Daily Obscure/Underrated Anime Recommendations Number Sixty-Five
Rozen Maiden
(Story: The story follows Jun Sakurada, a middle school student who withdrew from society after suffering persecutions from his classmates. Following his withdrawal, he is chosen to become the master to a Rozen Maiden named Shinku. Rozen Maidens are seven sentient porcelain dolls who compete against each other to become a perfect doll dubbed as Alice.)
(Genre: Fantasy, Supernatural, Drama, Action, Comedy)
(Released 2004; 12 episodes + more series; PG-13)
(Notes: Colorful cast? Check. Lots of charm. Yup. It isnt perfect but it's fun! A lot of people don't talk about this one I've noticed but I'm talking about it now. Its also got an interesting concept! And it's short and sweet so it won't take up too much of your time. Although, I'll say, while i dont hate the OP song personally..i can take it or leave it.)
#Anime #Underrated #Recommendations #2000s #Classic #Fantasy #Action #Comedy #Supernatural #Drama #Short #Series