Duel Masters PLAY's - Prediction on Cross Gears
DMPS will introduce Cross Gears in the next booster set, DMPP-10. Cross Blade, Dual Stinger is one of the first few Gears introduced, albeit to a different effect from this paper counterpart.
Cross Gears will probably not be that impactful on overall gameplay when the set drops. They may need 1-2 more sets to become meta, a la the IRL TCG and the situation with Gods in DMPP only becoming meta after Zen-Aku & Geki Metsu's release
I think that most meta and contemporary decks only have enough space to run 8 or at most 12 spells in order for the synergy between the creatures that take up the remaining space of the deck to do their thing, and to thesis an overarching strategy.
I do not have any experience with Cross Gears in the physical version of Duel Masters, but going by this ratio, I think we can only realistically afford to run 4x2 Cross Gears per deck. They can be bad draws early-game when you do not have any suitable creatures to Cross them onto yet (and consequently, have to forgo them and charge them into the mana). Moreover, I have a hunch that having more than 2 on the field at a given time will cripple your creature presence, and not have enough room for finishers, system creatures and blockers, unless your deck is specifically built around creatures that make crossing multiple Gears onto on creature conducive.
Let’s look ahead and see what this mechanic lies in store for us ~
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