Monster Hunter
I've been a fan of the Monster Hunter games for many years now. The first I ever saw, was the games for the psp, since my older sibling has one. I remember back when my family went fishing, and my sibling and I sat in the car while they played Monster Hunter. It was the first time I saw the games ever, but I fell in love. They played the quest, where you had to gather Popo Tounges, when a Tigrex invades. I remember the fear we felt when we first ever saw such a Monster, but with the years, we played every Monster Hunter game since. I played with them World a lot even, and when Rise released, they promised me to play with me. In the end, I am the only one still playing, and I played through the Story of base Rise and Sunbreak all on my own. Due to my human fear, I lack the courage to ask people to play Monster Hunter with me, and many just simply hate it for some reason... In the end, I only found one person who I knew for a very long time, who play Rise/Sunbreak and Generations Ultimate with me, but other then that one person? I have played all games all alone, and then had to help my older sibling, but.. it will never ruin my love for the games I play, no matter if I play all alone, or have people who would play video games with me.
#MonsterHunter #GamingLife