Best Possible Outcome For Me :)
So...i was around soft Pity close to 74 and on ganrunteed and had to decide weather to go For JinhsI or use my ganrunteed on ChangLI after a few hours of debating I decided to Just go for JinhsI and Try my Luck 50/50 when ChangLI banner drop I did 10 pull, pull JinhsI try to take pic of 10 pull game crash again on me like usual i go back in game used what currentcy i had left for her wep but no luck then went back to her banner did a single pull hoping to get Lucky and Calcharo appears lol I didn't actually expect that to happen but it did and im soo happy right now because now I have a Ganrunteed on ChangLI banner I'm glad I didn't skip JinhsI banner :) Hope the ps5 release comes soon bc i dont have pc, and my phone sucks.