On the 27th of February, 1996, the very first Pokémon game was released in Japan. The franchise has then developed into one of the most popular gaming series in the world. As the 27th of February is the official Pokémon Day, it is the perfect time to share with us your crazy Pokémon idea!
If you can turn a character from anime and games, who will that be?
EllyOfficial QooApp#CreateAPokemon
Master! Do you know that the 27th of February is the official Pokémon Day?
Pokémon are such mystical creatures! Some of them look cute, some of them look strong… And some, are straight-up weird!
There is even a rumor that Yoshi from the Super Mario series is a hidden Pokémon! It would be so cool if it is real! Read Note
Minnie#CreateAPokemon How about Giyuu from demon slayer he is a very cool character and i thought of him as a pokemon once and i think it was a great idea because i imagined him as a water pokemon which can stay on land .
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Mr. Chesthead#3My pokemon I would create#CreateAPokemon i would make goku a pokemon bc he would be a weird legendary he would talk and start collecting dragonballs while hes waddling around
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Ichi SanUMARU TAN#CreateAPokemon
I mean, she is already halfway there to being a pokemon. She is "lazy" type, and just like ditto she can shapeshift.
Her two forms are
'legendary student'
'otaku destroyer' Read Note
Mangozititle#CreateAPokemon Well I mean- Atsushi from bsd could be a good thing to try and make a pokemon from, since it's like a tiger but not really but a tiger sooo making a pokemon design out of the boy could be interesting- like instead of the tail do his signature belt etc
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Zothanpari#CreateAPokemon if i could create my own pokemon then it would be bunny girls a sexy type, tall, alim but have all the goods🤭 nice round boobs and buts
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RAlaanCraziest PKMN idea
My craziest PKMN idea is playing anymore games from the main series.
I stopped playing back in primary school with Ruby/Silver and tried with SwSH and it just reminded me why I stopped playing. I'm pretty sure the Gen9 one is probably going to be the same copy-paste garbage for the past 26y.
That being said, Unite and Arceus were fun in the beginning. Before I stopped playing Unite, it suffered from MOBA syndrome. A.K.A Weak (man)children who give up at the slightest chance of losing then afk/feed.
Arceus is cool but empty. #CreateAPokemonRead Note
noniebonggamingPOKEMON DAY#CreateAPokemon Karena ini Pokemon Day, aku mo sharing opini aku tentang Pokemon walau agak out of topic. Aku anak kelahiran 90an.. Waktu kecil seneng banget nonton kartun & anime di Indosiar ampe sengaja bangun jam5 pagi untuk nonton Pokemon Tapi yo waktu itu animenya ya versi jaman dulu guyssssss wkwkwkwkw tetapi di suatu ketika pas tahun berapaan gitu tiba-tiba aku udah ga ada alias ganti jam tayang secara wa tugas sekolah makin banyak jadi ga sempat nonton lagi deh waktu itu aku belum tau kl ada yg namanya game pokemon yang bisa dimainkan di PS/PC soale waktu itu masi rada ga gimana tau soal dunia game. Tapi di era 2000an ada dong movie Pokemon live action gitu duh seneng banget toh kayak nostalgia lagi ke jaman dahulu kala. Terus di tahun 2021 ada game mobile genre moba Pokemon Unite. Kalian ada main ga? Wa makin seneng dong kayak jiwa bocil ku bangkit lagi walau skg umur wa udh dewasa. Btw, bahas main Pokemon Unite yo itu kan game moba. Wa sempat main gitu beberapa bulan. Asik!!! Grafiknya bagus, musiknya jg oke. Berasa beneran jadi Pokemon Trainer. Wkwkwkwk Btw di Pokemon Unite, job kalian apa? Aku support sih. Sering banget main Eldegoss yang skillnya bisa ngeheal, ngedamage dan ngeshield. Mantap poll. Tapi yang bikin wa agak sedih ya itu... Matchingnya gatau napa suka dapet player AFK atau surrender gitu. Ya gitu deh..... Walau cerita ini menggantung ywda lah ya Read Note
Hitsaruhmmm#CreateAPokemon what if they made an event for people to recolor some "bad shinies" like gengar or garchomp and maybe make them more like their mega? while it might not fit for their mega or their pre evolutions i think that this idea would be cool! what do you all think?
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