Xelanater Ellevanox
I am Xelanater, I am trapped in #Me and I cannot log out!
#ICantLogOut Read Note
#ICantLogOut Read Note
Aoiyukimura's voice nua~
I almost forgot about 4k special. So it is for me and for public or my weeb friend and community there will be 4.5k special.
So i see that @AoiYukimura always says nya~ So i wanted to hear it. Can i? Get the audio of Aoiyukimura's nya~ If it is ok then vote please.
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3000likes special
Hmm... on this event let's join my discord.
You too @AoiYukimura @RPGLover88
Link-https://discord.gg/WaPNTKSN Read Note
You too @AoiYukimura @RPGLover88
Link-https://discord.gg/WaPNTKSN Read Note