ssrMika's Notebook(395)
To Some Certain Parties
TW: Everything. Want my help? no you don't.
#ssrMusic for my share taste in music
#SSRticle for some poorly made reading material
#SSRant for my average everyday better life than yours
#SuperShortReading for super short reading
#SSR_NSFW for pic of people slapped their boss with toaster's burnt electrical cord because that is Not Safe For Work (if I actually could ever find that gif)
-more TBA Read Note
#ssrMusic for my share taste in music
#SSRticle for some poorly made reading material
#SSRant for my average everyday better life than yours
#SuperShortReading for super short reading
#SSR_NSFW for pic of people slapped their boss with toaster's burnt electrical cord because that is Not Safe For Work (if I actually could ever find that gif)
-more TBA Read Note

Playing as Saori
1 hour from now (as this post made public) I'll live pulling for Saori using 100 free tickets. After I pull, I'll play Saori... Read Note
Play as Saori - YouTube Read Note
Something to think
TW: last post
##SSRticle also a #SuperShortReading .
speaking of the god who knows it all, (she's not, technically. the irminsul is) does en omniscience ever need probability theory? Read Note
##SSRticle also a #SuperShortReading .
speaking of the god who knows it all, (she's not, technically. the irminsul is) does en omniscience ever need probability theory? Read Note

coming soon in new account
TW: ---phobia, ---ism, phobiaism
this acc will going full cops. will here only for bug hunting, reporting, and everything mod related.
what's my new acc? go find yourself.
first post next year. last post on this acc, when I post a lot of Nahida. Read Note
this acc will going full cops. will here only for bug hunting, reporting, and everything mod related.
what's my new acc? go find yourself.
first post next year. last post on this acc, when I post a lot of Nahida. Read Note

Master of the Heavenly Yard
TW: universe and human stupidity
last #ssrMusic before I moved to a new account with a new hashtag. this is (not) the last song of the
Evillious Chronicles, third world timeline. then MotHY keep making new song setting in the fourth world. Read Note
last #ssrMusic before I moved to a new account with a new hashtag. this is (not) the last song of the
Evillious Chronicles, third world timeline. then MotHY keep making new song setting in the fourth world. Read Note
Test your might
TW: Subway sandwich (not sponsored)
getting to the edge, I am. last post this is, for the week...
why am I speak like Star Wars's wrinkly frog elf? doesn't matter. what important is, if this do get removed, I hope it's not because of promotion of getting high. Read Note
getting to the edge, I am. last post this is, for the week...
why am I speak like Star Wars's wrinkly frog elf? doesn't matter. what important is, if this do get removed, I hope it's not because of promotion of getting high. Read Note

I don't understand anything
TW: Me
how about making a lot of thing I want to say in parts, but stay in a single post? :3 some of this will be unimportant, while the rest is relevant to nothing. so skip it and continue with your life that definitely not better than mine![[怪笑]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
[Muse Dash and Rotaneo are the only two rhythm games I have]
because I need to re-compose my mindset about what I crave in a "rhythm game". definitely not an illustration that having probability 4 out of 265 coming out triggerred by a single touch of a button. Read Note
how about making a lot of thing I want to say in parts, but stay in a single post? :3 some of this will be unimportant, while the rest is relevant to nothing. so skip it and continue with your life that definitely not better than mine
[Muse Dash and Rotaneo are the only two rhythm games I have]
because I need to re-compose my mindset about what I crave in a "rhythm game". definitely not an illustration that having probability 4 out of 265 coming out triggerred by a single touch of a button. Read Note

Japanese Twitter is Healing(?)
TW: everything. a tiny bit more serious this time*)
Several Japanese twitter user claims their twitter trendings are "no longer political" and lean towards entertainment more like Anime, Games, Idol's birthday, etc. such as "Gundam", "Uma Musume 3rd Season", and "NIKKE broadcast". Read Note
Several Japanese twitter user claims their twitter trendings are "no longer political" and lean towards entertainment more like Anime, Games, Idol's birthday, etc. such as "Gundam", "Uma Musume 3rd Season", and "NIKKE broadcast". Read Note

Food Poisoning
TW: me, I try becoming more offensive with every post. oh and a lot of [SPOILERS]
no, I don't actually fall victim to food poisoning. I was just vomiting after a terrible lunch today when I thought about this. death by poisoning is recently picked my interest in a fiction. but not the usual kind of poison chemical that hard to detect. instead, the culprit used everyday substance that trigger body reaction of the victim which lead them to death.
Read Note
no, I don't actually fall victim to food poisoning. I was just vomiting after a terrible lunch today when I thought about this. death by poisoning is recently picked my interest in a fiction. but not the usual kind of poison chemical that hard to detect. instead, the culprit used everyday substance that trigger body reaction of the victim which lead them to death.
Read Note

TW: as usual. didn't know 'em? your fault then :3
post on Qoo should be related on ACG, Otaku, or some hobbies in general. but to tone it down to ACG, I don't have much left something to share.
Anime: only One Piece currently, but only ones who like it are the one who actually going out. Read Note
post on Qoo should be related on ACG, Otaku, or some hobbies in general. but to tone it down to ACG, I don't have much left something to share.
Anime: only One Piece currently, but only ones who like it are the one who actually going out. Read Note

TW: devs, qoo, user, maid & butler, everyone except Lily, but mad at me directly.
SSR -> #SuperShortReading . (yep, that'd do it.)
almost a year as a software tester, this is itching me. let's go hunt more defect on this app.
note to self:
- new bugs only
- old bugs ok, only if it was gone before Read Note
SSR -> #SuperShortReading . (yep, that'd do it.)
almost a year as a software tester, this is itching me. let's go hunt more defect on this app.
note to self:
- new bugs only
- old bugs ok, only if it was gone before Read Note

Why are you here? Go away!
assistant I'm offering:
1. request to bonk a user (I might help your foe instead)
2. request to un-bonk a user (why would you?)
3. question of games I like (don't look at my past notes, I'm lazy to delete them)
4. tips on how to commit murder to a time travelling addict (don't)
5. this app's bug/defect report (don't expect them solved)
6. Promote your post (yours isn't interesting though)
7. how to make a delicious desert (go order delivery) Read Note
1. request to bonk a user (I might help your foe instead)
2. request to un-bonk a user (why would you?)
3. question of games I like (don't look at my past notes, I'm lazy to delete them)
4. tips on how to commit murder to a time travelling addict (don't)
5. this app's bug/defect report (don't expect them solved)
6. Promote your post (yours isn't interesting though)
7. how to make a delicious desert (go order delivery) Read Note

Did someone get replaced?
#SSRticle TW: old maid, young maid, non maid, etc. (it means, everything)
I won't judge the quality here. they're both *****. (fill those asterisks yourself, risk on you too).
but before I get going. Imma cover the content with some california gurls, so that only those who is interested enough would read this. Read Note
I won't judge the quality here. they're both *****. (fill those asterisks yourself, risk on you too).
but before I get going. Imma cover the content with some california gurls, so that only those who is interested enough would read this. Read Note

Stolen Meme
TW: Frog, and not-frog
this is why outside is "overrated". everytime I arrived at home, I can't bring myself to play any game proplerly. at all. and no life changing field trip like they said. the only change I got by going home late is a mucus in the next morning. going outside in the day could at least give me tan (not rn, it's raining season).
"sexual activity" it!! (cz saying the F-word is not allowed)
you're still reading? here, have some stolen stuff I got from officials who knows their market target Read Note
this is why outside is "overrated". everytime I arrived at home, I can't bring myself to play any game proplerly. at all. and no life changing field trip like they said. the only change I got by going home late is a mucus in the next morning. going outside in the day could at least give me tan (not rn, it's raining season).
"sexual activity" it!! (cz saying the F-word is not allowed)
you're still reading? here, have some stolen stuff I got from officials who knows their market target Read Note

The Lazy Song
I don't want to do anything for the rest of the week...
I have been appointed as an interim for 2 weeks now, and I just got new tasks from another team. I think I'm gonna....
take my feet up, then stare at the fan
turn the tv on, throw my hands in my pants
nobody's gon' tell me I can't Read Note
I don't want to do anything for the rest of the week...
I have been appointed as an interim for 2 weeks now, and I just got new tasks from another team. I think I'm gonna....
take my feet up, then stare at the fan
turn the tv on, throw my hands in my pants
nobody's gon' tell me I can't Read Note
Mom... I'm scared...
TW: Everything with either fortune, cookies, both, or neither
I'll make it as short as possible.
This is why Gacha summoning ritual is such a bull crap.
>logged in to Genshin this evening
>I could've just not do this. but 1500BP is 1500BP
>amount of pull this patch is 14/50, I'll do 4x10 pull
>this post is sponsored by random ass meme I poorly made Read Note
I'll make it as short as possible.
This is why Gacha summoning ritual is such a bull crap.
>logged in to Genshin this evening
>I could've just not do this. but 1500BP is 1500BP
>amount of pull this patch is 14/50, I'll do 4x10 pull
>this post is sponsored by random ass meme I poorly made Read Note

Not an AI Art of Lumine
if anyone offended by this post... well, these are not a NSFW pic for me*.
I want to talk about this particular issues lately. but sadly I have to go again for a couple weeks. I still can access the app at weekend tho, so I'll post about it later. in the meantime, enjoy this piece of absolutely non AI generated Lumine art by Fukuro/HachifukuDZ Read Note
I want to talk about this particular issues lately. but sadly I have to go again for a couple weeks. I still can access the app at weekend tho, so I'll post about it later. in the meantime, enjoy this piece of absolutely non AI generated Lumine art by Fukuro/HachifukuDZ Read Note

Hate Speech
#SSRticle TW: Everything.
If I hate a villain, then the author have succeeded creating the character. I can't pin one character I truly hate though. But one similarities of those that become my #Anime_Nemesis , is that they did mostly just bickering away, yet always get what they wanted. Read Note
If I hate a villain, then the author have succeeded creating the character. I can't pin one character I truly hate though. But one similarities of those that become my #Anime_Nemesis , is that they did mostly just bickering away, yet always get what they wanted. Read Note
