【Share of Today】 Sacred Yet Cute! I Favorite “Miko” Characters?
Hatsumode is one of the most popular traditionsas in Japan, it is a practice of visiting a shrine or temple throughout the New Year holidays to pray for good fortune for the coming year. However, you go to the Shinto shrine for Hatsumode, I go to the Shinto shrine for Miko, we are not the same.
Just kidding, Shinto shrines are places of worship and the dwellings of the kami (Shinto "gods"), like western charch they aslo have priests and prayers. Miko are refering to the shrine maiden who assistants the priests. Because their unique traditional value and outfits, they are also popular elements in anime!
Anime! Anime! did a questionnaire on favorite “Miko” characters, the Japanese readers already picked their favorite. Let’s check them out!
Favorite “Miko” Characters Ranking
■5. Mitsuha Miyamizu『Your Name』
■4. Nozomi Tojo『Love Live!』
■3. Yae Miko『Genshin Impact』
■2 Floyd Leech / Jade Leech『Inuyasha』
■1. Reimu Hakurei『Touhou Project』
Who are your favorite “Miko” characters? Vote for her or share in the comment, and don’t forget to like and follow for more anime news and shares!!
#YourName #LoveLive! #GenshinImpact #Inuyasha #TouhouProject
Favorite “Miko” Character?
Expiry Date: 2024-01-01 00:00 Select One Total Votes: 304