le trung's Notebook(2)
le trung
#GoodGameFeatures Immersion(narrator, lore, story) is a must, without it, game is bland. For example, if a game give players a view about the game, player more likely to stay and enjoy the game, and more entertaining to follow the story, while some game MMO now have auto-mode, it ruin immersion, and make player more decline in diving deep into the game and focus more on meta. but for some game, they add a third-person conversations to hint upcoming events but poorly execute it, make it feel like an annoying spoiler (─.─|||
my favorite: days gone, FF XV, tomb raider, hell blade saga, god eater series, prototype 1,2 , titanfall 2,...
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my favorite: days gone, FF XV, tomb raider, hell blade saga, god eater series, prototype 1,2 , titanfall 2,...
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