🐺Homare HBDay!💎Clarity💎
彼の誕生日と私はそれを見逃すことはありません !
Homare! HO...MA...RE! <( ಠ︵ಠ)> hmph! この時間、楽しみのために生徒たちに触れないほうがいいよ!今日はあなたの誕生日なので、フックを外します
Yea.. off the hook for only today. Also don't tease my anidols juniors! (Being Cure Manager)
Login Bonus! I didn't get fully on Harumiya's(?) day.
He's definitely... Gosh why he looking that hot
It really bad for my poor heart and soul!! H3ñtæi! X/
Still. You're acceptable! You have good points, so
Special Onigiri Dish.. Have room for one more🫣
Sorry For being late but Hey! It's here.. Kind of a rush
Pencil version is super cooler Sheesh.
Again sorry for my colouring!!! It's getting bad and not getting any new colour pencils Xd rushy
Already updated their drawings Check the characters out : #MachiAyata #TokiYuito
Or click the tags : #AnidolDays #HappyBirthday
#HomareSuaki #SuakiHomare #HappyBirthday #DrawDelight
31/10/2022 late Halloween & Good Night!
P.s I wanted to say thank you so much to my dear friend who drew the flowers for me at school :) They wanted to help me out and i let them.