Hello! Recently we have noticed that a lot of users post 18+ contents publicly under “Note”. By doing that, they have already violated QooApp’s Terms of Service which they must agree to when they created an account here.
Those who post 18+ contents publicly under “Note” will have their notes removed and receive a warning message from us. Those who use 18+ pictures as their profile picture and cover picture will be required to remove the pictures in 7 days.
If they fail to comply with our requirement or are reported to be posting such contents again, we will BLOCK their accounts permanently.
If you see any 18+ pictures, please do not hesitate to send Mr. Qoo (mr@qoo-app.com) a report.
QooApp is a united world of freedom for otaku - which means we have users of all ages. Please respect each other, and make QooApp a safe and happy community for every otaku!
In order to make the community even better, we are also looking for community moderators! Active users that love the community you are in on QooApp please come join us! There is no strict duty - just share your notes and game cards like you do, make sure the community have fun and everything is alright!
If you are interested, please send Mr. Qoo (mr@qoo-app.com) an email titled “moderator volunteer”~
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!