You will be here a LOT of time.
top Banner : Exchange event medal
Blue banner with character : here you search for Room to do a Multi. if you are a new player you can get 5 Luna stone each time you do Multi Quest with a Player until you get 150 Luna sone. tho i dont recommend you get a room with high difficulty such as Ultimate and Lunatic. get the easiest one if you are new.
Or you can Open a Room yourself so other people can join.
Sword symbol is a number of Wave.
People with heart symbol is number of AP needed
higher Difficulty offer more rare drop
you can check Enemy list and drop by taping buttom bellow it.
Now, on top banner you see a slider.
- Left mean Solo
- Right mean Multi
on the right of it is Progress reward when clear a difficulties
make sure slider is on Multi then choose difficult you want.
this menu will appear
on the middle button you can choose to enter it with 2 people or 3 people. tap on it.
and then you just wait until people come and fill the room. when everyone is ready hit the bottom button.
Top Left : Dress Room. you can equip Dress item to your character here like cat ear for example or glasses etc.
you can get Dress item from Event Quest or Exchange it with Dress Medal
there is also some Alternate costume for character and Alternate Color for character that reach level 100
6 Menu on bottom. from Left
- Team Edit
Edit your team here, make sure that your DPS unit is on the same Realm as the Realm you choose so it will get Realm Bonus when battle start
- Upgrade Unit
From Top :
- Level Up Unit using Zenmai.
you can get it from Daily Dungeon.
Max Level for *5 Unit is 70, *4 is 60 and *3 is 50.
- Level Up Unit Skill using Owl Text Book.
you can get it from Daily, Event, Story Quest, Owl Dungeon which you can unlock using Key for 15 minutes.
- Ability Board, basicly Passive skill for your Unit. Unlock the board to release your Unit Max potential. you can get Additional Regalia Slot if you unlock Full Board. *5 get 1 Additional Slot, *4 and *3 get 2 Additional Slot because they have 2 Board instead of 1 like *5 Unit. Main Character Unit like Haru, Liza, Campanella, and Gazell have 3rd Ability Board which is give you Alternate costume and very good Stats boost if you complete it.
- Awakening, you can use either Awakening Book or Awakening Page.
You can get Awakening Book from exchange it with either Multi Medal, Blue Medal, PVP Medal, Guild Medal, or Event quest.
You can get Awakening Page by completing any Dungeon, you can only awakening Unit with Awakening Page 4 times a week.
Max Awakening for *1~*5 Unit is +15.
Max awakening for *1~*5 Art is +99
- Last Regalia, item to Breaktrhu level Cap currently Limited Item to get. you can get it by CLEAR and COMPLETE a Chapter in Story Quest. there is a total 24 Last Regalia in Story Quest you can get so you need to plan out which character to get lvl 100 first. 50 > 60 > 70 > 75 > 80 > 85 > 90 > 92 > 94 > 96 > 98 > 100.
- Unlock Regalia Slot. each Unit have 3 Regalia Slot which 2 of them need to be unlocked with Item. you can get the item from Monthly Event.
- View Unit, you can see overall unit Stats here
From Left Tab.
- Equip Regalia, Equip Regalia to a Unit
- Level up Regalia, Level Up regalia Max lvl is 10
- Upgrade Regalia, you need Material to Upgrade Regalia to +1~+4
- Sell Regalia, dont do it, feed it to another regalia you want to use.
-Evolve Unit
some of *3~*4 can Evolve to increase its * making them a better unit. you can get Evolution material from Daily Dungeon, Story Quest & Event Quest.
-Sell Unit
you can sell *3~*5 Unit to get Blue Medal.
*3 unit = 20 Blue Medal
*4 Unit = 125 Blue Medal
*5 Unit = 375 Blue Medal (dont do it on Nat *5)