[Share of Today] Gotta Look Pretty! Favorite “Make-up” Characters!!
Some might say make-up is a disguise and deceit, but it does make you look good!
Now these days, make-up is no longer a girl’s privilege, many men now do make-up too!
Anime! Anime! did a questionnaire on favorite “Make-up” characters, the Japanese readers already picked their favorite. Let’s check them out!
Favorite “Make-up” Characters Ranking
■5. Vermouth『Case Closed/Detective Conan』
■4. Alex Louis Armstrong『Ensemble Stars!!』
■3. Izumida Azami『A3!』
■2. Marin Kitagawa『My Dress-Up Darling』
■1. Vil Schoenheit『Disney Twisted-Wonderland』
Who are your favorite “Make-up” characters? Vote for him/her or share in the comment, and don’t forget to like and follow for more anime news and shares!!
Favorite “Make-up” Character?
Expiry Date: 2024-05-01 00:00 Select One Total Votes: 98
#CaseClosed #DetectiveConan #EnsembleStars!! #A3! #MyDress-UpDarling #DisneyTwisted-Wonderland