Q: Can ghoul drink all coffee/eat coffee related food?
Hello viewers!
Today's topic is about the ghoul in Tokyo Ghoul.
Here is a brief introduction of the plot:
- Ghoul eat humans.
- Ghoul can only drink coffee, other human food will taste horrible to them.
So here is the question:
Can ghoul drink all coffee/eat coffee related food
In the story, the main ghoul gang operate a cafe called "Anteiku" and serve coffee (and human meat)for other ghoul.
After Kaneki turned into a ghoul, the owner served him a coffee and explained that coffee is the only human food that still taste good to ghoul.
In this picture, we can see that there are a lot of coffee beans in the background. So this make me thinking, can ghoul drink all kinds of coffee?
And according to this graph, there are many types of coffee that mixed different ingredients.
For example, mocha include chocolates and latte included steamed milk.
Then what will happened when ghoul drink these coffee? Will they taste good since they are coffee or taste bad since there are chocolates and milk?
If they taste good, does this mean ghoul can actually eat anything with coffee in it? Like a coffee chocolate, or a coffee cake?
If they taste bad, does this mean ghoul can only drink very limited type of coffee like black coffee?
What do you think? Comment and discuss together!
Thank for reading today's anime question! So long and good night!