D2TG 1's Notebook(58)
D2TG 1
Date A Live Collab ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 :)
just getting the word out that there's a date a live collab going on right now with eversoul global:) i hope there will be more date a live collabs after this one, would love to see all the DAL girls on eversoul :) i got a new phone for my upgrade got a iphone, but i did not know qooaap was android only :( so i probably switch back to android my next upgrade. i still have my old phone, which is android, so i still have access. i was playing this game on my iPhone, so I had to retake picks on this phone so i can upload but i was lucky enough to get both Kurumi and Tohka in my 1st 10 pull that i did on each of they banners :) good luck on your pulls everyone:)
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D2TG 1
Glad I Caught Summer Banner :)
Whats Crazyy is that i got both 1st Anniversary units in one 10 pull thats never happened to me b4, but it crash on my phone b4 it showed any characters i really would had love a screen shot of that :( i go back into game and there they was in my characters selection. also got few others i didnt have. im also glad i didnt miss out on Swimsuit Ryza because the summer banners will end soon hopefully i get Swimsuit Resna as well🤞
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D2TG 1
Sorry, I Dont know Her Name but...
They are given out an A-rank Version of her, and her Swimsuit for login in between 11/21/24-11/28/24, but I'm not sure u can get it if u don't log in by 11/24/24 because there wouldn't be enough days left afterwards to get to the last reward which is her Swimsuit. Other than that, they release an S version of her, and her banner is currently up. I assume that both her S rank version and A rank version can where her Swimsuit outfit since it's the same person which is probably why they are giving it out alongside her banner.
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D2TG 1
Wuwa ps5 Release Jan 2, 2025 ❤️ 😍
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Post from Wuthering Waves
The PlayStation 5 version of Wuthering Waves is scheduled for release on January 2, 2025, coinciding with the launch of Version 2.0. Your game progress will ...
D2TG 1
Grats Wuwa On The BMG Nomination 👏 ❤️
Camellya OMG I pulled her in 45 pity :) I have no way of actually playing this game story until it releases on ps5. This phone sucks and game crashes every 1-5mins I have no pc, I seen ppl pulling for her on YouTube and I at least wanted to try for her, and thanks to the email wuwa sent for they nomination it gave me enough that I needed to do a 10 pull and she showed up in that 10 pull so I'm very grateful
Wuwa will have my Vote because of that
. I'm going to play the Hell out of this game once it releases on ps5. Whats Kinda funny and interesting is that she showed up on the 45 pull from my last 5star, and i have exactly 45 pages in my pull history. Good luck on your pulls, everyone :)
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D2TG 1
Glad im having some luck on this game 🤞
Only on Ch. 2 and I was lucky to pull the event 5 star in 21 pulls :) soo happy and guessing there a 50/50 system on event pulls, sooo glad i won my 50/50 as well. After u beat 1st chapter you can do the unlimited 5star gotcha to pick a normal (non event) 5star u want. I pick the red hair girl, then i ended up pulling a copy of her on my 1st 10 pull on normal banner so she's SS now :). Now im kinda tempted 2 buy the event girl outfit .... good luck on your pulls everyone :).
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D2TG 1
Best Possible Outcome For Me :)
So...i was around soft Pity close to 74 and on ganrunteed and had to decide weather to go For JinhsI or use my ganrunteed on ChangLI after a few hours of debating I decided to Just go for JinhsI and Try my Luck 50/50 when ChangLI banner drop I did 10 pull, pull JinhsI try to take pic of 10 pull game crash again on me like usual i go back in game used what currentcy i had left for her wep but no luck then went back to her banner did a single pull hoping to get Lucky and Calcharo appears lol I didn't actually expect that to happen but it did and im soo happy right
now because now I have a Ganrunteed on ChangLI banner
I'm glad I didn't skip JinhsI banner :)
Hope the ps5 release comes soon bc i dont have pc, and my phone sucks.
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D2TG 1
Wow 😍 ❤️
I wasn't expecting this, and my game crash mid gotcha after i took a picture of my 5star, so i go back into game check the beginner pull logs to see what else i got after crash, only to be shocked and surprised that i actually pulled 2 five stars in my last beginner discounted pull 40-50. :) so happy, and now im not sure who to go for next, because i was going to use my ganrunteed banner to pull healer, but now thats open for someone else :). good luck on your pulls everyone, hope u win your 50/50 on event 5 star banner, and u get who u want :).
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D2TG 1
D-Stella 💕
OMG I had quite the luck today and pulled Demiurge Stella on 18th Pull
her rates are sooooo low :( honestly didn't think I would ever get her. also Pulled Akari on 1st 10 Pull so I'm supper happy right now
. oh also got Maxwell out of nowhere on pull 13.
Oh almost forgot you have to beat ch.10 of story to even unlock the banner that Demiurge Stella is on. Read Note

Oh almost forgot you have to beat ch.10 of story to even unlock the banner that Demiurge Stella is on. Read Note

D2TG 1
Shin Ikki Collab 😍😍😍
Ikki Tousen colab is here
you can get the 3 new units as well as all the past units from the previous ikki collabs this is a great chance to get any units u may had missed out on. For me So far this is the BEST Luck I ever had with a collab and on this game by far :) so the 1st pull i did on the 1st banner was a single pull the screen turn rainbow color so i was thinking i defintly got a collab unit on 1st try then i see it Reveal Wifey Kanu
i didnt recongonize the art so when I look it up it is actully the LR Bunny Kanu
they dont mentioned it but there are 2 Lrs on the 1st banner (if u pressed purple circle on banner u can see thats shes featured on banner and u can see all the other feature units as well). So i was super happy, I wasnt able to get her when she 1st arrive so for me 2 pull her from single pull was a true miracle :) then i grinded for 50 rainbow stones and then the 1st 10 pull i did was another rainbow screen and i pulled Chuubo (Hakufu Sister) and Nurse LR Ryofu 
I couldnt believe i gotten 2 LR in 55 stones defintly a win :) I hope I can get the new Nurse Ryomou i think she can heal, good luck on your pulls everyone hope you get the ones you want:) and hope i can share some of my luck with yall.
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D2TG 1
Just wanted to get this out there wanted to let everyone know that tutorial 10 pull is one u can keep doing until u get the 1 u want Also Mephistopheles is pullable from tutorial you dont have to to do her banner to get her, seem like u need copies of the girls to get them stronger so up to u how you want to go about it, if u r rerolling might not be a bad idea to pull Mephis in tutorial then see if u can pull a copy of her from her banner. If Anyone was able to pull a Demon or angel unit from tutorial please let me know? that what i was going for but gave up on it after an hour of not seeing one, seems like Angel&Demon units are really rare there's only 1 of each epic one on the banners and they have a lower chance of being pull then other epic units. Im sure they will add more over time. Also Erusha is a very lovely Dancer

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D2TG 1
To Love Ru Collab 2 😍😍😍😍
So Ive been having issues taking screen shots on this phone as seen in one of the pics so I only was able 2 get Kurosaki Mea, (the redhead girl) out of the 4, 10 pulls I did, the 4th 10 pull was free. Ive pretty much ran out of things i can do for gems so i can do more pulls, plus i wont get paid again b4 this collab ends so im pretty much broke.. After i finnish up my last event i had 6 gems and decided 2 try a single pull since i won't have enough to do another 10 pull even with login gems i wont have 50 b4 the banners dissapear. So I press to do a single pull on the 1st banner, while it was loading i went downstairs to get a drink of water when i came back i seen a rainbow screen :) I try to take a screen shot ....not only did it not save screen shot it made my game crash :( so when i loaded game back up i went into my character list to see who it game me and too my suprise it was LR Momo

i couldn't believe it that i got her on a single pull best 5 gems spent Everrr :). I probbly wont be able to get yami, yui, or lala but ill keep trying until the banners dissapear, altho i only will be able 2 do single pulls its looking unlikely that i will get them :( but happy i got the Lr momo got to work on her and lr fubuki i pulled, wasn't able 2 get LR Rin :( Good luck on your pulls everyone, if u new or wanted to reroll or make another or alt account this is totally not a bad banner to do that on with LR Anni Asuka&Homura being up for a little like 3 more days from now, you could get 3 Strong Lr's right off the bat plus all the to love ru collab character
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D2TG 1
Finally pulled Mayuri on 60th pull been trying 2 get her every since the original game released. So I need some clarification on the gotcha system? they change so much stuff on this game. The gotcha system seem similar to genshin impact I pulled Kotori on 30th pull, who is a 5 star like Mayuri (there no more s or ss, or sss rank spirits just 4* or 5star spirits) so that ment that the next 5 star is ganrunteed banner spirit. If so that ment I actully lost my 50/50 when i pulled kotori and had a ganrunteed for mayuri, Also are you ganrunteed 5star spirit on the 70th pull? or is it within 70 pulls? Does anyone know if the banner ganrunteed 5 star carries over to the next banner like genshin does? I pulled Mayuri on 60th pulled does that mean that i will pull a 5 star spirit on my next 10 pull since that would put me at 70? not sure if the banners reset if u pull a 5 star spirit b4 70 pulls. If anyone can answer some of these questions that would be great :)
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D2TG 1
Re: Zero Collab Is Here 😍😍😍
So I had some Amazing luck soo far I pulled Rem from free 10 pull
, then 3 Copies of Cosplay Rem Megumin in my 1st 2 ten pulls that i use gems, then got Emilia Aqua From 3rd 10 pull I Did
. Alltogether only spent 9000 gems and got all 3 this couldn't had gone any better for me
Ok Now some notes for the free 10 pull collab gotcha (this is pretty cool) so the free 10 pull you can actully pull 3 times altogether, 1st pull is your inital pull, if you don't like your results you can retry/reroll the 10 pull up to 2 more times.
You have to share your results on twitter to redo the 10 pull(Actully you don't just press on the Try Again to the right) It Will connect you to twitter when you press it, once it goes just close out of the webpage and go back to konosuba Game, the game will just asume you made a post and you can now retry the 10 pull for A better Result
Also You can Get A 4 Star Emilia From Event (Which Is Awesome, she actully the 1st 4 star that you can get form event for free
) You just have to beat the Boss 3 times to get her
. I hope they continue this becuse its usually 3 stars from events.
That's all I have To share About the Collab Good Luck Everyone On your Pulls Hope you can Get Them all
Hope I can Share some of my Luck With you All :)
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Ok Now some notes for the free 10 pull collab gotcha (this is pretty cool) so the free 10 pull you can actully pull 3 times altogether, 1st pull is your inital pull, if you don't like your results you can retry/reroll the 10 pull up to 2 more times.
You have to share your results on twitter to redo the 10 pull(Actully you don't just press on the Try Again to the right) It Will connect you to twitter when you press it, once it goes just close out of the webpage and go back to konosuba Game, the game will just asume you made a post and you can now retry the 10 pull for A better Result
Also You can Get A 4 Star Emilia From Event (Which Is Awesome, she actully the 1st 4 star that you can get form event for free

That's all I have To share About the Collab Good Luck Everyone On your Pulls Hope you can Get Them all
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D2TG 1
10th Anni Asuka&Homura😍😍😍
New LR Asuka&LR Homura have Arrived
they are very powerful Units I just Pulled LR Homura on Free 4th 10 pull :) About Time Our Crimson Queen gets A LR Unit
oh and what's more that Blue Guerriero Miyabi is in this banner as well

If you missed out on her the 1st time now your chance 2 try and pull her. They Also gave out a Ticket in mailbox that gives u a free 10 pull where all the units Are SSR
How great is that! As shown in pic 7, as to what Ssr u can get from it i'm not to sure, but I did ended up getting Blue Jasmine from it
Which is great because I missed out on getting her from Rin banner. Good Luck on your Pulls everyone I still have to Pull the New LR Asuka so I only won half the battle. Just getting this out there for anyone who didnt know, or currently taking a break from SK.
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D2TG 1
Gekkō & Senko😍😍😍😍
Sooo I Pulled the new Gekkō And Senko they are the first ssr-UR units that have 2 link partner Attack ( meaning they have 2 differnt link partner attack depending on who link you activate 1st) Usually lets say for example Anni Asuka and Homura, u have to active homura link 1st to do the link partner attack, does not work if its Asuka 1st. For Gekkō and Senko it doesnt matter who link u activate 1st they will do a link partner attack at (UR Awakening Stage) and they each have they own unique link partner attack with each other depending on who u activate with the link 1st. I will replace my 1 of my out of date account with this one i pull both in 1 rotation so i have plenty of gems left to farm, not sure if i want anyone else the twins are nice but i aready have them on a diffrent account might just save up and see who they release next, I hope they continue with the 2 types of partner link attack in the future :) Good luck if you are pulling for them
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D2TG 1
SS Shiryon Yoshino 😍😍😍
Yessss OMG I pulled her from singles pull
only took 31 tries, and no money spent at all
too i got extremely lucky
. Always Great if u can get a SS Sprit b4 pity especially with they Horrific rates :( Good luck if you are going for her hope you can get her b4 pity as well :). Oh b4 i forget here's A Giftcode from the DAL twitter page (only good for 1 week ) As of July 26
Code: HappyAnni Read Note

Code: HappyAnni Read Note

D2TG 1
Samurai girls Collab on the 16
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D2TG 1
Ais 😍😍😍😍😊
Wow I got Ultra Lucky when I log in I got 2000 gems for login in for 180 something days, and that help me pull our lovely Sword Princess Ais
Good luck if you are going for her you have a 1% chance :( rates still suck for SS, Im glad I was able to beat pity and I got her Within 35 pulls
welcome to the team Beautiful
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D2TG 1
Queen's Blade Banner Complete
Finally after rerolling since the 16th I finally gotten All the Queen's Blade Collab girls :) Once they do another DOA Collab I will be rerolling that as Well since I was never able to pull Honoka :( Good Luck to you all hope you gotten or was able to get at least one of the collab characters you wanted :) Also Shizuka has the most Beautiful Eyes I ever seen 

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D2TG 1
Another Queen's Blade Collab😍
OmG guys They Are doing Another Queen's blade Collab :) on the 16th Japan time, this is a great chance if you missed out on the 1st collab, it only had 2 chacters from queen blade, but this time around with the returning 2 characters + 3 new ones you can finally have a Full team of Queens blade characters :) I was hoping they would Add Claudette this time around but they do have Tomoe so im happy about that :) might be rerolling my Queens Blade collab Acount :).
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D2TG 1
Wow that didn't take long no reroll needed :) Was Able 2 get get Fubuki, Jasmine and the twins very Quickly on my 3rd Anni file thanks to the free gems on top of what i already had :) its ok that i didn't pull Yumi i have 1 more 10 until free pull so i might just do one more to see if i can pull her then be done with the banner reather i get her or not. Decided to pair the Twins with Asuka and Homura and since they have special partner links hopefully i can do some devastating damage to the event boss :) going to replace my purple Jasmine with blue jasmine, the only thing left for me 2 do is get my twins to Transformed UR then grind the hell out of that Event Boss because it looks like u can get A 10 pull gotcha ticket as shown in my last pic a total of 3 of those 10 gotcha tickets you can get, not sure what gotcha they are but guessing its good if u have 2 grind for it :) well goodluck on your pulls everyone I hope you can get the one, or ones you want from the banner
...oh Almost forgot but Happy Birthday Yumi Today, and Jasmine on New year 

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