I Learned Crochet for This
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #EverythingCrochet #Venti
I started learning how to crochet 4 days ago. Did some failed practice pushen cat and a somewhat decent coaster. All those failures to do this to celebrate me getting Venti in my NA and completing my Anemo Boys.
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I started learning how to crochet 4 days ago. Did some failed practice pushen cat and a somewhat decent coaster. All those failures to do this to celebrate me getting Venti in my NA and completing my Anemo Boys.
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CCP Cosplay: Genshin Albedo
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingCoco #EverythingGenshin
Light mode Read Note
Light mode Read Note

CCP Cosplay: Genshin Wriothesley
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingCoco #EverythingGenshin
Why only do Neuv when I can also do another Fontaine husbando?
Wish me luck. I'll be pulling for him next when his banner is up~ 🤞🤞🤞
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Why only do Neuv when I can also do another Fontaine husbando?
Wish me luck. I'll be pulling for him next when his banner is up~ 🤞🤞🤞
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CCP Cosplay: Genshin Neuvillette
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingCoco #EverythingGenshin
Wow, when was my last post for Cocoppa? December something last year. I finally returned and discovered CCPs real purpose.
Cosplaying Genshin! I did cosplay other games but it wasn't that close. But here they are now! Read Note
Wow, when was my last post for Cocoppa? December something last year. I finally returned and discovered CCPs real purpose.
Cosplaying Genshin! I did cosplay other games but it wasn't that close. But here they are now! Read Note

I Am Ashamed. Not.
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingLol #EverythingRandom #EverythingGenshin
Read Note
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Happy Birthday, Venti, My Labs!
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #EverythingArt #Venti
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Just Wanna Late Share~
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Kazuha
So, uh, like, 69 pity, 10 pulls.
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So, uh, like, 69 pity, 10 pulls.
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A Blessed Day~
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Ayaka #Mika #Diona #Sucrose #Tighnari
I won my 50-50 for Ayaka! Of course, I was both happy and sad at the same time.
Happy because Ayaka and I won 50-50. Ayato wont be lonely anymore. (We dont talk about me not having Thoma) Read Note
I won my 50-50 for Ayaka! Of course, I was both happy and sad at the same time.
Happy because Ayaka and I won 50-50. Ayato wont be lonely anymore. (We dont talk about me not having Thoma) Read Note

Why is This Game Hurting Me
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin
I am NOT crying at all! No! I-- ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ (Also uhm...is it bad that I am crushing on Halfdan? Why is he so good-looking? Gah!) Read Note
I am NOT crying at all! No! I-- ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽ (Also uhm...is it bad that I am crushing on Halfdan? Why is he so good-looking? Gah!) Read Note

Caught on Cam ll
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin
Just a compilation of pictures from the game
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Just a compilation of pictures from the game
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Caught on Cam
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Ei #Raiden #Wanderer #Scaramouche
A perfect shot. Evidence of a loving, touching and heart-warming moment between mother and son
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A perfect shot. Evidence of a loving, touching and heart-warming moment between mother and son
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Wtf We Been Doing 😂
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Lumine #Aether #Venti #Cyno #Childe #Tighnari #Noelle #Benny #Xingqui
I asked SOS from friends to help me with Geostasis. Welp, let's just say it was overkill. I feel bad for the Geostasis.
After that, we went to Oceanid and...well, same story. I feel bad as well. Haha but after that, idfk what we also did with our characters
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I asked SOS from friends to help me with Geostasis. Welp, let's just say it was overkill. I feel bad for the Geostasis.
After that, we went to Oceanid and...well, same story. I feel bad as well. Haha but after that, idfk what we also did with our characters

A Supposed Epic Photoshoot
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Megumi #Scaramouche #Wanderer
I sneaked into my sister's teapot for Chubby but not only she got a notif and messaged me ingame with a 'who dares enter my teapot', I couldn't buy from Chubby upon his arrival lol
So I just wander around her teapot and did some picture taking. But what once an epic shot now has a stupid hat on the bottom.
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I sneaked into my sister's teapot for Chubby but not only she got a notif and messaged me ingame with a 'who dares enter my teapot', I couldn't buy from Chubby upon his arrival lol
So I just wander around her teapot and did some picture taking. But what once an epic shot now has a stupid hat on the bottom.
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We Did It! Without a Scratch!
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Tighnari #Gorou #Itto #Benny
So, I've been slowly doing my Asia cause I wanna relish Venti's story. I abandoned my Asia cause uhh, I was so unlucky but it seems that I wasn't since I got won Itto and lost the 5050 to Tighnari, which is AWESOME!
I am AR 8 there hehe and I saw I can beat up some bosses there already.
And this is the result after a fight with a Frosvine with my people at max level 20 and shitty artifacts.
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So, I've been slowly doing my Asia cause I wanna relish Venti's story. I abandoned my Asia cause uhh, I was so unlucky but it seems that I wasn't since I got won Itto and lost the 5050 to Tighnari, which is AWESOME!
I am AR 8 there hehe and I saw I can beat up some bosses there already.
And this is the result after a fight with a Frosvine with my people at max level 20 and shitty artifacts.
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I Was Bored and Drew Them
#EverythingRandom #EverythingArt #EverythingStars #EverythingGenshin #Pukapuka #Kanata #Scaramouche #Xingqui #Chongyun
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My Beloved Emo Boi
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Xiao
Xiao is becoming my second best anemo boi in this game.
Of course, I'm still a Venti girl and I will wait no matter how long it takes till he comes back for me to pull for him ಥ‿ಥ Read Note
Xiao is becoming my second best anemo boi in this game.
Of course, I'm still a Venti girl and I will wait no matter how long it takes till he comes back for me to pull for him ಥ‿ಥ Read Note

Great Haul~
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Qiqi #Bubu #Xiao
It's a great haul! I finally got Xiao at last with a guarantee at 77th pull
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It's a great haul! I finally got Xiao at last with a guarantee at 77th pull

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Thank you for the tears, jerk
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin
I am not crying, okay? I totally am not.
Someone was just chopping up onions uselessly while I was playing and onions in my country is very, very expensive, okay? It's not because of the sad story or any other shit, okay? Okay????
How can I afford my Welkins now???![[大哭]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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I am not crying, okay? I totally am not.
Someone was just chopping up onions uselessly while I was playing and onions in my country is very, very expensive, okay? It's not because of the sad story or any other shit, okay? Okay????
How can I afford my Welkins now???

I Woke Up 👁️ 👄 👁️
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Ayato #Keqing #Rosaria
My sister woke me up in the morning after burning the midnight oil from finishing work, telling me that Ayato banner has arrived.
Still half-asleep, she came to bed with me to see me pull and when I did
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My sister woke me up in the morning after burning the midnight oil from finishing work, telling me that Ayato banner has arrived.
Still half-asleep, she came to bed with me to see me pull and when I did
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Educational Tour
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Thoma #Scara #Scaramouche
So, Thoma is giving Scara a tour of the Kamisato Residence
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So, Thoma is giving Scara a tour of the Kamisato Residence
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This Man!
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Itto
I am laughing so hard and so bad at this man!
I love him so much!
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I am laughing so hard and so bad at this man!

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I Feel Stupid
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Thoma
Ahhhh I thought I already ran away from the evil clutches of Kaeya from playing me in Monstadt. Who woulda thought there's another version of him playing me in Inazuma as well? ಥ‿ಥ
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Ahhhh I thought I already ran away from the evil clutches of Kaeya from playing me in Monstadt. Who woulda thought there's another version of him playing me in Inazuma as well? ಥ‿ಥ
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Epic Photoshoots
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin
My sis and me taking photos ingame
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My sis and me taking photos ingame
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Messing Around with Sis ll
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin
Another dump post of nonsensical memories of me and my sis fooling around while playing Genshin together
She got stuck lmao lololol and am just watching her flail about like a fish on a pillar Read Note
Another dump post of nonsensical memories of me and my sis fooling around while playing Genshin together
She got stuck lmao lololol and am just watching her flail about like a fish on a pillar Read Note

Finally a Teapot for Me
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Heizou
Got my Teapot finally and a date with Hemzoo to celebrate~ He reminds me of Lukey whenever he calls me partner hehehe Read Note
Got my Teapot finally and a date with Hemzoo to celebrate~ He reminds me of Lukey whenever he calls me partner hehehe Read Note

#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin #Scara #Itto
I got Scara on my NA(which I mainly play) early![[賣萌]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
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I got Scara on my NA(which I mainly play) early
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Fooling Around
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin
Just me and my sister fooling around while I'm in her world Read Note
Just me and my sister fooling around while I'm in her world Read Note

Tanjoubi Omedetou! ❤️ Compiled
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingTears #EverythingArcana #EverythingGenshin
As of making this post, it is now October 21st at 12:36 am.
Therefore, it is technically my birthday! Yayy!!!
•°•°Tears of Themis°•°•
I was about to sleep but I remembered Tears of Themis did a new thing on the birthday thing.
Maaaan, I don't have cake. Does that mean I missed that already and this is the birthday they're doing noe for their 2nd year? lmao idk idk.
But hey! I got to say, the gifts they gave me are so lovely that even though I'm a Luke baby and Vyn girl, I can't help but feel my heart go a-flutter with Artem and Marius's gifts. Read Note
As of making this post, it is now October 21st at 12:36 am.
Therefore, it is technically my birthday! Yayy!!!
•°•°Tears of Themis°•°•
I was about to sleep but I remembered Tears of Themis did a new thing on the birthday thing.
Maaaan, I don't have cake. Does that mean I missed that already and this is the birthday they're doing noe for their 2nd year? lmao idk idk.
But hey! I got to say, the gifts they gave me are so lovely that even though I'm a Luke baby and Vyn girl, I can't help but feel my heart go a-flutter with Artem and Marius's gifts. Read Note

Genshin Player Now
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingGenshin
Guess I'm a Genshin player now as well. Huh? Who do I like in Genshin so far? Uh...well, since I'm new and everything...uhm... I'm not really sure.
Venti, maybe? Idk idk Read Note
Guess I'm a Genshin player now as well. Huh? Who do I like in Genshin so far? Uh...well, since I'm new and everything...uhm... I'm not really sure.
Venti, maybe? Idk idk Read Note

Table of Categories
#GameRantsandStuff - My personal tag for everything about gaming, sub tag will be for a specific game
•°•°• Sub Tags •°•°•
(for my personal music analysis: #EnstarsThoughts
and fangirl/guy activities: #EngStarsTop
for the Enstars Royal Ramen House Menu: #EnstarsRamenHouse )
#EverythingTears - #Vyn #Luke #Marius #Artem
(#Zayne #Xavier #Rafayel )
(for specific searches #TwistedTop #HiddenMickey #Riddle #Jamil #Deuce #Kalim #Leona #Jade #Epel #Vil #Rook #Ortho #Idia)
#EverythingFGO - Hiatus cause I'm salty as the ocean rn
#GameReview - Every review I made, but you can just like see it in my profile Review tab lol
•°•°• Notes •°•°•
I thought of just carrying on and using this platform to post the stuff that I've been taking screenshots from the games I've been playing.
However, it has come to my attention that I'm going to post more stuff here other than games. Like mangas and manhwas. Because...well, I want to preserve them somewhere if and when I outlive my phone lol.
So anyway, I want to organize my posts here so it's easier to deal with. It's actually more for me but since it'll also help you guys(whenever you get lost in my page for some reason heh), then it's a win-win right?
•°•°• I Simp For... •°•°•
Ensemble Stars: Subaru, Sora, Leo, Mao, Kaoru, Eichi, Mayoi, Chiaki-nii, The Twins, Shinonon, Shu....Rinne
Twisted Wonderland: Riddle
, Leona, Jamil, Kalim, Floyd(maybe Jade too), Epel, Ortho, Lilia
Tears of Themis: Luke
Prosekai: Len and Tsukasa Tenma
Blackstar Theater Starless: Menou, Kei, Shinju
What in Hell: Satan, Minhyeok, Beelzebub, Paimon
Love and DeepSpace: Zayne
**Uninstalled Games**
#EverythingNiNoKuni : Can't keep up anymore, sorry. Might come back to it once bugs and stuff are improved.
#EverythingLord : Didn't really motivate me to keep playing unlike Alchemy Stars.
#EverythingSky - will play every now and again
#EverythingAlchemy Read Note
•°•°• Sub Tags •°•°•
(for my personal music analysis: #EnstarsThoughts
and fangirl/guy activities: #EngStarsTop
for the Enstars Royal Ramen House Menu: #EnstarsRamenHouse )
#EverythingTears - #Vyn #Luke #Marius #Artem
(#Zayne #Xavier #Rafayel )
(for specific searches #TwistedTop #HiddenMickey #Riddle #Jamil #Deuce #Kalim #Leona #Jade #Epel #Vil #Rook #Ortho #Idia)
#EverythingFGO - Hiatus cause I'm salty as the ocean rn
#GameReview - Every review I made, but you can just like see it in my profile Review tab lol
•°•°• Notes •°•°•
I thought of just carrying on and using this platform to post the stuff that I've been taking screenshots from the games I've been playing.
However, it has come to my attention that I'm going to post more stuff here other than games. Like mangas and manhwas. Because...well, I want to preserve them somewhere if and when I outlive my phone lol.
So anyway, I want to organize my posts here so it's easier to deal with. It's actually more for me but since it'll also help you guys(whenever you get lost in my page for some reason heh), then it's a win-win right?
•°•°• I Simp For... •°•°•
Ensemble Stars: Subaru, Sora, Leo, Mao, Kaoru, Eichi, Mayoi, Chiaki-nii, The Twins, Shinonon, Shu....Rinne
Twisted Wonderland: Riddle

Tears of Themis: Luke
Prosekai: Len and Tsukasa Tenma
Blackstar Theater Starless: Menou, Kei, Shinju
What in Hell: Satan, Minhyeok, Beelzebub, Paimon
Love and DeepSpace: Zayne
**Uninstalled Games**
#EverythingNiNoKuni : Can't keep up anymore, sorry. Might come back to it once bugs and stuff are improved.
#EverythingLord : Didn't really motivate me to keep playing unlike Alchemy Stars.
#EverythingSky - will play every now and again
#EverythingAlchemy Read Note