Mar'st's Notebook(112)
whoever said this F2P is blind
this as far i can go as F2P more then that is impossible except u ar buying every bundle SE over and had alot of lv90 platinum gear like those top100 im skip 2boss in very hard(2nd boss in T-junction before reno). this is my best near event end if its not goes under 500 its already good enough.
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warning! play at ur own risk
its just my point of view, other mybe think different.
1.elements its the most important thing, so u need collect and build a big number of adventurer
2. gacha pool didn't guaranteed u to get SSR character at all in multi pull(im pulled 10sr in 1multi, this is fact)
3. if u suck at 3d action game like me this game is ur nemesis, coz they didnt provide u with lock-on/target aiming so sometimes u gonna hit nothing coz ur lack of skill.
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1.elements its the most important thing, so u need collect and build a big number of adventurer
2. gacha pool didn't guaranteed u to get SSR character at all in multi pull(im pulled 10sr in 1multi, this is fact)
3. if u suck at 3d action game like me this game is ur nemesis, coz they didnt provide u with lock-on/target aiming so sometimes u gonna hit nothing coz ur lack of skill.
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just my opinion
playing around 3d using fake GPS i may be frank its kinda bland for MH series wheres the mountain, river, forest. its lacking coz its made like Pokemon GO, while the MH we usually played in console its make me more thrilled, fulfilled, and excited with the map environment. well its just my opinion maybe other more thrilled with this kind of MH. but no me for sure.. ![[不滿]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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just my opinion
im quit after play 2d. already uninstall the apps never come back coz im find farming materials for upgrade T. S. F to *2 is already annoying. why annoying coz the didn't provide player with istant run/multiple run at once/multiple drop base on multiple choice. and finding them is hella hard. 5times redo run not single 1 sometimes. and u do it once at time everytime.. no no no thanks!! farming in H:SR its 10times easier even max run is 6. i can push auto and watch 6round in progress![[耍帥]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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triple strike
didnt post any gacha result coz its too painful. currently on pity strike since serah BT banner(serah, cain(rerun), rubicante). got trolled by jack BT in my free daily pull, to the point im cursing "RnG god is so FUVCKING BLIND", spend 660tix to get squall FR and 2d later on free daily i got it again(squall FR). RnG had serious sickness of trolling player -_-**![[發怒]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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repair data solution
i send inquiries to CS coz black screen, freezenscreen, force closed problem and this kind of answer i got. im already try repair data solution but nothing change at all. im still had black screen, force closed, freeze screen at certain time(new stage, arena battle). they should change their name to crappyroll instead. ![[發怒]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
im so pissed coz i had difficult time to reach rank5 chara coz this FC, blacky, freezy!!
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