What is the anime food you want to try? Have you made any? Let us know in note now!

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#YUMMY Did you guys watch the last episode of Today's Menu for the Emiya Family last week?
That stew looks so yummy!
**Murmur: I wish I could make meals like that…**
HEY!!!!!! It’s not like I am bad at cooking or anything, okay???!!! I just set Mr. Qoo kitchen on fire once, overcooked a steak twice, and made Mr. Qoo throw up thrice - and that’s that.
I do admit I can’t cook like Emiya though. So I end up going from places to places to find the anime food I want to eat.
I went to Jump Cafe in Roppongi to try Gintama’s Otae omelette. The actual meal was actually omelette with squid sauce and pilaf. Read Note
That stew looks so yummy!
**Murmur: I wish I could make meals like that…**
HEY!!!!!! It’s not like I am bad at cooking or anything, okay???!!! I just set Mr. Qoo kitchen on fire once, overcooked a steak twice, and made Mr. Qoo throw up thrice - and that’s that.
I do admit I can’t cook like Emiya though. So I end up going from places to places to find the anime food I want to eat.
I went to Jump Cafe in Roppongi to try Gintama’s Otae omelette. The actual meal was actually omelette with squid sauce and pilaf. Read Note

Что насчёт того чтобы выкладывать свои рисунки в приложуху для закачки бомбезных азиатских игрулек где все очень очень любят всяких милюнек
TW Кишки, кровяка и кровячные цвета, взрослый мужик
#Reospeedwagon #phantomblood #Jojosbizzareadventure #JOJO #yummy #yum Read Note
TW Кишки, кровяка и кровячные цвета, взрослый мужик
#Reospeedwagon #phantomblood #Jojosbizzareadventure #JOJO #yummy #yum Read Note