Duel Masters PLAY’s - Card Review: Dorballom, Lord of Demons
Timing of Analysis: DMPP-09EX
Role: Boss, Finisher
Dorballom debuted in DMPP-06 as a remake and upgrade of the original Ballom, Master of Death, which is augments the “mass destruction in discrimination of other civilizations” trope. Instead of just wiping the board of creatures, it also strips all non-darkness mana – a severe card disadvantage and dialing both players a few turns worth of game state in terms of mana acceleration.
While powerful on paper and when actually summoned successfully, Dorballom is not extremely practical in today’s metagame due to its high cost of 10, when most major control plays and summoning of finisher creatures occur circa Turn 5-7. Compared to Angel Command, Tyranno Drakes and Dragons, the Demon Command race which Dorballom belongs to is not equipped with that many significant cost-down cards that can reduce their brethren’s summoning cost by more than 1, and those that do rely on semi-random and unreliable methods of “dumping” their creatures into the graveyard mid-game.
Moreover, Dorballom itself has no inbuilt protection to removal, and often takes up most of your hand and creature board by the time you can summon itself (at least based on my observation during the DMPP-06 to 07 era), more so if you choose to run Nature and Water cards to fuel the mana acceleration and draw power needed to summon him timely enough in the first place. If Dorballom gets removed when it attacks into sensitive shield triggers like Terror Pit or Natural Snare, you may need to spend another 2-3 turns to rebuild your board and establish a secondary attacker, during which your opponent can catch up to you.
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