Maxx Archelp please
can any1 tell me where to get these 3 types of ticket ? which stage to farm ? I cant find it. thanks
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Maxx Arcnew account with this dmg.....
lost my 120+ old acc after quitting for a few years, decided to play back coz I love sephiroth. Was shock to able make this dmg.
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Maxx Archelp please
does any1 know this game got the option that can reduce player shown quantity to make game smoother or not ?
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Maxx Arc
currently using A2 and 2B as main,Supporter using Fio. if wanna replace Fio, who is better ? Rion, 9S or F66 ?Read Note
Maxx Arc
Got an old account, already finish all the story and event. but realize only got 3 4*. So I decided to reroll an new account am hour ago. this new account definitely is better. Read Note
Maxx Arc
most of ppl will care abt character. but I think weapon is the main thing we need to focus tho. 4* character weakness is the ultra skill charge too slow. but if u already got a 2b/9s, that will help alot too.
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Maxx Arc
got a 9s, this game progress is so slow that u dont hv the mood to reroll. Read Note
Maxx Arcfell free to take it
like it alot but quite laggy in my phone. its a shame
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