QooApp News
Overwatch 2 Cancels Plans for the Long-Awaited PvE Hero Mode
Overwatch 2 devs will continue to focus more on the game's PvP and release PvE content seasonally with story missions.
https://news.qoo-app.com/en/post/168368/overwatch-2-cancels-pve Read Note
Overwatch 2 Cancels Plans for the Long-Awaited PvE Hero Mode - QooApp News
Overwatch 2 has cancelled its long-awaited PvE Hero Mode which was a huge selling point for its fans, in favor of seasonal PvE content with story missions.
https://news.qoo-app.com/en/post/168368/overwatch-2-cancels-pve Read Note

QooApp News
Overwatch 2 Reveals Details on Cross-Progression and Account Merging
Blizzard revealed details on cross-progression and account merging for the upcoming Overwatch 2 game.
https://news.qoo-app.com/en/post/112038/overwatch-2 Read Note
Overwatch 2 Reveals Details on Cross-Progression and Account Merging - QooApp News
Blizzard Entertainment announced that the upcoming Overwatch 2 will support account merging with the previous Overwatch game. In preparation, players can start creating accounts to link their save data through Blizzard's Battle.net services.
https://news.qoo-app.com/en/post/112038/overwatch-2 Read Note

Zeno 4Kai
Drawings part 4!!
Here's another collection of drawings i drew over the years, i still have a long wayyy to go on drawing certain parts of the human face and hair. #Skyrim #JoJoBizzareAdventure #HarryPotter #Luffy #OnePiece #Garuo #OnePunchMan #Midoriya #MyHeroAcademia #Overwatch
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