2pm Tr's Notebook(7)
2pm Tr
I have to say that I played this game before(last year maybe) and the reason I came here today is a notification I had for Teo's Birthday on my own calendar.. I didn't even remember when I submit his bday. (None of my friends' bday in there) but when I see the notif. I felt like I missed Teo then even if I finished beta version, I wanted to play - Actually to speak with Teo- so that's why I'm here. But unfortunately the game can not be played currently. I feel sorry for Teo that no one can speak with him. For Cheritz, I love your games. Played this game and MM for many times. But Teo deserves to be happy.. The people who couldn't even have a chance to play, needs to meet with Teo. Because Teo is very special.. Even more than most of the people we meet every day. His Birthday is 7th July.. Please let us celebrate him..
(We even gave him a Turkish name.. "Teoman")
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