Stargazing Thoughts ⭐
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythigTwisted #Trey #Deuce #Idia #Ortho
I read this event while it went out however, I didn't get to finish reading it in the end. And now, I did and here are my thoughts about it.
First of all, I wanna talk about Grim.
Even though he's an annoying pain in the ass, he is MY annoying pain in the ass. I can't help but like him. I blame it on the time we spend too much time with him
Anyways, despite him a pain in the neck, he is really sweet and thoughtful when it comes to you.
And from the picture, as my evidence, Crowley says that you and Grim are a buy one, take one thing. Yet when Grim gave his wish to Deuce, he emphasizes that the wish is from you and him both. Not only him.
Ain't that sweet????? Aww, Grimmy (I feel bad cause I didnt get his anni card cause I was stupid to not read the instructions
but I hope to get him when he comes back)
I love how Idia backpedals to the max here because of Ortho
Looking good, people! ❤️ I think I posted something about them in their Stargazers clothes before too.
I wanna have a son like Deuce someday. A son who's not a full-on mama's boy but a son who wants to make his mom happy and doing his best ❤️
What Deuce said here is just the best! Ortho is definitely a Stargazer as well. Baby Ortho deserves that title for all the hard work and devotion he has during the entirety of the event~
Sorry, I can't help but add this funny thing