【News of Yesterday】Birthday of voice actress Aoi Koga!!
August 24th is Aoi Koga's birthday!!
If I need to use one word to describe her, it must be romance! I am sure most of her characters are ideal girlfriends for all of us! How can you not fall in love with her sweet, cute and sometimes dorky voice!
To celebrate her birthday, Anime! Anime! did a questionnaire on favorite Aoi Koga characters, the Japan readers picked their choice already! Here are the top five!
■5. Hiyori Tori (棟梨ひより)『Build Divide』
■4. Tama Kunimi (國見タマ)『Heaven Burns Redi』
■3. Paimon (パイモン)『Genshin Impact』
■2. Shoko Komi (古見硝子)『Komi Can't Communicate』
■1. Kaguya Shinomiya (四宮かぐや)『Kaguya-sama: Love Is War』
Who is your favorite Aoi Koga character?
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#BuildDivide #HeavenBurnsRedi #GenshinImpact #KomiCan'tCommunicate #Kaguya-sama:LoveIsWar