 151k Core Dusts.
Bonds : Drake 30, Maiden 27, Poli 21, Exia - Liter - Epinel - Dolla 20, Scarlet 14, Modernia - Maxwell - Centi - Alice - Yulha - Neve - Rapunzel - Isabel - Ludmilla - Privaty - Admi Brid - Helm - Pepper - Frima - Julia - Rapi - Anis 10
Last Chapter 19-11, Hard 4-10
Towers 113, E95/M95/T85/P45
As currently writing (according to TimaeuSS Power Level Poll February 11th, 29% players broke the wall or past 100k power) Read Note

IceFairyFan Nikarei
How to Bond Lv. 35?
Drake is at LB3 at this time of date so, how? Do we need core+ for this?
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IceFairyFan Nikarei
Lv 200 Reset Locked
Im pissed at this.
Lets say if I Lv. 200 the worst Nikke like Crow first to bypass power requirement and then get Drake or Scarlet at LB3 so she won't die first. Also lets say I have 4 Lv 200 Nikkes and got my 5th LB3, I want to shift some for higher Synchro Level. I should be allowed to shift my resources to her for sometime.
Look at these amount of resources and guess how many weeks of Campaign, Tower, and Simulation Room progress halting that could be due to locking Team Comp.
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Lets say if I Lv. 200 the worst Nikke like Crow first to bypass power requirement and then get Drake or Scarlet at LB3 so she won't die first. Also lets say I have 4 Lv 200 Nikkes and got my 5th LB3, I want to shift some for higher Synchro Level. I should be allowed to shift my resources to her for sometime.
Look at these amount of resources and guess how many weeks of Campaign, Tower, and Simulation Room progress halting that could be due to locking Team Comp.
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IceFairyFan Nikarei
You Technically Finished Nikke
There is no more reason to rush the game. You have already won, by the CBT standards.
The game is inherently designed to do that, to be a quick powertripping fantasy had the issues were resolved at launch.
These 11 issues is intentionally here just to pad the content out because otherwise, you would have cleared the game Normal Campaign and Simulation Room 5 by now. Shame because clearing Normal Campaign like Arknights, Blue Archive, Azur Lane, and many more games were never an issue or a problem that keep us from spending.
10% power difference will result in you losing 40% stats, including 25%-30% of damage, up to 50% maximum. Graph below.
Essentially, you are playing with half power all this time.
Without that Underpower Debuff, Mold Nerf, Limit Break Cap, Level 160 Bottleneck, Skill Book Farm Limit, Union Raid Postponing, Harmony Cube capped at Level 2, Outpost and Tactics Academy Idle bugs, Removal of Scarlet from Beginner Mission rewards, unbalanced enemies stats, and gameplay bugs...
How many days do you think the Normal Campaign could have been cleared?
Someone who spent $60 in Nikke said to me, a week.
That is solely because the time he spent waiting to get Pepper or Rapunzel.
If you reached 65k power and not debuffed, then you originally have the ability to finish Ch. 17 even Ch. 18. Read Note
The game is inherently designed to do that, to be a quick powertripping fantasy had the issues were resolved at launch.
These 11 issues is intentionally here just to pad the content out because otherwise, you would have cleared the game Normal Campaign and Simulation Room 5 by now. Shame because clearing Normal Campaign like Arknights, Blue Archive, Azur Lane, and many more games were never an issue or a problem that keep us from spending.
10% power difference will result in you losing 40% stats, including 25%-30% of damage, up to 50% maximum. Graph below.
Essentially, you are playing with half power all this time.
Without that Underpower Debuff, Mold Nerf, Limit Break Cap, Level 160 Bottleneck, Skill Book Farm Limit, Union Raid Postponing, Harmony Cube capped at Level 2, Outpost and Tactics Academy Idle bugs, Removal of Scarlet from Beginner Mission rewards, unbalanced enemies stats, and gameplay bugs...
How many days do you think the Normal Campaign could have been cleared?
Someone who spent $60 in Nikke said to me, a week.
That is solely because the time he spent waiting to get Pepper or Rapunzel.
If you reached 65k power and not debuffed, then you originally have the ability to finish Ch. 17 even Ch. 18. Read Note

IceFairyFan Nikarei
The F2P Experience Begins
Took 50 days to hit the wall.
Total 412 draws spent, another 120 in savings.
Est, 7 SR Molds, 5 bought SSR Molds, 7(?) from campaign and old event shop. 5 Manufacturer Molds opened, 135 friend point gachas total.
1 Pilgrim, Rapunzel.
Bought a Liter Copy with Silver Ticket, big mistake.
Recycling Base Lv. 42 and other nodes Lv. 20
Last Progress Ch. 15-9.
Lets see how long does it takes to get over LB3.
If anyone wondering the paywall is at least $50 per SSR x 5 Nikkes x 3 Limit Breaks / 0.33 (chance from wishlist) = $2250 worth of gacha.
If you're in this position that would be reduced by 6/15 meaning this is equal to spending $700 at launch. Read Note
Total 412 draws spent, another 120 in savings.
Est, 7 SR Molds, 5 bought SSR Molds, 7(?) from campaign and old event shop. 5 Manufacturer Molds opened, 135 friend point gachas total.
1 Pilgrim, Rapunzel.
Bought a Liter Copy with Silver Ticket, big mistake.
Recycling Base Lv. 42 and other nodes Lv. 20
Last Progress Ch. 15-9.
Lets see how long does it takes to get over LB3.
If anyone wondering the paywall is at least $50 per SSR x 5 Nikkes x 3 Limit Breaks / 0.33 (chance from wishlist) = $2250 worth of gacha.
If you're in this position that would be reduced by 6/15 meaning this is equal to spending $700 at launch. Read Note

IceFairyFan Nikarei
MASSIVE 3y Leak Implications
This are speculations, no concrete proof. However please spread to other related forums.
Based on Baidu discussions, , rumors that some players suspects Shift Up has no more involvement with the game. Here's why :
TL;DR No other games has 3 years worth of content during ready to be leaked at game's launch, take that as you will. More explanation at no. 4.
1. Why the CBT runs miles better than the actual buggy release, 3 years after CBT? - No developers would intentionally downgrade their game to an unplayable state... unless they are reverse engineering it. Something that we-know-who is built and predated upon western games and softwares for decades.
2. Why would the devs lie to people about CBT Gacha rate when people are readying to spent their wallet on that? - Simple, it's not the same game source code from the devs and not enough income for a larger corporation than game developer.
3. Why Shift Up sold the game to that company? - Market Monopoly, always bought your competitor than make your own game. A guarantee lump sum of cash is preferred by developers than maintaining a game for years for "possibly" get the same amount of money. Even more so when Marketing is no longer your issue.
4. It's expected that the news from Baidu which this note stems from, must be spread, for two main reasons.
4a. The leak by the fired staff nets in total 55 characters. 55 x 2 = 110 weeks of content. Add reruns or reused content, that means 3 years worth of content. I don't remember even Arknights, Azur Lane, Blue Archive, GBF, Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact, even Touhou Lost Word which reskins character on regular - has even close to 3 years worth of content to be leaked.
4b. Debates about player reward, progression, price, and user experience. They cannot sanction the fired devs twice because they effectively released them out of NDA. Every time developers said "Pirate my game" in public, that means something way sinister is happening. I learnt from G2A scandal. Someone from Shift Up must knew that they cannot compensate the players the way they want so they LEAKED EVERYTHING in return.
5. Why in the world did they haphazardly censor the forums of International release when Azur Lane and Blue Archive can make a separate client version for regional release? - Because they did not have the manpower to handle the game, let alone quality control the other versions. That or regional legislation problem. They are not exactly the devs who knew the original code and art. Especially when they mistranslated the PAID BEGINNER BANNER, heck the ENTIRE SKILL MISTRANSLATION BUG AT LAUNCH?
6. Why allergic to compensate players for the trouble? Blue Archive gave 10 gachas every maintenance, Raids, and Events. Azur Lane, you farm the gacha. Same with Arknights. GBF gave 100s of Roulettes. Same with Touhou Lost Word. There's no way anyone has a reason to be this absurdly stingy in the highly competitive market...
... unless you have a monopoly.
All of these speculations are made by the Baidu OP's 10 years of gaming under that company and my own personal interpretation of 5 years playing Idle Game outside of that region and more. Read Note
Based on Baidu discussions, , rumors that some players suspects Shift Up has no more involvement with the game. Here's why :
TL;DR No other games has 3 years worth of content during ready to be leaked at game's launch, take that as you will. More explanation at no. 4.
1. Why the CBT runs miles better than the actual buggy release, 3 years after CBT? - No developers would intentionally downgrade their game to an unplayable state... unless they are reverse engineering it. Something that we-know-who is built and predated upon western games and softwares for decades.
2. Why would the devs lie to people about CBT Gacha rate when people are readying to spent their wallet on that? - Simple, it's not the same game source code from the devs and not enough income for a larger corporation than game developer.
3. Why Shift Up sold the game to that company? - Market Monopoly, always bought your competitor than make your own game. A guarantee lump sum of cash is preferred by developers than maintaining a game for years for "possibly" get the same amount of money. Even more so when Marketing is no longer your issue.
4. It's expected that the news from Baidu which this note stems from, must be spread, for two main reasons.
4a. The leak by the fired staff nets in total 55 characters. 55 x 2 = 110 weeks of content. Add reruns or reused content, that means 3 years worth of content. I don't remember even Arknights, Azur Lane, Blue Archive, GBF, Genshin Impact, Honkai Impact, even Touhou Lost Word which reskins character on regular - has even close to 3 years worth of content to be leaked.
4b. Debates about player reward, progression, price, and user experience. They cannot sanction the fired devs twice because they effectively released them out of NDA. Every time developers said "Pirate my game" in public, that means something way sinister is happening. I learnt from G2A scandal. Someone from Shift Up must knew that they cannot compensate the players the way they want so they LEAKED EVERYTHING in return.
5. Why in the world did they haphazardly censor the forums of International release when Azur Lane and Blue Archive can make a separate client version for regional release? - Because they did not have the manpower to handle the game, let alone quality control the other versions. That or regional legislation problem. They are not exactly the devs who knew the original code and art. Especially when they mistranslated the PAID BEGINNER BANNER, heck the ENTIRE SKILL MISTRANSLATION BUG AT LAUNCH?
6. Why allergic to compensate players for the trouble? Blue Archive gave 10 gachas every maintenance, Raids, and Events. Azur Lane, you farm the gacha. Same with Arknights. GBF gave 100s of Roulettes. Same with Touhou Lost Word. There's no way anyone has a reason to be this absurdly stingy in the highly competitive market...
... unless you have a monopoly.
All of these speculations are made by the Baidu OP's 10 years of gaming under that company and my own personal interpretation of 5 years playing Idle Game outside of that region and more. Read Note
IceFairyFan Nikarei
Ridiculous Bottleneck 12-9
Normally I don't complaint about things like this, but this is for putting in -25% stats debuffs when underpowered and putting power spikes on the damn campaign.
You got this Stage 12-9 requiring 36900 power stage where its littered with tanks and destructible covers. Problem being, the covers are the hard to aim tanky pipes and chimneys and they didn't test the area.
Probably a DPS check, so I have to level up beyond Level 120. Whoops, need 4500 Core Dusts each Nikke (22500 total, 39 Core Dusts per hour). BTW, Core Dust Income never increases outside of expensive Tactics Academy upgrade. Also your SSRs are now Synchro Device gated since you need Limit Break 2 to get by. Most of my characters are on Bond 10 and stuck getting more than 4.8m damage in S Interception. Skill Books are also overdemanded since getting skills past Lv. 4 is very risk expensive for out of META Units. Not helping that they probably hadn't fixed all the bugs for skills upgrade that does nothing.
Maybe I was just not strong enough. But turns out from a community survey I'm the top 10% players who hardcored this game. So I worry that if I struggled even with many years of Idle Game experience, how about other people who doesn't even play hard. Not to mention this game is designed that the longer the income gap stays, more impossible it is to catch up to old players.
Maybe I can manual my Sniper. But most Snipers don't pierce the covers. Shotguns misses but doesn't demolish the covers, but it's something when even Assault Rifles also misses in the open. Made worse, there are blindspots for Nikkes put on left most and right most edges where the auto struggles to fire if the Rapture Core is hidden behind an indestructible obstacle, killing my DPS.
Maybe I'm just dumb for using mostly Shotguns. Lets see how legit people clears it with other weapo- Of course it's only the Whale Pilgrim Skill Team who cleared it.
This is considering the devs expected us to reach 46000 power on the first two week of the game's first event.
Pictured below example of a blindspot. Read Note
You got this Stage 12-9 requiring 36900 power stage where its littered with tanks and destructible covers. Problem being, the covers are the hard to aim tanky pipes and chimneys and they didn't test the area.
Probably a DPS check, so I have to level up beyond Level 120. Whoops, need 4500 Core Dusts each Nikke (22500 total, 39 Core Dusts per hour). BTW, Core Dust Income never increases outside of expensive Tactics Academy upgrade. Also your SSRs are now Synchro Device gated since you need Limit Break 2 to get by. Most of my characters are on Bond 10 and stuck getting more than 4.8m damage in S Interception. Skill Books are also overdemanded since getting skills past Lv. 4 is very risk expensive for out of META Units. Not helping that they probably hadn't fixed all the bugs for skills upgrade that does nothing.
Maybe I was just not strong enough. But turns out from a community survey I'm the top 10% players who hardcored this game. So I worry that if I struggled even with many years of Idle Game experience, how about other people who doesn't even play hard. Not to mention this game is designed that the longer the income gap stays, more impossible it is to catch up to old players.
Maybe I can manual my Sniper. But most Snipers don't pierce the covers. Shotguns misses but doesn't demolish the covers, but it's something when even Assault Rifles also misses in the open. Made worse, there are blindspots for Nikkes put on left most and right most edges where the auto struggles to fire if the Rapture Core is hidden behind an indestructible obstacle, killing my DPS.
Maybe I'm just dumb for using mostly Shotguns. Lets see how legit people clears it with other weapo- Of course it's only the Whale Pilgrim Skill Team who cleared it.
This is considering the devs expected us to reach 46000 power on the first two week of the game's first event.
Pictured below example of a blindspot. Read Note

IceFairyFan Nikarei
You know that shot damage is the most important factor in EXP farming.
This event has a free Max Duplicate Break amount for an SSR with Boss Damage effect. Which means this SSR Mitama Card is the FIRST ENABLER TO SPELL BREAK ALL THE THEMES after getting 900 Shot Damage. I tested, you cannot Defeat the 4th Boss HP Bar without at least 9x Shot Damage Effect. Get this and get 400 frags of each available characters. You know Gacha Games and their limited crap so this might be a once in a year Occurence. Read Note
This event has a free Max Duplicate Break amount for an SSR with Boss Damage effect. Which means this SSR Mitama Card is the FIRST ENABLER TO SPELL BREAK ALL THE THEMES after getting 900 Shot Damage. I tested, you cannot Defeat the 4th Boss HP Bar without at least 9x Shot Damage Effect. Get this and get 400 frags of each available characters. You know Gacha Games and their limited crap so this might be a once in a year Occurence. Read Note

IceFairyFan Nikarei
Power Spike at Heroine Lv100
Heroine Youkai can be leveled to Lv. 100 and you can start try to gacha respec their Specialization Status. This process creates a new copy of your Heroine so you can stack her with the original copy for Massive Shot Power and Scoring Boosts.
The gacha costs 500 Fragments. Prioritize 2 copies of 420 Shot Damage Heroines to clear every available Boss HP in the game which is the primary Farming Method.
This is the endgame, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the game when you achieved this stage. Read Note
The gacha costs 500 Fragments. Prioritize 2 copies of 420 Shot Damage Heroines to clear every available Boss HP in the game which is the primary Farming Method.
This is the endgame, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the game when you achieved this stage. Read Note