Bloom: Punishment Post
#GameRantsandStuff #EverythingStars #Ritsu #Rei
Ah, yes, I finally gathered enough materials to Bloom both of them. Since I have a ton of blue cards already, Blooming these two are at the bottom of my 5* priority list.
But still, I managed to Bloom them both~
Both brothers are so beautiful it makes me wanna forgive them that there's Blue cards.
Lmao, anyway, why this is called the Punishment Post, you say?
Well, I posted the Sakuma brothers not because I like their tandem as brothers. Lmao. If I want a sibling love, I'd rather promote the twins and maybe promote a little bit of the Amagi bros(a little bias cause Rinrin is my bias, hehe...pun intended)
Anyway, guess who gets to get punished in this post?
Yep, you all guessed it. One brother is over the moon with happiness and bliss to be posted along with the other while the other brother loathes it with all his being.
That's what he gets for butting in and making me pull him instead of Mao during Mao fs banner. >:))