What a sad question. Okay let’s vote.

Official QooApp
Master! Um...Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Hey! Don’t get it wrong! It’s not like I want to be your girlfriend!
I just want to talk about the reasons why we are single!
Recently this hashtag’s become popular on Twitter in Japan!
In my case, I think I am busy working for QooApp so I don’t have time to date someone.
O-of course I am totally fine being single!
Who needs a boyfriend when there is reverse harem anime anyway?!
How about you?
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Master! Um...Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Hey! Don’t get it wrong! It’s not like I want to be your girlfriend!
I just want to talk about the reasons why we are single!
Recently this hashtag’s become popular on Twitter in Japan!
In my case, I think I am busy working for QooApp so I don’t have time to date someone.
O-of course I am totally fine being single!
Who needs a boyfriend when there is reverse harem anime anyway?!
How about you?
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I don't wanna rush things, I want to be friends with the guy first before making up my mind. Read Note
I don't wanna rush things, I want to be friends with the guy first before making up my mind. Read Note
#Why_I'm_Single Read Note
#Why_I'm_Single Read Note

#Why_I'm_Single Just too shy and dont approach no girl i mean I dress well and all but I just dont approach and who needs a relationship when I'm just working hard to get dreams 🤠
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I have a twin brother. But that's not why im single. The thing is, we're both introverts.....and dont go outside. We just vibe watching anime and playing games. Read Note
I have a twin brother. But that's not why im single. The thing is, we're both introverts.....and dont go outside. We just vibe watching anime and playing games. Read Note
#Why_I'm_Single I'm just gonna hop on this tag cuz I'm bored
I'm single...
(brain loading...)
I'm taken by life
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I'm single...
(brain loading...)
I'm taken by life
Not even average face
My face may be unique but not in a good way which is the problem ;-;
I've got good personality tho but this is this era so it's not like anyone gives a shit about your personality first.
I was already dropped like a crap storyline by appearance![[大哭]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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My face may be unique but not in a good way which is the problem ;-;
I've got good personality tho but this is this era so it's not like anyone gives a shit about your personality first.
I was already dropped like a crap storyline by appearance
technically im not
must do study, no time for relationship even if we like each other Read Note
must do study, no time for relationship even if we like each other Read Note
Jenenge Mcvuri
#Why_I'm_Single bcuz u have some issue, like molex-siscom-brocon-falex-& 2dcom? ![[發困]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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being an otaku is hard
I love the 2D world so much that I can't stop talking about anime and cute girls. You may think it's weird but getting a gamer and otaku boyfriend is hard as hell. Read Note
I love the 2D world so much that I can't stop talking about anime and cute girls. You may think it's weird but getting a gamer and otaku boyfriend is hard as hell. Read Note
Carlos Grande
#Why_I'm_Single bc i have no one to talk to like im up to talk 24/7 as long as the other person puts in effort
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Samuele Bagli
I've never been in a relationship and this is probably because I'm too shy to confess!!! Read Note
I've never been in a relationship and this is probably because I'm too shy to confess!!! Read Note

When you finally find a cute girl but you find out they are already taken or like girls themselves and it makes you resort to eternally bonding with your computer and mobile devices and using your money on gacha games instead of some possible gf you could've had but instead you just got a harem of SSR l2d png waifus and fanart to fap to. #Why_I'm_Single #lifeisgood
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Because I never care about relationships enough to the point I helped raised a child that can survive airplane crashes Read Note
Because I never care about relationships enough to the point I helped raised a child that can survive airplane crashes Read Note

ez clap
#Why_I'm_Single The girl I liked left me for one of my friends. Now I have very little motivation to look for someone else. Good times
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too luch expectatioks
Watched too much anime and couldn't find someone like saeko from highschool of the dead#Why_I'm_Single
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neo odelf
idk kev
#Why_I'm_Single I never bothered with dating or anything. i had e-relations but those don't count for the most part,also i have this complex where i want to achieve something first and then try dating(it's pretty shitty)
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#Why_I'm_Single because i'm not perfect at all , like another girl . I'm not beautiful , i'm ugly , stupid and nerd just like what my friends say
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Noctis Xrgiary
well many gals rejected me so manytimes looks like its been more than 7yrs this past yrs thought why i don't ignore them 1st now i lost interest from all asian gals now m stuck with games n animaes n thats not bad #Why_I'm_Single
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#Why_I'm_Single since my fiancee left me 5 months ago, I haven't had any intention to look for a new gf yet.. she supported me in my hobbies and jobs but well i guess that's life..
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just me, ok 😇
#Why_I'm_Single hmm, i don't think it's will my biggest problem to me. I don't care what or where i will be in future. Keep enjoy life, read manga and play all the game i want ( but sometime it's very hard to my pocket for game need to buy in both PC and mobile
), but most importantly: I keep improve and learning anything i can, keep going and keep looking forward
( that just my thoughts
Life is very unpredictable so" be yourself" and everything will fine
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Life is very unpredictable so" be yourself" and everything will fine