Gilbert's Notebook(35)
Official QooApp
Nueva disposición de Gacha Pool
Gracias a todos por sus amables comentarios y consejos sobre la disposición de la reserva de gacha.
De acuerdo con el resultado de la votación de los 3 idiomas, a continuación se presentan los ajustes a la gacha pool:
・Febrero: Nuevo pool de San Valentín + pools del año pasado (3 pools en total)
・Marzo: Nuevo Día Blanco + pools del año pasado (3 pools en total)
・Abril: Nuevo Día de los Inocentes + pools del año pasado (3 pools en total)
・Mayo: Todas las pool gacha disponibles permanentemente (Excepto pools limitadas), se añadirá una nueva pool gacha cada mes.
Guarda tus tickets gacha si quieres completar los sets de las gacha pools pasadas.
Mientras tanto, seguirán habiendo eventos mensuales para que ganes toneladas de tickets gacha, ¡así que no te olvides de participar!
※ Ten en cuenta que algunos de los detalles anteriores podrían cambiar durante el proceso de desarrollo, consulta el último aviso disponible.
#GachaQooApp Read Note
De acuerdo con el resultado de la votación de los 3 idiomas, a continuación se presentan los ajustes a la gacha pool:
・Febrero: Nuevo pool de San Valentín + pools del año pasado (3 pools en total)
・Marzo: Nuevo Día Blanco + pools del año pasado (3 pools en total)
・Abril: Nuevo Día de los Inocentes + pools del año pasado (3 pools en total)
・Mayo: Todas las pool gacha disponibles permanentemente (Excepto pools limitadas), se añadirá una nueva pool gacha cada mes.
Guarda tus tickets gacha si quieres completar los sets de las gacha pools pasadas.
Mientras tanto, seguirán habiendo eventos mensuales para que ganes toneladas de tickets gacha, ¡así que no te olvides de participar!
※ Ten en cuenta que algunos de los detalles anteriores podrían cambiar durante el proceso de desarrollo, consulta el último aviso disponible.
#GachaQooApp Read Note
Official QooApp
New Gacha Pool Arrangement
Thank you all for your kind feedback and advice regards the #QooAppGacha pool arrangement.
According to the vote result from all 3 languages, below are the adjustments to the Gacha pool:
・Feburary: New Valentine's Day pool + pools from the past year (3 pools in total)
・March: New White Day + pools from the past year (3 pools in total)
・April: New April Fool's Day + pools from the past year (3 pools in total)
・May: All Gacha pools available permanently (Except limited pools), a new pool will be added every month
Save your Gacha tickets if you want to complete your sets from past pools.
In the meanwhile, there will still be monthly events for you to earn tons of Gacha tickets, so stay tuned!
※ Please note that some of the details above might change during the development process, please refer to the latest notice available. Read Note
According to the vote result from all 3 languages, below are the adjustments to the Gacha pool:
・Feburary: New Valentine's Day pool + pools from the past year (3 pools in total)
・March: New White Day + pools from the past year (3 pools in total)
・April: New April Fool's Day + pools from the past year (3 pools in total)
・May: All Gacha pools available permanently (Except limited pools), a new pool will be added every month
Save your Gacha tickets if you want to complete your sets from past pools.
In the meanwhile, there will still be monthly events for you to earn tons of Gacha tickets, so stay tuned!
※ Please note that some of the details above might change during the development process, please refer to the latest notice available. Read Note
Official QooApp
Aviso de actualización del sistema Gacha y teaser del evento del Festival de Primavera
Mi Dama y Máster
¡Un nuevo año significa un nuevo comienzo y #GachaQooApp tiene su primera gran actualización el 2023!
◆ Actualización Gacha:
・Se cancela la función ""Mixed up pools"", a partir de ahora los otaQoos podrán tirar del pool de Gacha que quieran.
・Nueva función ""Reciclar"" disponible, ahora los otaQoos podrán ''reciclar'' tarjetas Gacha extras en tickets Gacha.
・Nuevas actualizaciones de UI
Para más detalles, visita la página de Gacha después de actualizar QooApp a la versión 3.3.22
También estamos haciendo una pequeña investigación con respecto a esta actualización, tu voto nos ayudará mucho:
Si tienes alguna otra idea o consejo, ¡dínoslo en la sección de comentarios!
Además, el evento especial del Festival de Primavera comenzará la semana que viene, y ya están en camino los regalos del Festival de Primavera, como los marcos de avatar limitados y las entradas gacha.
Read Note
¡Un nuevo año significa un nuevo comienzo y #GachaQooApp tiene su primera gran actualización el 2023!
◆ Actualización Gacha:
・Se cancela la función ""Mixed up pools"", a partir de ahora los otaQoos podrán tirar del pool de Gacha que quieran.
・Nueva función ""Reciclar"" disponible, ahora los otaQoos podrán ''reciclar'' tarjetas Gacha extras en tickets Gacha.
・Nuevas actualizaciones de UI
Para más detalles, visita la página de Gacha después de actualizar QooApp a la versión 3.3.22

También estamos haciendo una pequeña investigación con respecto a esta actualización, tu voto nos ayudará mucho:
Si tienes alguna otra idea o consejo, ¡dínoslo en la sección de comentarios!
Además, el evento especial del Festival de Primavera comenzará la semana que viene, y ya están en camino los regalos del Festival de Primavera, como los marcos de avatar limitados y las entradas gacha.
Read Note
Official QooApp
QooApp Gacha System Update
My Lady and Master
A new year is a new beginning and #QooAppGacha is having its first major update on 1/12!
◆ Gacha Update:
・Cancel “Mixed Pools” feature, from now on otaQoos can pull from whichever Gacha pool you like
・New function “Recycle” available, otaQoos will now be able to recycle extra Gacha cards into Gacha tickets
・New UI updates
For details please adventure to the Gacha Page after updating QooApp to version 3.3.22
We are also doing a small research regarding this update, your vote will help us a lot!
Please tell us in the comment section if you have any other ideas or advice!
Also, January special event has started!
Limited Avatar Frame "Rabbit Rabbit" has sent to you!
Check out the new tasks to claim gacha tickets![[厲害]](/cdn/img/transparent.png) Read Note
A new year is a new beginning and #QooAppGacha is having its first major update on 1/12!
◆ Gacha Update:
・Cancel “Mixed Pools” feature, from now on otaQoos can pull from whichever Gacha pool you like
・New function “Recycle” available, otaQoos will now be able to recycle extra Gacha cards into Gacha tickets
・New UI updates
For details please adventure to the Gacha Page after updating QooApp to version 3.3.22

We are also doing a small research regarding this update, your vote will help us a lot!
Please tell us in the comment section if you have any other ideas or advice!
Also, January special event has started!
Limited Avatar Frame "Rabbit Rabbit" has sent to you!
Check out the new tasks to claim gacha tickets
![[厲害]](/cdn/img/transparent.png) Read Note
Official QooApp
[Mantenimiento QooApp Gacha]
El sistema #GachaQooApp estará fuera de línea desde del 1/12 11:00~1/15 0:00 UTC+8 (1/11 21:00 a 1/14 10:00 CST) para mantenimiento y actualización, durante el período de mantenimiento funciones como las recompensas diarias de inicio de sesión y el recibimiento de de tickets Gacha no estarán disponibles.
Horario de mantenimiento:
・1/12 11:00~1/12 13:00 UTC+8, el sistema Gacha estará fuera de línea, las recompensas de inicio de sesión diario o de cualquier evento serán denegadas por el momento.
・1/12 13:00~1/15 00:00 UTC+8, el sistema recuperará los registros de inicio de sesión y volverá a emitir el inicio de sesión diario y las recompensas de eventos, el Registro de Tickets Gacha estará fuera de línea durante este periodo.
Por favor, ten en cuenta que el periodo de mantenimiento puede reducirse o extenderse debido a problemas técnicos.
Tras el mantenimiento, ofreceremos una compensación a todos los otaQoos que hayan iniciado sesión durante el periodo de mantenimiento (Gacha ticket*50 por cada día de mantenimiento). Más detalles serán anunciados a su debido tiempo, ¡gracias por su apoyo y comprensión!
English Note
Read Note
Horario de mantenimiento:
・1/12 11:00~1/12 13:00 UTC+8, el sistema Gacha estará fuera de línea, las recompensas de inicio de sesión diario o de cualquier evento serán denegadas por el momento.
・1/12 13:00~1/15 00:00 UTC+8, el sistema recuperará los registros de inicio de sesión y volverá a emitir el inicio de sesión diario y las recompensas de eventos, el Registro de Tickets Gacha estará fuera de línea durante este periodo.
Por favor, ten en cuenta que el periodo de mantenimiento puede reducirse o extenderse debido a problemas técnicos.
Tras el mantenimiento, ofreceremos una compensación a todos los otaQoos que hayan iniciado sesión durante el periodo de mantenimiento (Gacha ticket*50 por cada día de mantenimiento). Más detalles serán anunciados a su debido tiempo, ¡gracias por su apoyo y comprensión!

English Note

Official QooApp
[QooApp Gacha Maintenance]
The #QooAppGacha system will be offline from 1/12 11:00~1/15 0:00 UTC+8 (1/11 21:00 to 1/14 10:00 CST) for maintenance and upgrade, during the maintenance period functions such as daily login rewards and the receivement of Gacha tickets will not be available.
◆ Maintenance schedule:
・1/12 11:00~1/12 13:00 UTC+8, Gacha system offline, daily login or any events rewards will be denied for the moment.
・1/12 13:00~1/15 00:00 UTC+8, the system will recover the login records and reissue daily login and events rewards, Gacha Ticket Record will be offline during this period.
※ Please note the maintenance period might reduce or extend due to technical issue
After the maintenance, we will offer compensation to every otaQoos who logged in during the maintenance period (Gacha ticket*50 for each maintenance day). Further details will be announced in due course, thank you for your support and understanding!
Read Note
◆ Maintenance schedule:
・1/12 11:00~1/12 13:00 UTC+8, Gacha system offline, daily login or any events rewards will be denied for the moment.
・1/12 13:00~1/15 00:00 UTC+8, the system will recover the login records and reissue daily login and events rewards, Gacha Ticket Record will be offline during this period.
※ Please note the maintenance period might reduce or extend due to technical issue
After the maintenance, we will offer compensation to every otaQoos who logged in during the maintenance period (Gacha ticket*50 for each maintenance day). Further details will be announced in due course, thank you for your support and understanding!

Read Note
Official QooApp
為進行功能改版,#QooApp轉蛋 功能將於 1/12 11:00~1/15 00:00(GMT+8)期間進行升級維護,維護期間抽卡、每日登入、轉蛋券獲得等功能將受影響無法使用。
・1/12 11:00~1/12 13:00,抽卡無法使用,每日登入無法獲得轉蛋券,所有活動無法獲得轉蛋券
・1/12 13:00~1/15 00:00,系統恢復登入記錄,補發登入及活動獎品轉蛋券,在此期間轉蛋券獲得記錄暫時無法查看
※ 結束時間為預估,視具體情況,可能提早或延後
For English Notice
Read Note
・1/12 11:00~1/12 13:00,抽卡無法使用,每日登入無法獲得轉蛋券,所有活動無法獲得轉蛋券
・1/12 13:00~1/15 00:00,系統恢復登入記錄,補發登入及活動獎品轉蛋券,在此期間轉蛋券獲得記錄暫時無法查看
※ 結束時間為預估,視具體情況,可能提早或延後
For English Notice

Read Note
Official QooApp
Thank you very much for all the likes!
My return gift (Gacha Tickets) should be well-delivered to all the participants. Don’t forget to check them!
Congratulations to this otaQoo for winning 999 Gacha Tickets!
61754727 Jirka Richter
In addition, there is a gorgeous wallpaper full of my blessing for you, don’t be too shy to keep it~
Read Note
My return gift (Gacha Tickets) should be well-delivered to all the participants. Don’t forget to check them!
Congratulations to this otaQoo for winning 999 Gacha Tickets!
61754727 Jirka Richter
In addition, there is a gorgeous wallpaper full of my blessing for you, don’t be too shy to keep it~
Read Note

Official QooApp
[12/30 Update] The event has finished, thank you for your participation. The Gacha Tickets are sent to the otaQoos who shared their creations. Enjoy your rolls!
My dear ladies and masters, it’s Christmas time this weekend. What are you planning to do?
I heard Mr. Qoo wants to go out and send gifts on a sleigh, but he still hasn’t decided what to wear and what the gifts are.
How about giving him some ideas with your imagination? Read Note
My dear ladies and masters, it’s Christmas time this weekend. What are you planning to do?
I heard Mr. Qoo wants to go out and send gifts on a sleigh, but he still hasn’t decided what to wear and what the gifts are.
How about giving him some ideas with your imagination? Read Note

Official QooApp
My Lady and Master, it is now Movember… Pardon me? Sorry, mispronouncing words is not my style. Movember is actually a word combined by Moustache and November!
Movember is a challenge where men keep their mustaches for the whole of November.
It is an activity to raise people’s awareness of men's health issues. It’s very meaningful!
It is a shame that I am not able to grow any facial hair… Anyway, good-looking facial hair definitely adds to a man’s charm! Just look at Mr. Qoo!
Read Note
My Lady and Master, it is now Movember… Pardon me? Sorry, mispronouncing words is not my style. Movember is actually a word combined by Moustache and November!
Movember is a challenge where men keep their mustaches for the whole of November.
It is an activity to raise people’s awareness of men's health issues. It’s very meaningful!
It is a shame that I am not able to grow any facial hair… Anyway, good-looking facial hair definitely adds to a man’s charm! Just look at Mr. Qoo!
Read Note

Official QooApp
My Lady and Master, do you know there’s a term called “Techtober” among the tech community?
The word is the combination of ”Technology” and “October”, as there are usually a lot of new inventions released around this period every year.
Being the magic in real life, the innovative power of science and technology is seen as a romance among tech lovers!
In the anime world, many popular characters are famous for their scientific knowledge and enthusiasm.
Read Note
My Lady and Master, do you know there’s a term called “Techtober” among the tech community?
The word is the combination of ”Technology” and “October”, as there are usually a lot of new inventions released around this period every year.
Being the magic in real life, the innovative power of science and technology is seen as a romance among tech lovers!
In the anime world, many popular characters are famous for their scientific knowledge and enthusiasm.
Read Note

Official QooApp
My Lady and master, the 2021 Tokyo Game Show has started!
As a grand exhibition and the pinnacle for video games, the event has attracted countless audiences over the years.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the show, the official revamped the logo design. Also, it will be the first time that the players can experience visiting the show via virtual reality devices. Read Note
My Lady and master, the 2021 Tokyo Game Show has started!
As a grand exhibition and the pinnacle for video games, the event has attracted countless audiences over the years.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the show, the official revamped the logo design. Also, it will be the first time that the players can experience visiting the show via virtual reality devices. Read Note

Official QooApp
Are you having difficulty choosing where to sit? The school got you covered!
Use this lots drawing box to help to find a seat for yourself.
Read Note
Are you having difficulty choosing where to sit? The school got you covered!
Use this lots drawing box to help to find a seat for yourself.
Read Note

Official QooApp
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the opening ceremony of the QooApp Academy.
We’re glad to notify you that you are accepted and the new semester will be starting in no time.
This year we have two classes, and you can choose where in the classroom you would like to sit!
Find a seat for yourself and post a note with the hashtag #MyNewSeat then you are all set!
Read Note
Ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to the opening ceremony of the QooApp Academy.
We’re glad to notify you that you are accepted and the new semester will be starting in no time.
This year we have two classes, and you can choose where in the classroom you would like to sit!
Find a seat for yourself and post a note with the hashtag #MyNewSeat then you are all set!
Read Note

Official QooApp
Update: The Gacha Tickets have been sent to all participants' accounts, enjoy your rolls!
Hello, my lady and my master, I’m here to help you with the new avatar frame feature.
I can assure you it’s very easy, just simply follow the steps as the pictures shown below. Read Note
Hello, my lady and my master, I’m here to help you with the new avatar frame feature.
I can assure you it’s very easy, just simply follow the steps as the pictures shown below. Read Note

Official QooApp
Hello, my lady and my master, it has been a long time since the last time I serve you.
I believe now it's a good time to return to you as Mr. Qoo's birthday party is very close.
We recently published QooApp ver. 8.3.1 with a new skin for Mr. Qoo's birthday, I hope you like it!
Also, Elly and I just came back from language school. We want to help you translate the words that puzzle you in the games in real-time.
To use this new feature, you need to summon me or Elly from the Servant Quarter so we can be on your side.
Then tap us in the game when you need help, we'll be right there.
Because Elly and I are not professional translators, the translation may not be completely accurate. But we will do our best.
Read Note
I believe now it's a good time to return to you as Mr. Qoo's birthday party is very close.
We recently published QooApp ver. 8.3.1 with a new skin for Mr. Qoo's birthday, I hope you like it!
Also, Elly and I just came back from language school. We want to help you translate the words that puzzle you in the games in real-time.
To use this new feature, you need to summon me or Elly from the Servant Quarter so we can be on your side.
Then tap us in the game when you need help, we'll be right there.
Because Elly and I are not professional translators, the translation may not be completely accurate. But we will do our best.
Read Note

Official QooApp
#QooApp科學研究所 「魔物育成計畫」有獎公測今天結束了!
✨此外,由本人選出,獲得「1,500 日圓 Google Play 禮品卡」的是以下兩位Q蛋:
Read Note
✨此外,由本人選出,獲得「1,500 日圓 Google Play 禮品卡」的是以下兩位Q蛋:

Official QooApp
[QooApp Laboratory] New Shortcut For The Lab
As I secretly inspected, many of the breeders didn't come back to the lab and collect the hearts!
As a professional bulter, it's my job to make sure nobody is lost.
Therefore, I've added 2 shortcuts for the #QooAppLaboratory !
1. At the game page below the banner.
2. At the searching page under "Explore the Game Lab". Read Note
As I secretly inspected, many of the breeders didn't come back to the lab and collect the hearts!
As a professional bulter, it's my job to make sure nobody is lost.
Therefore, I've added 2 shortcuts for the #QooAppLaboratory !
1. At the game page below the banner.
2. At the searching page under "Explore the Game Lab". Read Note

Official QooApp
⌈QooApp科學研究所⌋ 新入口已開放
根據Gilbert我的暗中觀察,很多Q蛋都在完成新手教學后沒有再回來收集愛心了。所以我猜大家是不是迷路了,找不到⌈#QooApp科學研究所 ⌋ 的入口了。
1. 遊戲庫頂部banner下方的導航欄
2. 搜索頁面下方的⌈逛逛新奇實驗室⌋
Read Note
1. 遊戲庫頂部banner下方的導航欄
2. 搜索頁面下方的⌈逛逛新奇實驗室⌋
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Official QooApp
活動期間,各位QooApp科學研究所的研究員在 #QooApp科學研究所 話題內發布筆記即可參加本活動!
將由你們的執事,我,Gilbert,親自挑選出2篇筆記(最有價值的建議、最大的腦洞、最有殺傷力的吐槽...etc.),獎勵作者最有力的武器⌈課金⌋(誤),1,500 日圓 Google Play 禮品卡!
⚠️ 注意⚠️
#QooApp科學研究所 筆記可以提建議、吐槽,也可分享你在育成魔物時遇到的趣事!
Read Note
QooApp做遊戲是不是搞錯了什麼?「魔物育成計畫」有獎公測,我們需要你的協助! - QooApp
QooApp科學研究所「魔物育成計畫」10月27日正式公測,我們需要你的力量!▌QooApp做遊戲是不是搞錯了什麼?「魔物育成計畫」是個尚在開發中的計畫,將來還會繼續改進。和 轉蛋 類似,它的目的是讓 QooApp 變得更好玩。因此,你的協助是必要的!來,打開科學研究所的大門,和我們一起完成「魔物育成計畫」這個遊戲吧!▌活動獎勵遊戲公測開始,當然要送首抽!咳……雖然「魔物育成計畫」沒有首抽,也一樣準備了獎勵。而且入手方式非常簡單,只要過完新手教學就能拿,很熟悉對不對~ (•̀ω•́ )⏳ 公測開服獎勵(其一)活動期間,所有 完成新手教學的Q蛋,我們將贈送「QooApp轉蛋」轉蛋券*50(可進行10連轉蛋)。前往魔物育成計畫*需將 QooApp 版本升級至 8.1.6. 以上⏳ 公測開服獎勵(其二)活動期間,在 #QooApp科學研究所 話題內發布筆記即可參加!Gilbert 將親自從中選出 2篇 筆記(可能是最有價值的建言,也有可能是最有趣的吐槽…etc.),獎勵 1,500 日圓 Google Play 禮品卡!⚠...
活動期間,各位QooApp科學研究所的研究員在 #QooApp科學研究所 話題內發布筆記即可參加本活動!
將由你們的執事,我,Gilbert,親自挑選出2篇筆記(最有價值的建議、最大的腦洞、最有殺傷力的吐槽...etc.),獎勵作者最有力的武器⌈課金⌋(誤),1,500 日圓 Google Play 禮品卡!
⚠️ 注意⚠️
#QooApp科學研究所 筆記可以提建議、吐槽,也可分享你在育成魔物時遇到的趣事!
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Official QooApp
Welcome to the QooApp Laboratory(𝛽)!
Help Wanted! Mr. Qoo is looking for researchers to complete the monster index. Researchers will be working at the newly founded QooApp Laboratory (𝛽) on the [Monster Breeding Experiment].
This is a CBT of the game. All gameplay data will be reset upon establishment except for collected or used hearts.
The full game will be released in late Oct 2020. Remember to try it out!
If you have any feedback and recommendation of the "Monster Breeding Experiment", please do not hesitate to tell us! Your opinion will help us to improve the game! Let's make the game together!
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QooApp Laboratory - QooApp
The QooApp Laboratory has been founded, Welcome! The first task at hand is the [Monster Breeding Experiment]. We are recruiting eager researchers to help Mr. Qoo complete his Monster Index!
This is a CBT of the game. All gameplay data will be reset upon establishment except for collected or used hearts.
The full game will be released in late Oct 2020. Remember to try it out!
If you have any feedback and recommendation of the "Monster Breeding Experiment", please do not hesitate to tell us! Your opinion will help us to improve the game! Let's make the game together!
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Official QooApp
#QooApp科學研究所 (𝛽)終於成立了,歡迎各位加入!即將要進行的第一項研究是「#魔物育成計畫 」,希望各位研究員積極投入其中,收集各種魔物,協助 Mr.Qoo 完成圖鑑。
【#注意 】
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QooApp科學研究所 - QooApp
QooApp的科學研究所終於成立了,歡迎各位加入!即將要進行的第一項研究是「魔物育成計畫」,希望各位研究員積極投入其中,收集各種魔物,協助 Mr.Qoo 完成圖鑑
【#注意 】
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Official QooApp
【Important Notice】 QooApp Beta Tester Group will be transfered to Discord.
Dear QooApp Beta Testers,
Due to the long-term maintenance of IMQoo since 31 December 2019, QooApp Beta Tester Group will be transferred to our official Discord server. We will continue to release our beta apk file download link and patch information in the new server. If you find any bugs or issues, please do not hesitate to let us know in the server. Once again, thank you for your participation and support. QooApp thanks you from the bottom of our heart.
Click here to QooApp Beta Tester Discord server:
Let's meet there again! Read Note
Dear QooApp Beta Testers,
Due to the long-term maintenance of IMQoo since 31 December 2019, QooApp Beta Tester Group will be transferred to our official Discord server. We will continue to release our beta apk file download link and patch information in the new server. If you find any bugs or issues, please do not hesitate to let us know in the server. Once again, thank you for your participation and support. QooApp thanks you from the bottom of our heart.
Click here to QooApp Beta Tester Discord server:
Let's meet there again! Read Note