Awtwork By: Gloomyowl
Source🌐: Pixiv
Link🔗: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106710095
Featured Character💠: Sakura Read Note
Link🔗: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106710095
Featured Character💠: Sakura Read Note

Anime Lover
《Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san》
Pixiv - 甘チヨ
Link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/18142670 Read Note
Link: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/18142670 Read Note

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Fortnite x Naruto
#Fortnite #Naruto #Collab #Kakashi #Sakura #Sasuke #Pakkun
The famous battle-royale game Fortnite is having a collab with Naruto! It's really cool to see more and more collaborations happening between anime series and other notable brands. You can use the awesome skins to play as a member of Kakashi's Team 7 on the battlefield of Fortnite! The projectiles are also transformed into special weapons like shuriken, scrolls, and Kunai. Don't forget to use the Nine-Tailed Fox as your glider and make your entrance to the Hidden Leaf village!
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The famous battle-royale game Fortnite is having a collab with Naruto! It's really cool to see more and more collaborations happening between anime series and other notable brands. You can use the awesome skins to play as a member of Kakashi's Team 7 on the battlefield of Fortnite! The projectiles are also transformed into special weapons like shuriken, scrolls, and Kunai. Don't forget to use the Nine-Tailed Fox as your glider and make your entrance to the Hidden Leaf village!
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Bryan Fonseca Araya
Best App for watching anime
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Global Wind Day
Today is Global Wind Day, a day for discovering wind energy, its power, and the possibilities it holds to reshape our energy systems. The wind is an awesome source of renewable energy, does this remind you of anything about wind in the anime? I thought of the Windy card in Cardcaptor Sakura!
#A_day_in_the_world #Wind #Anime #Cardcaptor #Sakura
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#A_day_in_the_world #Wind #Anime #Cardcaptor #Sakura
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