Benjamin Scott
Time to take a break from fighting in the streets to have a nice big feast.
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Benjamin Scott
If only the devs would put this much effort into the "quality of life" for the game as they do with how awesome their artwork is.
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andri shiroyuki
Basic Exam
Ujian Dasar "Pengetahuan Dasar Pertarungan
Basic Exam "Basic Knowledge of Combat
Stage 1: 遠隔攻撃 (Serangan Jarak Jauh)
Stage 2: 範囲ダメージ (kerusakan Jangkauan)
Stage 3: 属性相性 (Kompabilitas Atribut)
Stage 4: 護衛スキル (Keterampilan Pendamping)
Stage 5: 危険範囲 (Daerah Berbahaya)
Stage 1: 0:09
Stage 2: 01:41
Stage 3: 03:10
Stage 4: 04:20
Stage 5: 06:15
#fullmetalalchemist #Mobile #tactic https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLclMwJJuinWscMP7OKnWUfiYwQmp7eJe8 Read Note
Bagikan video Anda dengan teman, keluarga, dan dunia
Ujian Dasar "Pengetahuan Dasar Pertarungan
Basic Exam "Basic Knowledge of Combat
Stage 1: 遠隔攻撃 (Serangan Jarak Jauh)
Stage 2: 範囲ダメージ (kerusakan Jangkauan)
Stage 3: 属性相性 (Kompabilitas Atribut)
Stage 4: 護衛スキル (Keterampilan Pendamping)
Stage 5: 危険範囲 (Daerah Berbahaya)
Stage 1: 0:09
Stage 2: 01:41
Stage 3: 03:10
Stage 4: 04:20
Stage 5: 06:15
#fullmetalalchemist #Mobile #tactic https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLclMwJJuinWscMP7OKnWUfiYwQmp7eJe8 Read Note

Aether Gazer - Action RPG Gameplay (Android / IOS)
Aether Gazer (深空之眼)
Gameplay: https://youtu.be/SJUdGDhmvak
Aether Gazer is a 3D action game in which players will take on the role of the administrator of the "Aether Gazer" and fight side by side with the Modifier squad to clear the "Shihai" and protect civilization.
#ActionRPG #AetherGazer #深空之眼 #Gameplay #MobileGames #MobileGameplay #Mobile #Android #Ios #AndroidGameplay #IosGameplay #AnimeGames Read Note
Aether Gazer (深空之眼)
Gameplay: https://youtu.be/SJUdGDhmvak
Aether Gazer is a 3D action game in which players will take on the role of the administrator of the "Aether Gazer" and fight side by side with the Modifier squad to clear the "Shihai" and protect civilization.
#ActionRPG #AetherGazer #深空之眼 #Gameplay #MobileGames #MobileGameplay #Mobile #Android #Ios #AndroidGameplay #IosGameplay #AnimeGames Read Note

Top Contributor
Kabar baik untuk para fans series Anime Fullmetal Alchemist!!!
Di tahun baru 2022 ini game Fullmetal Alchemist akan segera di rilis loh!~
Game ini diperkirakan akan dirilis pada pertengahan tahun 2022 nanti khusus untuk pengguna mobile phone (Android & iOS) tentunya.
Meskipun game ini akan di rilis pada pertengahan tahun nanti, game ini tidak kalah menarik dengan game lainnya.
Tentunya dengan adanya effect dan grafis 3D membuat game ini makin terlihat real dan menarik untuk dimainkan!
Tak hanya itu!
Bahkan beberapa voice actors terkenalpun juga ikut ambil bagian dalam pengisian suara karakter game ini loh!
Kebayang ga tuh, seberapa seru sih game ini?
Buruan klink link dibawah ini:
Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile Trailer:
#Qooapp #FullmetalAlchemistGlobal #FullmetalAlchemistIndonesia #Actiongame #Mobile #Adventure Read Note
『鋼の錬金術師 MOBILE』第1弾PV│事前登録受付中 - YouTube
全世界シリーズ累計8,000万部を突破する大人気コミックス『鋼の錬金術師』のスマートフォンゲーム最新作!『鋼の錬金術師 MOBILE』、2022年夏配信予定!公式サイトにて事前登録受付中!▼公式サイトhttps://www.jp.square-enix.com/hagane-mobile/▼公式Twitterht...
Di tahun baru 2022 ini game Fullmetal Alchemist akan segera di rilis loh!~
Game ini diperkirakan akan dirilis pada pertengahan tahun 2022 nanti khusus untuk pengguna mobile phone (Android & iOS) tentunya.
Meskipun game ini akan di rilis pada pertengahan tahun nanti, game ini tidak kalah menarik dengan game lainnya.
Tentunya dengan adanya effect dan grafis 3D membuat game ini makin terlihat real dan menarik untuk dimainkan!
Tak hanya itu!
Bahkan beberapa voice actors terkenalpun juga ikut ambil bagian dalam pengisian suara karakter game ini loh!
Kebayang ga tuh, seberapa seru sih game ini?
Buruan klink link dibawah ini:
Fullmetal Alchemist Mobile Trailer:
#Qooapp #FullmetalAlchemistGlobal #FullmetalAlchemistIndonesia #Actiongame #Mobile #Adventure Read Note
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#sniper Read Note
#sniper Read Note

Recently work😇👍
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Top Contributor
The Game Awards 2021 Best Mobile Game
#TGA #TheGameAwards #Mobile #Genshin #GenshinImpact
Earlier today, Genshin Impact won the title of the Best Mobile Game at The Game Awards 2021. Even though most of my friends don't like this game because of its controversial infringement issue, it is no denying that this game has kept striding forward and found a pretty large group of people who appreciate the game. From my point of view, Genshin has shown its capability of creating a unique storyline, character designs, and ongoing fresh new content.
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Earlier today, Genshin Impact won the title of the Best Mobile Game at The Game Awards 2021. Even though most of my friends don't like this game because of its controversial infringement issue, it is no denying that this game has kept striding forward and found a pretty large group of people who appreciate the game. From my point of view, Genshin has shown its capability of creating a unique storyline, character designs, and ongoing fresh new content.
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Recently work😇😇
(。ŏ_ŏ)(。ŏ_ŏ) Read Note
(。ŏ_ŏ)(。ŏ_ŏ) Read Note
Amateur work😇😁
First #video
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Top Contributor
Me Getting Ready to Get Into Ni No Kuni
So I've been waiting for this game for two months, the promotion of this game is pretty insane, I see them a lot wherever I go online. It seems the game is pretty big and it'll take some time to play through, but the good news is that the weekend is coming 
Just hope it's a good one, based on the rating now it doesn't look too impressive but I'll definitely write a comment for this game soon after I play it. How many of you guys played it already but haven't left a game comment? Come on, go write one. ![[耍帥]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
#Mobile #Ninokuni
Traditional Chinese version: https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/10356
Japanese/Korean version: https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/17631
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#Mobile #Ninokuni
Traditional Chinese version: https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/10356
Japanese/Korean version: https://apps.qoo-app.com/en/app/17631
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