Grats Wuwa On The BMG Nomination 👏 ❤️
Camellya OMG I pulled her in 45 pity :) I have no way of actually playing this game story until it releases on ps5. This phone sucks and game crashes every 1-5mins I have no pc, I seen ppl pulling for her on YouTube and I at least wanted to try for her, and thanks to the email wuwa sent for they nomination it gave me enough that I needed to do a 10 pull and she showed up in that 10 pull so I'm very grateful Wuwa will have my Vote because of that . I'm going to play the Hell out of this game once it releases on ps5. Whats Kinda funny and interesting is that she showed up on the 45 pull from my last 5star, and i have exactly 45 pages in my pull history. Good luck on your pulls, everyone :)