[Share of Today] Are They Robort Or Are They Human! Favorite “Android” Characters!!
With AI's rapid development, we are closer to achieving the android robot in all kinds of science fiction. However, some of them are much more like humans than robots.
Anime! Anime! did a questionnaire on favorite “Android” characters, the Japanese readers already picked their favorite. Let’s check them out!
Favorite “Android” Characters Ranking
■5. Mechamaru Ultimate『Jujutsu Kaisen』
■4. Ruru Amour/Cure Amour『Hug! Pretty Cure』
■3. Vivy『Vivy -Fluorite Eye's Song-』
■2. Tama『Gintama』
■1. Ortho Shroud『Disney Twisted Wonderland』
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#JujutsuKaisen #Hug!PrettyCure #Vivy-FluoriteEye'sSong- #Gintama #DisneyTwistedWonderland