#FGOJP Command Code System
The instructions are self-explanatory based on the 1st picture.
You need a specific color Key to unlock the matching command card. For example, you need a Red Key to unlock the Buster-type command card. Doing so will require QP based on Servant's rarity (5* need 1 million QP per unlock) . When the command card is unlocked, you can equip the command code to it.
When the command card has an equipped Code; let's say your command card equipped a 100 HP recovery Code, that command card will have an icon on top right of it. Dealing damage with that card will recover the selected servant's HP by 100. Code effects are permanent unless stated otherwise.
To remove a Code from command card, you'll need a blue-orange colored Card Removal. Doing so will not destroy the Code, as it goes back to Code inventory. Replacing a Code with another will not work.
No, Code does not work on NP card.
So far, there are 10 Command Codes available in FP gacha:
- 5% more damage against "Human" onto the selected card
- 5% more damage against "Beast" onto the selected card
- 5% more damage against "Undead" onto the selected card
- 5% more damage against "Demon" onto the selected card
- 5% more damage against "Divine" onto the selected card
- 100 HP Recovery onto the selected card
- 20% Star Rate onto the selected card
- 3% Crit Damage Up onto the selected card
- 25% Star Absorb onto the selected card
- Removes Poison, Curse, Burn debuff onto the selected card(This effect removes one of three debuffs per selected card)
Fou's Command Code: 200 HP recovery onto the selected card