I don't understand anything
TW: Me
how about making a lot of thing I want to say in parts, but stay in a single post? :3 some of this will be unimportant, while the rest is relevant to nothing. so skip it and continue with your life that definitely not better than mine![[怪笑]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
[Muse Dash and Rotaneo are the only two rhythm games I have]
because I need to re-compose my mindset about what I crave in a "rhythm game". definitely not an illustration that having probability 4 out of 265 coming out triggerred by a single touch of a button. Read Note
how about making a lot of thing I want to say in parts, but stay in a single post? :3 some of this will be unimportant, while the rest is relevant to nothing. so skip it and continue with your life that definitely not better than mine
[Muse Dash and Rotaneo are the only two rhythm games I have]
because I need to re-compose my mindset about what I crave in a "rhythm game". definitely not an illustration that having probability 4 out of 265 coming out triggerred by a single touch of a button. Read Note

TW: as usual. didn't know 'em? your fault then :3
post on Qoo should be related on ACG, Otaku, or some hobbies in general. but to tone it down to ACG, I don't have much left something to share.
Anime: only One Piece currently, but only ones who like it are the one who actually going out. Read Note
post on Qoo should be related on ACG, Otaku, or some hobbies in general. but to tone it down to ACG, I don't have much left something to share.
Anime: only One Piece currently, but only ones who like it are the one who actually going out. Read Note

To Some Certain Parties
TW: Everything. Want my help? no you don't. https://notes.qoo-app.com/en/note/2149857
#ssrMusic for my share taste in music
#SSRticle for some poorly made reading material
#SSRant for my average everyday better life than yours
#SuperShortReading for super short reading
#SSR_NSFW for pic of people slapped their boss with toaster's burnt electrical cord because that is Not Safe For Work (if I actually could ever find that gif)
-more TBA Read Note
#ssrMusic for my share taste in music
#SSRticle for some poorly made reading material
#SSRant for my average everyday better life than yours
#SuperShortReading for super short reading
#SSR_NSFW for pic of people slapped their boss with toaster's burnt electrical cord because that is Not Safe For Work (if I actually could ever find that gif)
-more TBA Read Note

"get a life" meh
"touch a grass" useless
"go socialize with real people" can go away
and more of them coming...
those phrases are now more of an insult than an advice. tried most--if not all-- of them, and no correlation between them and making me what they wanted me to be. Read Note
"get a life" meh
"touch a grass" useless
"go socialize with real people" can go away
and more of them coming...
those phrases are now more of an insult than an advice. tried most--if not all-- of them, and no correlation between them and making me what they wanted me to be. Read Note