Duel Masters PLAY’s - Card Review: Bolshack Buddy Dragon
Timing of Analysis: DMPP-09EX
Role: Searcher/System Creature
Bolshack Buddy Dragon is a game-original card that is somewhat staple to Dragon decks that do not have much competing use for other 4-mana creatures. Buddy is most commonly used to search for the cost-reducing Cocco Lupia, or you can search out Bolshack Lupia and then use it to search for another Buddy the next turn.
We can look at a bigger picture, and consider the interchangeable searchability of the other low-cost Dragons and Fire Birds in the current card pool. The synnergy between these cards help you filter through the deck and act as indirect draws that net you a +1 in card advantage. Even if you don’t intend to summon your search targets, you can still charge them as mana and avoid mana-screwing your current hand, and you can improve the quality and relevance of subsequent draws.
The ability to draw extra cards directly is oftentimes lacking in the Fire, Nature and Darkness civilizations. The above chain-searching suggestion can prove useful when you cannot afford the deck space or civilization ratios to include Water and Light cards associated with drawing.
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