【Share of Today 】These Songs Are Not Young Anymore, So Are U~~
Anime songs are essential to make a great anime, because nothing spreads like a catchy song.
As a matter of fact every great anime has at least one song that can represent that. I am sure all of my fellow nerds have a list of favorite anime songs!!
Well, it’s a nice time to check your list since today I am introducing a list of favorite anime songs selected by 26 to 45 years old from the “Best Anime by Generation” program. See if your favorite anime song is among them!!
26 to 45 Favorite Anime Song Ranking
■.8 Moonlight Densetsu (ムーン ライト伝説) 『Sailor Moon』
■.7 Smile Bomb (微笑みの爆弾) 『YuYu Hakusho』
■.6 Butter-Fly 『Digimon』
■.5 Cha-La Head-Cha-La 『Dragon Ball Z』
■.4 Sobakasu (そばかす) 『Rurouni Kenshin』
■.3 Sekai ga Owaru Made wa... (世界が終るまでは...)『SLAM DUNK』
■.2 A Cruel Angel's Thesis (残酷な天使のテーゼ) 『Neon Genesis Evangelion』
■.1 Dancing Pompokolin (おどるポンポコリン)『Chibi Maruko-chan』
Don't worry if your favorite anime song is on the list, one thing about songs, as time goes by they don’t fade away, but change from popular to classic!
Be sure to vote for your favorite anime song and follow me for more anime shares and news!!
Your Favorite Anime Song From The Middle Generation
Expiry Date: 2023-03-14 00:00 Select One Total Votes: 133
#YuYuHakusho #Digimon #RurouniKenshin #SailorMoon #DragonBallZ #ChibiMaruko-chan #SLAMDUNK #NeonGenesisEvangelion